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- Anji - Gareth F Williams
*Scroll down for English* Nofel am euogrwydd sy'n codi ias A chilling short novel about guilt. Genre: #ffuglenbyr #arddegau #llofruddiaeth #dirgel / #shortfiction #teens #murder Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◉◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◉◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◎◎◎◎ Cyfres/series: COPA Contains some content that sensitive/younger readers may find disturbing Dwi’m yn siŵr o dan ba graig dwi ‘di bod, ond dim ond ryw flwyddyn neu ddwy yn ôl nes i ddarganfod llyfrau y diweddar Gareth F. Williams am y tro cyntaf. OMB! Ers y foment honno, dwi’n cysidro fy hun yn superfan o’i waith. Ond mewn gwirionedd, alla i ddim bod yn superfan go iawn nes fy mod i wedi darllen ei lyfrau i gyd, felly dyma wneud addewid mod i am drio darllen ei holl nofelau yn ystod 2021. Challenge accepted. So, dyma ni, mis Ionawr. A dyma gychwyn ar yr un cynta’ o’r flwyddyn - un bach gweddol hawdd i ddechrau - Anji. Llyfr byr yw hwn sy’n perthyn i gyfres Copa, sef 5 nofel fachog ar gyfer yr arddegau hŷn. (ond dwi’n meddwl basa tua bl.9 yn iawn) Gyda llai na 100 o dudalennau a phlot oedd yn symud ar garlam, mi orffennais y nofel mewn un eisteddiad. Daliodd y broliant fy sylw’n syth, er ei fod o’n sboilar go sylweddol: “Ar ôl lladd ei mam, aeth Anji allan i’r ardd gefn am smoc.” As you do ‘llu. Heb ddatgelu llawer mwy o’r plot na sydd wedi cael ei wneud yn barod, ar ôl lladd ei Mam, fe aiff Anji ar drip i’r Rhyl gyda’i ffrind, ac er ei bod hi’n trio mwynhau ei hun, mae cadw’r gyfrinach dywyll yn pwyso arni. Ella bod angen dipyn bach o suspension of belief yma, achos, tra mod i’n medru derbyn ei bod hi wedi cael casual smoke ar ôl lladd ei Mam (sioc, debyg) dwi ddim mor siŵr amdani’n mynd ar holidês bach i’r Rhyl yn syth wedyn. Fasa rhywun yn gwneud hynny? Erm, not sure about that one. Ta waeth, ro’n i’n licio sut gafodd stori Ruth Ellis [y ddynes ola’ i gael ei chrogi yn y DU] ei blethu mewn i stori Anji, ac mi ddysgish i ffaith newydd - ei bod hi wedi cael ei geni yn Rhyl! Dyma lyfr y gallwch fwynhau adref neu yn yr ysgol, ac yn sicr does 'na’m prinder o destunau trafod yn y nofel, sy’n cynnwys themâu fel euogrwydd, y gosb eithaf, dial, cenfigen, perthnasau iach/afiach a bwlio emosiynol. Fel darllenwyr, rydym ni gyd ar ‘team Anji’ er ei bod hi ‘technically’ wedi lladd rhywun, ac fe ddown i gydymdeimlo â hi ar ôl dod i ddeall beth sydd wedi arwain at y foment yma. Ok, felly, dydi darllen y llyfr ddim wedi newid fy mywyd, ond mi wnes i ei fwynhau. Mae’r print bras a’r paragraffau byrion yn ideal i rywun sy’n chwilio am lyfr sydyn, ond sy’n ddiddorol hefyd. Anji. Done. Ymlaen at Cwmwl Dros y Cwm nesa... I'm not sure under which rock I’ve been hiding under, but it was only about a year or two ago that I discovered the late Gareth F. Williams's books for the first time. What can I say? Since then, I regard myself as a complete superfan of his work. But I can't really consider myself a true superfan until I've read all his books, so I made a New Year’s resolution to try and read all his novels by the end of 2021. Challenge accepted. So, here we are, January. I’ll start off the challenge with a fairly easy one to start - Anji. This short book belongs to the Copa series -5 catchy novels for older teens. (but I think mid-teens would be fine) With fewer than 100 pages and a fast-moving plot, I finished the novel in one sitting. The blurb immediately caught my attention, although it contains a pretty significant spoiler: "After killing her mother, Anji went out to the back garden for a smoke." As you do like. Without revealing much more of the plot, after killing her Mother, Anji goes on a trip to Rhyl with her friend, and although she tries to enjoy herself, the dark secret weighs heavily on her mind. I think a little suspension of belief is required here, because, whilst I can accept that she had a casual smoke right after killing her Mother (shock, probably), I'm not so sure about her going on a little holiday to Rhyl immediately afterwards. Especially as her mum’s decomposing body lays on the kitchen floor. Would someone really do that? Erm, not sure about that one. Anyway, I liked how the grisly story of Ruth Ellis [the last woman to be hanged in the UK] was woven into Anji's story, and I never knew she was born in Rhyl of all places! This is a book you can enjoy at home or at school, and there’s certainly no shortage of discussion points stemming from the novel, which includes themes such as guilt, death penalty, revenge, jealousy, healthy/unhealthy relationships and emotional abuse. As readers, we’re all rooting for ‘team Anji’ despite the fact she is ‘technically’ a murderer. We come to sympathize with her after learning about her upbringing and what drove her to kill. Ok, so, reading the book hasn't changed my life, but I did enjoy it. The large print and short paragraphs are ideal for someone looking for a quick read, but a captivating and interesting one too. Anji. Done. On to Cwmwl Dros y Cwm next... Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2014 Pris: £2.95 "Mae Gareth F Williams wedi ei gwneud hi eto. Mi wnes i fwynhau hon yn arw. Dim ond 90 tudalen ond pob gair yn haeddu ei le. Mi fydd stori Anji a'i hen jaden o fam yn eich cyffwrdd. Mae golygfeydd y 'Mochyn Mawr' yn arbennig o bwerus, ac fe ddylai hon gydio yn nychymyg yr arddegau ac oedolion. Fel gyda cymaint o lyfrau Gareth F, byddai'n gwneud ffilm wych hefyd." - Bethan Gwanas
- Y Dyn Dweud Drefn - Lleucu Fflur Lynch
*Scroll down for English* Mae o'n ei ôl - ac yn dal i ddwrdio! He's back - and he's still cranky! ♥Llyfr y Mis Ionawr 2021 ♥ ♥Book of the Month January 2021 ♥ Genre: #hiwmor #ffuglen #plant #teimladau / #funny #fiction #children #feelings Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Lluniau/illustrations: Gwen Millward Dwi wirioneddol yn licio’r gyfres fach light-hearted yma. Mi oeddwn i’n falch o weld fod ’na ail lyfr ar y gweill a bod Lleucu a Gwen wedi bod yn brysur yn sgwennu ac yn darlunio er mwyn creu Y Dyn Dweud Drefn Yn Yr Ardd. Mae’r llyfr wedi cychwyn 2021 mewn steil ac wedi’i ddewis fel Llyfr y Mis i blant ar gyfer mis Ionawr. Mae’r llyfr pocket-sized yn faint bach handi ar gyfer mynd â fo efo chi, a gyda 68 o dudalennau, mae o’n llyfr reit sylweddol, felly mi ydach chi’n cael value for money yn sicr. Wrth ddarllen am y Dyn Dweud Drefn, caf fy atgoffa o gymeriad surbwch tebyg o lyfr cerddi o’r gyfres Llyfrau Lloerig, Briwsion yn y Clustiau – llyfr roeddwn i’n mwynhau ei ddarllen pan oeddwn i’n yr ysgol gynradd. Yn debyg iawn i’r Dyn Dweud Drefn, roedd Mistar Byrbwyll hefyd yn cael trafferth gyda’i dymer weithiau! Yndi, mae’r Dyn Dweud Drefn yn ei ôl, ac er ei fod o reit fodlon ei fyd ar ddiwedd y llyfr cyntaf, mae’n amlwg fod rhywbeth wedi cynhyrfu’r dyfroedd – mae o’n dwrdio’n dragwyddol unwaith eto! Tro yma, mae o wedi mentro i’r ardd. Does yna neb arall o gwbl yn cael mynd i’r ardd, dim ond y Dyn Dweud Drefn. Dydi o ddim yn cael llawer o lwc yn yr ardd a dweud y gwir, ac ar ôl clywed yr holl ddwrdio, daw ei gyfaill ffyddlon a hynod hoffus - Ci Bach – i weld beth ydi achos yr holl weiddi. Chware teg i Ci Bach, mae o’n profi ei fod yn un handi iawn i’w gael yn yr ardd – ac mae o’n gallach na’i berchennog yn aml iawn! Ond er gwaetha’r ffaith fod y Ci Bach yn helpu i ddyfrio’r blodau, cael ffrae mae o gan y Dyn Dweud Drefn, a chael ei hel yn ôl i’r tŷ. Bechod. Jest sbïwch ar y llygaid mawr trist ’na ar dudalen 26! Mae tantro’r Dyn Dweud Drefn yn ddoniol iawn, yn enwedig am mai fo blannodd y blodau’n rhy bell, fo benderfynodd blannu tatws, a fo aeth i gysgu o dan goeden afalau. Mi welwch chi hynny’n aml efo pobl flin – does yna fyth fai arnyn nhw! Mae ’na dipyn o’r Dyn Dweud Drefn ynon ni gyd weithia, ’does? Unwaith eto, mae lluniau Gwen Millward yn rhai hoffus, annwyl ac yn hynod o ddel. Sbïwch lliwgar ydi’r blodau! Mae’r llyfr hefyd wedi’i osod yn dda iawn – mae’r testun wedi’i rannu’n gyfartal, sy’n golygu nad oes gormod o sgwennu ar y tudalennau. Ar ôl diwrnod hir o ddweud y drefn (ew, mae bod yn flin yn ymdrech dydi) mae o’n pendwmpian yn ei gadair gyda gwên ar ei wyneb o’r diwedd – ond am ba hyd tybed? Since it first appeared last year, I’ve really taken to this light-hearted series. I was pleased to see a second book and that Lleucu and Gwen had been busy writing and drawing to produce Y Dyn Dweud Drefn yn yr Ardd [In the Garden]. It started 2021 in style and has already been chosen as the Book Council For Wales’s Children’s Book of the Month for January. The pocket-sized book is a small handy size for taking it with you, and at 68 pages long, it's a significant little thing, so I certainly think you get value for money. Whilst reading about the Dyn Dweud Drefn, I am reminded of another surly character from a collection of funny poems I used to like when I was in school – Briwsion yn y Clustiau. Mistar Byrbwyll, a similar character, also had some trouble with his temper! Yup, he’s back, and although we left him smiling away in the last book, obviously the magic’s worn off and he’s back to his old ways… telling people off as usual. This time though, he’s ventured into the garden. No one else is allowed into the garden, apart from him. He’s not having much luck there to be honest, and upon hearing the commotion, his loyal and extremely likeable friend - Ci Bach - comes to see what the fuss is about. Fair play to Ci Bach for lending a hand – he’s very handy in the garden and quite often makes better calls than his owner! But despite all his efforts, eventually he is told off yet again and sent back to the house… poor thing. Just look at those sad little eyes on page 26! Dyn Dweud Drefn’s temper tantrums are very amusing, and are especially funny because its actually he who planted the flowers too far, he who decided to grow potatoes, and it was he who went to sleep under the apple tree. You often see that with angry, shouty people – it’s always someone else’s fault! There's a bit of the Dyn Dweud Drefn in all of us sometimes, isn’t there? Once again, Gwen Millward’s pictures are affectionate, likeable and very pretty. Just look at those flowers – I wish my garden looked like that! The book is also very well set out IMO with the text evenly distributed across the book, which means that there isn’t too much writing on the pages. After a long day of shouting and being a general grump (being angry is hard work y’know) he’s finally sitting in his chair with a big smile on his face – but how long will that last I wonder…? Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £4.95 ISBN: 978-184527-734-5 A dyma beth sydd gan Bethan Gwanas i ddweud am y llyfr yn ei blog...
- Ti...You... Emma Dodd [Addas. Eurig Salisbury]
*Scroll down for English* Mwnci bach sy'n cael ei garu mwy a mwy bob dydd. A monkey who is loved more and more each day. Dyma addasiad Eurig Salisbury o You... gan Emma Dodd. Dwi’n falch o weld fod Ti… wedi cael ei gyhoeddi fel llyfr dwyieithog sy’n golygu fod ganddo fwy o apêl i deuluoedd iaith gymysg. O ran llyfrau i blant ifanc, mae Atebol yn cyhoeddi mwy a mwy o lyfrau sydd unai yn llyfrau dwyieithog neu sy’n cynnwys y geiriau Saesneg yng nghefn y llyfr. Syniad da. Llyfr cynnes, llawn cariad yw hwn sy’n darllen fel rhiant yn siarad â phlentyn gan ddweud wrtho gymaint mae hi’n ei garu. Am ryw reswm fe wnes i gymryd yn ganiataol mai mam oedd yn siarad yma, ond wrth gwrs fe all fod yn dad, yn nain, yn daid, yn warcheidwad neu'n unrhyw aelod o’r teulu mewn gwirionedd. Mae’n gallu bod yn anodd cyfieithu llyfrau sy’n odli, ond dwi’n meddwl fod Eurig Salisbury wedi gwneud job dda yma. Fe welwch fod y testun Cymraeg yn adlewyrchu’r gwreiddiol ond yn sefyll ar ei draed ei hun hefyd. O ran edrychiad y llyfr, mae’r lluniau yn drawiadol iawn, ac mae eu symlrwydd yn golygu y bydd hyd yn oed y plant lleiaf yn mwynhau edrych ar y lluniau, hyd yn oed os ydyn nhw’n trio cnoi’r tudalennau o dro i dro! Touch bach neis oedd y gold leaf ar ambell dudalen sy’n gwneud i’r lluniau sefyll allan ac yn gwneud y llyfr ’chydig bach yn fwy arbennig na’r arfer. Edrycha’r tudalennau rheiny’n drawiadol iawn pan gawn nhw eu hadlewyrchu mewn golau ac mae hyn yn ychwanegu at brofiad gweledol a synhwyraidd y llyfr. Dyma lyfr da i ddarllen gyda’ch plentyn amser gwely i rannu neges o gariad. Mae’n bosib y bydd rhai yn meddwl nad oes digon o ‘blot’ i’r stori a’i fod braidd yn schmaltzy (ddim yn siŵr sut i esbonio hyn yn Gymraeg... cyfoglyd ella?) ond ar y cyfan, dyma stori sy’n dathlu holl agweddau’r unigolyn, a bod cariad rhwng rhiant a phlentyn yn rhywbeth cwbl ddiamod. This is Eurig Salisbury's adaptation of You... by Emma Dodd. I am pleased to see that Ti/You... has been published as a bilingual book which means that it has greater appeal to mixed language families. In terms of books for young children, Atebol seems to be publishing more books that are either bilingual or contain the English text in the back, which has got to be a good idea. This is a warm, loving book that reads like a parent talking to a child telling them how much they are loved. For some reason I assumed that it was a mother talking here, but of course it could be a father, grandparent or guardian. It can be difficult to translate rhyming books, but I think Eurig Salisbury has done a good job here. You will see that the Welsh text reflects the original but also stands on its own two feet. In terms of its appearance, the book contains bold illustrations and their simplicity means that even the youngest toddlers will enjoy looking at the pictures, even if they do try to chew the pages from time to time! The gold leaf on a few pages was a nice little touch that makes the pictures stand out and gives the book that special vibe. Those pages look good when reflected in light and this adds to the visual/sensory experience of the book. This is a good book to read with your child at bedtime to share a message of love. Some may think there’s not enough 'plot' to the story and it is rather schmaltzy at times, but on the whole, this is a story that celebrates all the aspects of the individual, and shows that the love between parent and child is unconditional. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.99 ISBN: 9781913245092
- Dyma Sam - Chris Chatterton
*Scroll down for English* Y ci mwyaf pwdlyd yn y dre... The grumpiest dog in town... Oed darllen/reading age: 6+ Oed diddordeb/interest age: 2+ Addasiad Cymraeg/Welsh adaptation: Elin Meek Sam, I know how you feel... A hithau’n agosáu at fy mhen-blwydd yn 30, dwi’n dallt yn iawn sut mae Sam y ci’n teimlo! Dyna’n union sut fydda i’n edrych fory pan fyddai’n gorfod chwythu’r canhwyllau a sylweddoli fod fy twenties wedi mynd a dod! Y clawr gloss a matt wnaeth dynnu fy sylw at y llyfr yn gyntaf. Ella mai’r gwynab deadpan ydi o, ond mi oni’n ei weld o’n debyg i Gromit, o Wallace & Gromit ond fersiwn mwy blin ella... ac yn sicr mae ei wyneb yn diffinio be dwi’n feddwl o 2020 yn reit dda! Da chi’n nabod rhywun fatha Sam? Hen gi blin ydi Sam a does ‘na ddim byd yn plesio. Dydi o ddim yn licio mynd am dro, dio’m yn licio gwneud ffrindiau, a dio’n sicr ddim yn hoffi pen-blwyddi! Pan mae ci bach newydd yn cyrraedd y tŷ (sef adroddwr y stori), yn ôl hwnnw mae ‘na newid yn Sam, ond wnes i ddim sylwi ar hynny fy hun chwaith! Yr un gwyneb pwdlyd a welwn ni dro ar ôl tro... tan i Sam ddod ar draws ei hoff beth yn y byd mawr crwn... Selsig!! Er bod ‘na ddim llawer iawn o ‘sgwennu, dyma stori wnaeth i mi wenu - y lluniau sy’n cario’r stori mewn gwirionedd. Faswn i ddim yn dweud mod i’n morio chwerthin, ond roedd hiwmor sych yr awdur e.e. y defnydd o’r un llun pwdlyd yn gweithio’n dda. Anodd iawn yw dweud sut mae Sam yn ymateb i unrhyw beth (heblaw am sosijis!) ac mae jest yn dangos dydi, pa mor anodd yw darllen ystumiau gwyneb rhai. Mae ‘na hefyd le i sôn am rannu, cyfeillgarwch a dysgu sut i gyfaddawdu. Dyma lyfr dwyieithog sy’n gwerthu’n dda (wedi cyrraedd rhif 4 yn siart gwerthwyr gorau CLLC Mis Rhagfyr) ac mae’n boblogaidd dros ben gyda darllenwyr ifanc. Efallai bod rhai yn meddwl nad oes 'na ddigon o ‘gig ar yr asgwrn’ (lol) o ran y stori, ond os na’r cwbl 'da chi isio ydi llyfr i’w fwynhau, efo lluniau effeithiol sy’n debygol iawn o ‘neud i chi wenu, mae Dyma Sam yn aidial. I know how you feel, Sam... As I approach my 30th, I know exactly how Sam the dog feels! [It’s Gus in the original English version] That's exactly the face I’ll have on me tomorrow when I'll be blowing out those candles and realizing that my twenties have been and gone! It was the gloss/matt cover that first drew my attention to the book. Maybe it’s the deadpan face, but I see some similarities with Gromit, from Wallace & Gromit, albeit an angrier version. His face certainly defines how I feel about 2020 alright! Do you know a grump like Sam? Sam is a grumpy old dog and there’s absolutely nothing that makes him smile. He doesn’t like going for a walk, he doesn’t like making friends, and he certainly doesn’t like birthdays! According to the new puppy that arrives at the house (also revealed to be the narrator) we see a change in Sam, but I didn't see it myself, mind. We just get Sam’s frowny face again and again until he comes across the thing he loves most of all…. wait for it…. Sausages! Although there’s not a huge deal of text, this is a story that made me smile – and it’s the illustrations that actually carry the story. I wouldn't say I was laughing out loud, but the author's dry, deadpan humour certainly made me chuckle. It’s hard to say how Sam responds to anything really (other than a pile of sausages) and it just goes to show how difficult it is to read some people’s facial expressions and feelings. Some of the themes are sharing, friendship and learning how to compromise. This is a bilingual book that sells well (reaching no. 4 in the December best-seller chart) and is extremely popular with young readers. Some may think that there’s isn’t enough substance in terms of story, but if you’re just after a book to enjoy, with engaging pictures that will surely make you smile, then Dyma Sam/This is Sam is ideal. Gwasg/publisher: Dref Wen Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £5.99
- Y Teigr a ddaeth i de (the Tiger who came to tea) - Judith Kerr
*Scroll down for English* “Delightful. Charming. Lovely. Timeless.” Genre: #ffuglen #swreal #teigr #dwyieithog / #fiction #surreal #bilingual Oed diddordeb/interest age: 2+ Oed darllen/reading age: 6+ Addasiad Cymraeg: Roger Boore Nid pob llyfr sy’n cael ei wefan ei hun, ond mae The Tiger who came to tea yn llyfr eiconig a gafodd ei gyhoeddi gyntaf yn 1968, ac sydd newydd ddathlu ei ben-blwydd yn hanner cant. Mae’r ffaith ei fod yn dal i werthu miloedd o gopïau ar ôl cymaint o amser yn destament i’w lwyddiant a’i apêl. Mae’r llyfr yn dal i gael ei brynu’n rheolaidd i blant, gan rieni a neiniau a theidiau sy’n cofio darllen y llyfr eu hunain. Ydi Y Teigr a ddaeth i de wedi dyddio erbyn hyn? Wrth gwrs ei fod o! Mae’r ffaith fod y dyn llefrith a bachgen y groser yn galw heibio’r tŷ yn dangos fod hwn yn perthyn i oes a fu, heb sôn am y ffaith mai ‘Dadi’ sy’n mynd i’r gwaith gan adael y fam adref i ofalu am y tŷ. Bydd, mi fydd rhai pethau yn anghyfarwydd bellach, ac mi fydd angen sgwrs i esbonio sut mae pethau wedi newid, ond dwi’n meddwl fod hynny’n beth da gan ei fod o’n ysgogi trafodaeth yn ei hun am gender roles ac ati. Dwi’n siŵr y bydd rhai yn dweud fod y llyfr yn twee, yn ystrydebol ac yn hen ffasiwn, ond, ydi hyn yn effeithio ar fwynhad y darllen yn 2021? Nac ydi wir. Dyma stori annwyl, quirky, sy’n hynod o syml mewn gwirionedd. Gallwch esbonio’r ‘plot’ mewn ychydig eiriau: mam a merch yn cael te yn y gegin un prynhawn, ac mae teigr yn canu’r gloch ac yn gofyn os caiff o ymuno â nhw. A dyna ni fwy neu lai. Mae’r teigr gosgeiddig yn beth digon clên, er ei fod o braidd yn farus, ac yn llwyddo i fwyta’r holl fwyd ac yfed yr holl ddŵr (ia, yr holl ddŵr yn y tap – oedolion, peidiwch â gor-feddwl) nes does dim byd ar ôl. Ac ar ôl iddo lowcio’r bwyd i gyd, mae’n ffarwelio’n reit handi a welwn ni byth mohono eto. Digywilydd ynte! Dwi’n synnu fod Dad heb fynd yn wallgof ar ôl sylwi bod y teigr wedi yfed ei duniau cwrw... Cawn ein gadael gyda nifer o gwestiynau ar ddiwedd y stori. O ble ddaeth y teigr, ac i ble’r aeth o? Cwestiynau da i sbarduno sgwrs. Unwaith, mi welais i gyfweliad â’r awdur, lle dywedodd yr holwr ei bod hi wedi dehongli themâu cudd y llyfr fel ‘sexual awakening and ethnic difference in Suburbia.’ BE??! Dwi’n meddwl mai’r peth hawsaf yw mwynhau symlrwydd ac absẃrdrwydd y stori a pheidio gor-ddehongli. Athrawon - dyma lyfr perffaith ar gyfer dipyn bach o actio neu chwarae rôl yn y dosbarth... Oedd ’na deigr go iawn? Ai dychmygu’r cyfan wnaeth y teulu? Pwy a ŵyr? A pha ots achos mae’r stori wedi llwyddo i swyno darllenwyr ifanc ers hanner canrif, a dwi’n siŵr y bydd yn parhau i wneud hynny am hanner canrif eto! It’s not every book that gets its own website, but The Tiger who came to tea is an iconic book that was first published in 1968, and has just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. The fact that it continues to sell thousands of copies after such a long time is a testament to its success and enduring appeal. The book is still regularly purchased for children, by parents and grandparents who remember reading the book themselves. Is Y Teigr a ddaeth i de dated? Of course it is! The Formica tables, trilby hats, milkmen and grocer boys all tell you that this book belongs to a bygone era, not to mention the fact that dad is the only one who goes to work, leaving mum to look after the house. Some things will be unfamiliar to today’s children, and would probably benefit from a conversation to explain how things have changed, but I think that's a good thing because it starts a discussion about gender roles etc. I'm sure some will say that the book is twee, stereotypical and old-fashioned, but does this affect the enjoyment of the reading it in 2021? Not really, no. This is a sweet, quirky story, which is actually very simple. You can explain the 'plot' in a few words: Mother and daughter having tea in the kitchen, when a tiger rings the bell and asks if he can join them. And that's pretty much it. The graceful and majestic tiger is actually very pleasant, if not a little greedy. He succeeds in eating all the food and drinking all the water in the tap (yes, all the water! Adults- don’t over-think it) until there’s nothing left. And once he's guzzled down all the food, he swiftly makes his exit and we never see or hear from him again. What a cheeky tiger! Although I am surprised Dad didn't go crazy after finding out that the tiger had drank all his tins of beer… We are left with a number of questions at the end of the story. Where did the tiger come from? Where did he go? Good questions to spark a conversation. Once, I saw an interview with the author, in which the interviewer said that she had interpreted the book's hidden themes as 'sexual awakening and ethnic differences in Suburbia.’ WHAT? I think the easiest thing is to just enjoy the simplicity and absurdness of the story and not to over-interpret things. Teachers - this is a perfect book for a bit of role play or improv in class... Was there a real Tiger? Did the family imagine it all? Who knows? And who cares really, because the story has succeeded in charming young readers for half a century, and I am sure that it will continue to do so for another fifty years… Wrth hunan ynysu gartref dros y Nadolig, roedd gen i fwy na digon o amser i wylio’r teledu. Sylwais fod ‘na animeiddiad o’r stori’n cael ei ddarlledu ‘lenni, gyda’r arwyddgân yn cael ei ganu gan Robbie Williams. Gwyliwch y trailer yma: Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Dref Wen Rhyddhawyd/released: 1968 [1998, 2010, 2020] Pris: £5.99
- Dewin y Gaeaf - Graham Howells [addas. Bethan Gwanas]
*Scroll down for English* Antur hud ym myd y Bwbach! A magical adventure in the land of the Bwbach! Genre: #ffuglen #hud #Cymru / #fiction #magic #Wales Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◉◎ Oed diddordeb/interest age: 8+ Oed darllen/reading age: 9-11 Digon chwerwfelys yw achos cyhoeddi Dewin y Gaeaf gan Graham Howells. Ar un llaw, mae’n wych cael y cyfle i fentro unwaith eto i fyd hudol y Bwbach, a hynny yn rhan olaf y drioleg. Ond, ar y llaw arall, dyma un o gyhoeddiadau Cymraeg olaf Gwasg Gomer cyn iddynt roi’r gorau i gyhoeddi a throsglwyddo i fod yn gwmni argraffu yn unig, sy’n dod â degau o flynyddoedd o draddodiad cyhoeddi i ben yng Nghymru. Diolch Gomer am bopeth a phob dymuniad da i’r rheiny fu’n rhan o’r daith. Mi fydd ’na chwith ar eich hôl yn sicr. Ymlaen at y llyfr... Waw! – jest sbïwch ar waith celf Graham Howells – tydi o’n osym?! Blas yn unig mae’r clawr yn ei roi o’r lluniau anhygoel sy’n britho’r tudalennau. Fel Huw Aaron, mae o jest yn deall yn union sut i greu angenfilod, bwbachod, corachod a dewinod sy’n llawn rhyfeddod, a dwi’n siŵr y bydd y darllenwyr wrth eu boddau yn astudio’r creaduriaid hudolus yn fanwl. Mi faswn i wrth fy modd yn cael poster anferth o holl gymeriadau’r llyfrau i’w rhoi ar y wal yn y Man Cave... Dewin y Gaeaf yw trydydd llyfr (a’r olaf dwi’n meddwl) mewn cyfres sy’n troi o amgylch creadur bach digri a direidus – Y Bwbach. Cafodd yr awdur y syniad am fyd y Bwbach ar ôl ymweld ag Amgueddfa San Ffagan yng Nghaerdydd. Er bod y Bwbach yn ymddangos unwaith eto, rhan llai sydd ganddo erbyn hyn, gan mai’r Dewin a'r Coblyn sy’n mynd am antur y tro hwn. Heb ddatgelu gormod, mae’r byd mewn trwbl gan fod y tir a’r awyr wedi eu llygru ac mae’n rhaid i’r Dewin a’i gyfaill, y Coblyn, adael y tŵr gwydr i fynd i chwilio am yr unig obaith i achub y byd – y pedwerydd trysor ar ddeg! Fe synnwch pan welwch beth yw’r trysor. (clyfar iawn) Mi fydd rhaid i’r Dewin a’i ffrind deithio’n bell iawn iawn i nôl y wobr, drwy ofod ac amser, dim llai. Digon o antur! Bethan Gwanas sydd wedi ymgymryd â’r gwaith addasu, fel y gwnaeth ar gyfer y llyfrau blaenorol, felly ’da chi’n gwybod eich bod chi mewn dwylo saff. Mae hi wedi gwneud joban dda iawn o drosi’r stori i’r Gymraeg. Dwi’n falch nad fi oedd yn gorfod cyfieithu’r stori yma – mae’r gwreiddiol yn llawn geiriau anghyfarwydd sy’n ymwneud â hud a lledrith ac yn defnyddio iaith grand a blodeuog. Dwi’n meddwl fod Bethan wedi llwyddo i wneud y stori’n fwy dealladwy yn y Gymraeg, ond mae ’na dal le i fynd dwi’n meddwl. Efallai fod yr iaith yn rhy flodeuog ar brydiau a gall hynny amharu ar lif y naratif. Tydw i ddim yn dallt rhyw lawer am addasu cofiwch, felly does gen i ddim syniad faint mae rhywun yn cael ei newid ar y gwreiddiol. Dim ond rhywbeth i’w ystyried – mi all y lluniau wneud i’r llyfr ymddangos fel cyfrol i blant ifanc, ond mae’r iaith yn fwy heriol nag y mae rhywun yn ei ddisgwyl – yn reit anos i blant 7-9 oed; yn fwy addas i ddarllenwyr da 9-11 oed yn fy marn i. Wrth gwrs, os oes oedolyn wrth law i helpu, yna mae cynnwys y stori’n hen ddigon addas. Gallwch fwynhau’r stori yma ar ei phen ei hun, neu fel rhan o’r drioleg. Os ydach chi’n mwynhau hud a ffantasi gyda sbin Gymraeg, ewch i chwilio am lyfrau eraill y gyfres – chewch chi mo’ch siomi. Oeddech chi’n gwybod? Yn ôl y chwedl, mae Bwbachod yn greaduriaid digon cyfeillgar a chlên, Unwaith maen nhw’n setlo mewn tŷ, maen nhw’n bethau bach hynod o ffyddlon sy’n gofalu am y cartref ac yn gwneud troeon da am ddim byd mwy na phowlen o hufen! Oes ’na Fwbach yn trigo’n eich tŷ chi? Mae’n bechod mawr nad oes ’na un yn byw yma achos mae ’na bentwr o lestri tebyg iawn i dŵr Pisa angen eu golchi ac fedra i ddim cofio’r tro diwethaf i mi ddystio... The publication of the Midwinter Wizard by Graham Howells is a rather bittersweet affair. On the one hand, it’s great to once again delve into the magical world of the Bwbach (a type of hobgoblin) for the final part of the trilogy. But, on the other hand, this is one of Gomer Press's last Welsh-language publications before they stop publishing and move to becoming a print-only company, which brings an end to decades of publishing expertise in Wales. Losing a publisher such as Gomer sent shockwaves through the industry. Diolch Gomer for everything and best of luck to staff who are moving on. Right, the book... Wow! – just look at Graham Howells's artwork – isn’t it awesome?! The cover gives a taste of the incredible pictures scattered throughout the book. Like Huw Aaron, he just ‘gets it’ when it comes to creating wonderous monsters, Bwbachs, goblins, you name it…. I’d just love to have a huge poster of all the characters from his books to put on the wall in the Man Cave... The Midwinter Wizard is the third book (and the last I think) in a series that revolves around a small and mischievous creature – Y Bwbach. The author came up with the idea for the world of the Bwbach after visiting St Fagan’s Museum in Cardiff. Although he appears once again, I would say he has more of a supporting role as this book focuses on a mysterious wizard and his Goblin assistant. Without revealing too much, the world’s in trouble as the land and air have been poisoned and it’s up to the Wizard and his friend, the Coblyn to go in search of the fourteenth treasure to save the day. It all makes a lot of sense when you realize what the treasure actually is! (very clever) The Wizard and his accomplice will have to travel far and wide to fetch the prize, through space and time, no less. Bethan Gwanas has undertaken the translating work, as she did on the previous books, so you know you’re in safe hands. She has done a good job of adapting the story for the Welsh language. I'm glad that it wasn’t my job to do this – the original is full of unfamiliar words related to magic, myths and legends with sometimes grandiose and ‘flowery’ language. I think Bethan has managed to make the story as understandable as possible in Welsh, but there’s still a way to go, probably. Perhaps the language is too complicated at times which could disrupt the flow of the narrative. Mind you, I don’t know a thing about adapting books, so I have no idea how much one can change the original. I think what I’m trying to say is, just be aware that the pictures and overall look of the book can make it seem like it’s for younger children, but the language is more challenging than first meets the eye. It's better suited to able readers aged 9-11 – just my opinion. Of course, if there’s an adult on hand to help, then the content is quite suitable. You can enjoy this story on its own, or as part of the trilogy – if you enjoyed this, go and look for the other books in the series – you won’t be disappointed if you like magic and fantasy with a Welsh twist. Did you know? According to legend, Bwbachs are quite friendly creatures and once they settle in a house, they are extremely loyal little things that look after the home and do good deeds for nothing more than a bowl of cream! Have you got one in your house? It is a shame that we haven’t got one living here because there’s a pile of dishes like the tower of Pisa here, just waiting to be cleaned… Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd / released: 2020 Pris: £5.99 ISBN: 9781785623226 Am wybod mwy? Want to know more? Os am wybod mwy am yr awdur, mae gwefan blogio arall o Gymru, Family Book Worms, wedi holi’r awdur yn barod... Family Book Worms, another great website blogging about Welsh books have done a Q&A with the author. Click to find out more..
- Y Ferch Newydd - Nicola Davies a Cathy Fisher
*Scroll down for English* Dyma lyfr hardd a chain sy’n ffrwyth y bartneriaeth wych rhwng Nicola Davies a Cathy Fisher. Mae lluniau prydferth Cathy yn ychwanegu at stori hyfryd Nicola i greu llyfr sydd â neges bwysig iawn am gynhwysiad, caredigrwydd a chyfeillgarwch. Stori yw hon am ferch newydd Japaneaidd sy’n symud i’r ysgol ac yn cael ei hanwybyddu gan y plant eraill yn ei dosbarth. Mae’r ferch yn profi tristwch ac unigedd, ac mae hi’n gwbl anweledig i’r disgyblion eraill. Ond, yn wahanol i’r ymateb disgwyliedig, nid yw’r ferch yn digio, yn hytrach mae hi’n ymateb trwy gyflawni gweithred o garedigrwydd tuag at y plant eraill. Nid oes angen geiriau ar y ferch i ddangos caredigrwydd at eraill, ac mae hyn yn wir i ni gyd. Yn raddol, mae cyfeillgarwch yn datblygu rhyngddi hi a merch arall (adroddwr cudd y stori) ac yna, gyda phawb arall yn y dosbarth. Dyma i chi stori sydd mor syml, ond eto mor effeithiol. Dwi’n gwybod y bydd y stori yma’n hynod o ddefnyddiol yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen neu mewn gwasanaethau boreol sy’n ymwneud â chyfeillgarwch a/neu amrywiaeth. Dyma lyfr sy’n gyflwyniad da ar gyfer trafod teimladau ac emosiynau gyda phlant ifanc, yn ogystal â dysgu sut i ddangos empathi tuag at eraill. Un o’r prif negeson i mi oedd byddwch garedig. Hyd yn oed os yw rhywun yn gas gyda chi, peidiwch â gadael i hynny eich troi chi’n gas - byddwch yn glên gyda nhw. Mae’r cyswllt gyda Siapan yn gyfle da i ddysgu mwy am ddiwylliant a thraddodiadau gwahanol. Un enghraifft o hyn yw’r siapiau papur origami sy’n rhan o’r stori. Roeddwn i’n hoffi sut roedd y plant eraill yn dangos cymaint o ddiddordeb a chwilfrydedd yn nhraddodiadau’r ferch – unwaith y gwnaethon nhw beidio ofni’r anghyfarwydd a’i derbyn fel rhan o’r criw. Un o’r plant sy’n anwybyddu’r ferch i ddechrau yw adroddwr y stori, ac fe welwn newid ynddi hi a’i hagwedd wrth i’r stori fynd yn ei flaen. Person anhysbys oedd ‘Y Ferch Newydd’ iddi i ddechrau, ond datblygodd i fod yn berson go iawn, ac erbyn y diwedd cyfeiria ati fel ‘fy ffrind Kiku’. Mae’r lluniau hefyd yn gweithio law yn llaw â’r stori i gyfleu unigrwydd y ferch yn effeithiol ar y cychwyn. Wrth i gyfeillgarwch ddatblygu, defnyddir lliwiau mwy cynnes i gyfleu hynny trwy’r lluniau. Roedd y ffont syml, plentyn-gyfeillgar a ddewiswyd ar gyfer y stori yn gweddu’r llyfr yn dda hefyd. Roedd hi’n ddiddorol darllen mwy am yr awdur a’r arlunydd yng nghefn y llyfr. Cyflwynir y llyfr i “bob plentyn sy’n brwydro i gael ei weld”. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth i ni oedolion ystyried, yn enwedig yr athrawon yn ein plith. Dwi’n gwybod o brofiad fod rhai plant tawel yn gallu llithro drwy’r rhwyd weithiau pan mae nhw’n cystadlu yn erbyn cymeriadau cryf – rhaid i ninnau gofio bod yn fwy sylwgar. This beautiful and delicate book is the result of the wonderful partnership between Nicola Davies and Cathy Fisher. Cathy's beautiful pictures compliment Nicola’s heart-warming story to create a book that has a very important message about inclusion, kindness and friendship. This is a story about a Japanese girl who joins the school and is subsequently ignored by the other children. The girl experiences loneliness and isolation and is all but invisible to other pupils. But, instead of the expected response to this behaviour, the girl does not show anger and feelings of revenge, but instead, displays an act of kindness towards the other children. She doesn’t need words to express her kindness either, and I’d say this is true for all of us. Gradually, friendships develop between her and another girl (the hidden narrator of the story) and then, eventually with the rest of the class. This story is so simple, yet effective. I know that this book will be extremely useful in the Foundation Phase or in morning assemblies relating to friendship and diversity. This book is a good introduction for discussing feelings and emotions with young children, as well as learning how to show empathy towards others. One of the main messages I took from it was ‘be kind’. Even if someone is nasty with you, don’t be like that back -show kindness to them regardless. The link with Japan is a good opportunity to learn more about different cultures and traditions. One example of this is the origami paper shapes that are a fundamental part of the story. I liked how the other children showed so much interest and curiosity in the girl's traditions – once they stopped being afraid of the unknown and accepted her into the fold. One of the children that initially ignored the girl is the unseen narrator of the story, and we see a change in her and her attitude as the story progresses. 'The New Girl' was initially an unknown person, but throughout the story she started to be viewed as a real person, and by the end, the narrator refers to her as 'my friend Kiku'. The pictures work hand in hand with the story to convey the girl’s loneliness effectively at the start. As the friendship blossoms, warm and softer colours are used to convey that through the pictures. The simple, child-friendly font chosen for the story also suited the book. It was interesting to read more about the author and artist at the back of the book. The book is presented to "every child who fights to be seen". This is something for us adults to bear in mind, particularly the teachers amongst us. I know from experience that some quiet children can sometimes slip through the net when they are competing against stronger and louder characters – we must remember to be more observant. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Graffeg Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £7.99 ADNABOD YR AWDUR A'R ARLUNYDD Mae’r awdur Nicola Davies wedi ennill nifer o wobrau, ac ymhlith ei llyfrau i blant mae The Promise (Gwobr Llyfrau Green Earth 2015, Rhestr Fer Greenaway 2015), Tiny (Gwobr AAAS Subaru 2015), A First Book of Nature, a Whale Boy (Rhestr Fer Gwobr Blue Peter 2014). Ymhlith ei llyfrau ar gyfer Graffeg mae Perfect (Rhestr Hir Greenaway 2017), The Pond, Animal Surprises (Rhestr Hir Klaus Flugge 2017), a chyfresi Shadow & Light a Country Tales. Graddiodd mewn swoleg o Goleg yr Iesu, Caergrawnt, gan astudio gwyddau, morfilod ac ystlumod cyn dod yn gyflwynydd ar The Really Wild Show a gweithio yn Uned Hanes Natur y BBC. Bu’n ysgrifennu llyfrau i blant am dros ugain mlynedd, a sylfaen holl weithiau Nicola yw ei chred fod perthynas â natur yn hanfodol i bawb, a bod angen inni adnewyddu’r berthynas honno yn awr yn fwy nag erioed. Roedd gan Cathy Fisher wyth o frodyr a chwiorydd, a byddai’r plant i gyd yn chwarae yn y caeau’n edrych allan dros ddinas Caerfaddon. Mae wedi bod yn athrawes ac arlunydd drwy ei hoes, yn byw ac yn gweithio ar Ynysoedd y Seychelle ac Awstralia am flynyddoedd maith. Celf yw iaith frodorol Cathy. Pan oedd yn blentyn byddai’n tynnu lluniau ar waliau ei stafell wely, a byth ers hynny mae wedi teimlo bod rhaid iddi beintio a thynnu lluniau o storïau a theimladau am ei bod yn credu bod angen iddynt gael eu clywed. Perfect (Rhestr Hir CILIP Kate Greenaway 2017) oedd llyfr cyntaf Cathy i gael ei gyhoeddi, wedi ei ddilyn gan The Pond a chyfres Country Tales. Gwybodaeth o CHECK OUT A BRILLIANT Q&A WITH THE AUTHOR FROM FELLOW LOVERS OF WELSH BOOKS, FAMILY BOOK WORMS... Family Bookworms is a family of bookworms based on the Wrexham/Shropshire borders. Their aim with familybookworms is to encourage their own children with their reading and to spread the enjoyment from sharing stories, engaging with authors and discovering new books.
- #Helynt - Rebecca Roberts
*Scroll down for English* Genre: #ffuglen #arddegau / #fiction #teens Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◉◉◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour:◉◉◉◎◎ Barn disgyblion Ysgol Glan Clwyd Pwy well i sôn am eu profiadau o ddarllen y nofel, na'r pobl ifanc eu hunain?! Cynulleidfa: Arddegau (14+) (themau o drais a chamdrin domestig) Audience: Teens (14+) (themes of domestic violence) Er fod yr awdur wedi bod yn brysur yn hyrwyddo’r llyfr dros y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, dwi’n teimlo fod #Helynt wedi llithro allan o’r wasg yn ddistaw braidd, (cymaint o rei newydd yn dod allan ar y funud mai'n anodd cadw i fyny!) felly dwi isio tynnu sylw ato, achos mae o’n blydi gwd stori! Mae’n gwneud chenj cael llyfr Cymraeg sydd wedi cael ei osod mewn ardal fwy Seisnigaidd, sydd tu allan i’r ‘Fro Gymraeg’. Mae ’na blant a phobl ifanc yn tyfu i fyny mewn Cymru sy’n bell i ffwrdd o fyd dosbarth canol yr Eisteddfodau, y capeli a chorau cerdd dant a dwi’n meddwl fod y nofel yma’n adlewyrchu hynny. Dwi’n falch fod yr awdur wedi gadael pytiau o ddeialog Saesneg yn y nofel sy’n adlewyrchu realiti ieithyddol y Cymry sy’n byw yn y Gogledd Ddwyrain mor agos at y ffin. Ni chawn ddarlun rhamantaidd o’r lle, ond un sy’n teimlo’n authentic iawn – un sydd ddim yn osgoi trafod y tlodi, y cyffuriau, y trais a’r back alleys drewllyd. (tydi Rhyl ddim yn ddrwg i gyd, gyda llaw! Gallu bod yn le neis deu gwir!) Merch ysgol uwchradd yw Rachel, y prif gymeriad- goth sydd â thipyn ar ei phlât. Oherwydd diffyg arian mae sefyllfa ansefydlog gartref. Mae ei thad yn gweithio oriau hir er mwyn crafu byw ond dydi hyn byth yn ddigon, mae ei mam yn byw ag iselder ac mae Rachel yn gorfod gofalu am ei chwaer fach heb sôn am ei gwaith ysgol. Ar ben hyn oll, dysgwn fod Rachel yn amputee a bod ganddi goes brosthetig sy’n gwneud pethau’n anoddach fyth yn yr ysgol, ond dydi hi ddim yn un am gwyno. Mae’r ffordd y mae hi wedi dod i arfer â hyn ac yn dyfalbarhau yn destament i’w chryfder fel person. Dwi wrth fy modd efo hi fel cymeriad achos mae hi’n straight-talking, no messing, os nad braidd yn fyrbwyll. Shoot first, ask questions later - ffordd dda o amddiffyn dy hun, efallai, ond un sy’n gallu creu helynt... (teitl mor addas!) Heb law am gymeriad Dalian, o drioleg Y Melanai gan Bethan Gwanas, dwi ddim wedi dod ar draws cymeriad heb goes mewn llyfrau Cymraeg, ac roedd yn dipyn o agoriad llygaid #parch. Dwi ‘di deud hyn o’r blaen, ond mi dduda i eto – dwi’n hynod falch fod ‘na fwy o amrywiaeth yn dechrau ymddangos yn ein llenyddiaeth. Heb ddatgelu gormod, mae antur Rachel yn cychwyn ar ôl iddi benderfynu sgeifio o’r ysgol gyda ffrind ar ôl methu’r bws. Yn dilyn dodgy encounter gyda dynion digon amheus mewn clwb nos, mae Rachel yn cyfarfod dyn sy’n gwybod lot mwy amdani hi nag y mae hi’n ei wybod amdano fo. Bydd yr hyn sydd ganddo i’w ddweud yn newid ei bywyd am byth! Roeddwn i’n ffeindio fy hun yn methu rhoi’r llyfr i lawr. Mi ddaeth y boi DPD delivery at y drws fel o’n i ar fin cyrraedd un o uchafbwyntiau’r llyfr a chafodd o fawr o groeso, bechod, gan fy mod i ar dân isio ffeindio allan pwy oedd- (ha – no way dwi’n rhoi sboilars!) Roedd siwrne Rachel drwy'r nofel yn hynod o ddifyr, ac er bod ei sylwadau ffraeth yn amusing ac yn ddoniol, mae darnau o’r llyfr yn anodd i’w darllen ar brydiau. Ydi, mae’r gamdriniaeth ddomestig yn insidious ac yn shocking, ond beth sy’n drist yw mai dyma yw realiti bywyd i lawer. Roedd y cymeriadau a’u gweithredoedd yn gredadwy iawn. Un enghraifft o hyn oedd tad Rachel, Jason, sy’n gymeriad cymhleth. Ar rai adegau dangosodd ei fod yn gefnogol, ac yn gyffredinol roedd yn amddiffynnol o Rachel. Ond, roedd ochr arall, dywyll i’w gymeriad, gan gynnwys ei dymer. Roedd yn dda iawn am guddio’r ochr hon o’i gymeriad oddi wrth bobl eraill. Buan iawn y gwelwn ei true colours fodd bynnag, ac er nad ydw i’n esgusodi nac yn cyfiawnhau ei ymddygiad gwarthus, down i ddechrau deall fod ei broblemau ariannol a’i rwystredigaeth gyda’i sefyllfa yn achosi iddo ymddwyn yn y fath fodd. Gallwn hefyd weld rhai o’r rhesymau pam fod Mam Rachel wedi byw o dan ei gysgod cyhyd yn hytrach na’i adael. Tydi pethau byth mor syml neu du a gwyn! Dyma nofel ffraeth a chyfoes sy’n berthnasol iawn heddiw. Mae hi’n nofel wahanol ac yn ychwanegiad pwysig i’r amrywiaeth o lyfrau Cymraeg fydd yn apelio at bobl ifanc. Er mai’r arddegau yw’r gynulleidfa darged, mi fydd oedolion yn sicr o fwynhau #Helynt hefyd. Dwi’n ffyddiog y bydd y llyfr yn denu unigolion sydd fel arfer ddim yn darllen llyfrau Cymraeg, a dwi’n annog athrawon i’w darllen hi er mwyn ei chyflwyno i’r disgyblion hynny. Even though the author’s been busy promoting the book over social media, I still feel that #Helynt slipped out rather quietly (so many books coming out right about now it’s hard to keep track), so I wanted to draw attention to it, because it’s a cracking story! It makes quite a nice change having a Welsh book that has been set outside the ‘Fro Gymraeg’ (Welsh strongholds). There are children and young people growing up in a Wales that’s a far cry from the relatively middle-class world of Eisteddfodau, Chapels and Cerdd dant choirs and I think this novel reflects that. I’m glad that the author has left bits of English dialogue in the novel that reflect the linguistic nature of living in Welsh so close to the border. We don't get a romanticized picture of the place, but one that feels very authentic - one that doesn't shy away from discussing the poverty, the drugs, violence and dark alleys. Rachel, the main character, is a high school goth with quite a lot on her plate. Lack of money fuels an unstable home situation. Her dad works long hours (but it’s never enough) and her mum lives with depression which means that Rachel ends up raising her little sister as well as keeping on top of schoolwork. We also learn that Rachel is an amputee with a prosthetic leg which makes things difficult at school, but she’s not one for complaining. The way she just deals with it and gets on with things is testament to her strength as a person. I love her as a character because of her straight-talking, no messing attitude. Her shoot first, ask questions later mentality may very well keep her from harm, but it can certainly attract some #helynt (trouble). Apart from Dalian from Bethan Gwanas’s Y Melanai trilogy, I haven’t come across many characters without a leg in Welsh books, and it was an eye opener. #respect. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, it’s good to see a bit more diversity coming into Welsh literature. Without revealing too much, Rachel's adventure begins after she decides to skive from school with a friend after missing the bus. Following a dodgy encounter with some suspicious men in a nightclub, Rachel meets a man who knows a lot more about her than she does about him. What he has to say will have life-changing consequences! I found it hard to put this book down. A DPD driver came to the door as I was getting to a good bit and well, safe to say he didn’t get much of a reception as I was desperate to get back to the book! Rachel's journey throughout the novel was engrossing, and although her witty comments are both amusing and funny, parts of the book were quite hard-hitting. Yes, the domestic abuse is insidious and shocking - but what is truly sad is that this is the reality of life for many. The characters and their actions were very credible. One example of this was Rachel's father, Jason. A complicated character, on some occasions he showed that he could be supportive, and was generally protective of Rachel. But there was another, darker side to his personality. A well-hidden side that his wife often bore the brunt of. We soon see his true colours, and although I don’t condone or justify his disgraceful behaviour, we can see the many things that add up in his life that have driven him to this. We also see some of the reasons why Rachel’s mother has put up with his controlling, degrading behaviour for so long. Things are never simple or black and white! This is a witty and contemporary novel that feels very relevant today. It’s quite a different Welsh-language novel and an important addition to the range of Welsh books that will appeal to young people. Although teens are the target audience, adults will certainly enjoy #Helynt as well. I’m confident that the book will appeal to those who don’t usually read in Welsh and I encourage teachers to read it so they can introduce it to those pupils. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £8.50 ISBN: 9781845277765
- Michewa a'r Mynydd - Sean Chambers
*Scroll down for English* Genre: #ffuglen #storiallun #rhyngwladol #antur / #fiction #picturebook #international #adventure #bilingual Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Geiriau Cymraeg gan Manon Steffan Ros Ai dim ond fi sy’n gwirioni gyda llyfrau clawr caled? Mae ’na rai llyfrau sydd jest yn gweddu, na, sy'n haeddu bod mewn clawr caled, ac mae Michewa a’r Mynydd yn un o’r rheiny. Mae’n werth y gost ychwanegol YFMI er mwyn cael gafael a theimlo llyfr sylweddol, o ansawdd, sy’n bleser i’w ddarllen. Mewn adroddiad pellgyrhaeddol gan Dr. Siwan Rosser yn 2017, roedd trafodaeth am yr angen i ehangu’r dewis o lyfrau sydd ar gael yn y Gymraeg, yn enwedig rhai sydd ag apêl ryngwladol. Dwi wir yn hoffi fod Sean wedi ’sgwennu llyfr sy’n mynd â ni i wlad bell, tu hwnt i Gymru - rhywbeth sy’n eithaf prin yn ein llenyddiaeth i blant. Dyma lyfr sy’n cyflwyno’r byd ehangach yn ogystal â chyflwyno tipyn o amrywiaeth diwylliannol e.e. traddodiadau baneri gweddïo Tibetaidd. Stori am ferch fach benderfynol yw hon, sy’n byw mewn pentref gerllaw’r mynyddoedd. Os oeddech chi, fel fi, ddim yn siŵr sut i ynganu enw’r prif gymeriad, na phoener, achos mae 'na ganllaw yn nhu blaen y llyfr. Mae ei thad yn gweithio fel tywyswr sy’n arwain ymwelwyr i fyny’r mynydd ac mae hi’n falch iawn ohono. Yn anffodus, chaiff Michewa ddim mynd efo’i thad i fyny’r mynydd nes y bydd hi’n “gryfach, ychydig yn fwy ac ychydig yn ddoethach,” ac mae’n rhaid iddi fodloni ar werthu te ar ochr y ffordd. Buan iawn mae hi’n diflasu ar aros gartref, ac mae hi’n penderfynu dangos i’w thad ei bod hi’n ddigon cryf. Gan anwybyddu ei rybudd i aros adref, cychwynna’r ferch ar antur hudol i fyny i gopa’r mynydd peryclaf un – nad oes neb erioed wedi’i goncro! Fydd hi’n llwyddo i gyrraedd y copa a pha heriau fydd yn ei hwynebu ar y ffordd tybed? Beth sy’n wych am y llyfr yw cymaint o wahanol themâu a theimladau sy’n cael eu trafod. Mae natur amwys y llyfr yn golygu y gallwch ddehongli’r stori mewn sawl ffordd wahanol ac mae’r cyfleoedd trafod yn niferus. Gall fod yn sbardun ar gyfer pob math o waith dilynol. Daearyddiaeth wnes i fel gradd, felly o’m safbwynt i, mae’n grêt fod geirfa sy’n ymwneud â’r mynyddoedd a’r tir yn cael eu cyflwyno. Caiff emosiynau fel unigrwydd, edifeirwch a balchder eu trafod hefyd, ac mae awydd Michewa i lwyddo, a phrofi ei hun er gwaetha’r heriau yn glodwiw ac yn empowering. Hyd yn oed os nad ydych chi’n llwyddo’r tro cyntaf, rhaid dyfalbarhau. Un neges wnes i gymryd o’r llyfr yw pwysigrwydd trio bob amser ac anelu am y copa (er, efallai nad yw’n syniad da dringo mynyddoedd anferthol ar eich pen eich hun!). Mae antur Michewa yn chwedlonol bron, a dydach chi byth yn siŵr ai breuddwyd yw’r cyfan ai peidio. Ydi’r mynydd wedi gofalu amdani a’i dychwelyd yn saff? Lle mae’r baneri gweddïo? Tybiaf y bydd y llyfr yn gadael darllenwyr gyda nifer o gwestiynau, a dwi’n credu fod hynny’n beth da. Does dim angen ateb pendant bob tro - yn sicr mae’n procio’r meddwl. I gyd-fynd â’r stori, mae lluniau Sean yn fendigedig ac yn cyfleu’r antur a’r cyffro, ond hefyd y perygl sy’n perthyn i’r mynydd. Tydi hi’n wych meddwl fod ’na lefydd gwyllt a hudol ar ôl ar y ddaear sydd prin wedi eu cyffwrdd gan ddyn? Roedd hi’n fwriad gan yr awdur i chi allu dilyn y stori drwy’r lluniau, ac er bod y geiriau’n hyfryd, i mi, y lluniau yw sêr y sioe. Rhywbeth sy’n unigryw am y llyfr yw mai yn y Saesneg y cafodd ei sgwennu gyntaf (ond dw i’n pwysleisio mai cyhoeddiad gwreiddiol Cymraeg ydi o). Dwi’n meddwl fod hyn yn wych, ac yn dangos beth sy’n bosib, hynny yw, troi’r syniad fod rhaid i chi siarad Cymraeg er mwyn cyhoeddi yn Gymraeg ar ei ben! Mae hyn yn tynnu sylw at gyfle cyffrous iawn i dalentau newydd amrywiol gyhoeddi yn y Gymraeg. Dyma hefyd agor y drws i’r posibilrwydd o gydweithio gydag awduron eraill dros Ewrop a’r byd i greu llyfrau gwreiddiol Cymraeg newydd. Gellir dod a straeon rhyngwladol i Gymru, ond gellir hefyd fynd â straeon Cymraeg allan i’r byd. Dyma’r math o beth sy’n cael ei grybwyll mewn adroddiad newydd ‘Rhyngwladoli Profiadau Darllen Plant a Phobl Ifanc yn Gymraeg.’ Mae’r dyfodol yn llawn potensial am ddatblygiadau cyffrous i lenyddiaeth Gymraeg i blant... Bachwch gopi o’r llyfr yma i’w drysori. Da iawn Atebol am fentro cyhoeddi llyfr sydd ’chydig bach yn wahanol, a llongyfarchiadau Sean ar greu dy lyfr cyntaf. Mwy plîs. Is it just me or don't you think that hardbacks are just amazing? Some books just suit, no, deserve to be in hard cover format, and Michewa a’r Mynydd is one of those. IMO it’s totally worth that little bit extra to get a substantial book that boasts pure quality and is a pleasure to have and to hold. In a far-reaching report by Dr. Siwan Rosser in 2017, there was discussion about the need to expand the choice of books available in Welsh, particularly those with an international flavour. I think it’s great that Sean has written and illustrated a book that takes us beyond Wales, to a distant land - something that has been lacking of late in Welsh language books for children. This book shows us a glimpse of the wider world as well as some much-needed cultural diversity e.g. Tibetan prayer flags. This is a story about a determined little girl, who lives in a village near the mountains. If you, like me, were unsure of how to pronounce her name, then fear not, as there’s a handy guide in the front. Her father works as a mountain guide who leads visitors up the mountain. She’s really proud of her father, but unfortunately, she can’t accompany him on his journeys because she’s too little. She soon gets bored of waiting at home, and she decides to show her father that she is strong enough and up to the task. Ignoring his warning to stay home, she embarks on an almost magical adventure up to the top of the mysterious mountain – the most dangerous one that no one has ever conquered! Will she reach the top? Which challenges lie ahead of her? So many different themes and feelings are discussed in the book. The somewhat ambiguous nature of the book means that you can interpret the story in many different ways and the discussion opportunities are endless. It could be the trigger for a lot of interesting follow-up work. I did Geography in university, so from my point of view, it's great that vocabulary relating to the mountains and the land is introduced. Emotions such as loneliness, pride and regret also come up, and Michewa’s desire to succeed, and prove herself despite the challenges is commendable and empowering. Even if you don't succeed the first time, you should persevere. One message I took from the book is the importance of always trying and aiming for the stars (although, it may not be a good idea to climb huge mountains on your own!) Michewa's adventure is almost mythical and you're never sure whether it's a dream or not. Did the mountain care for her and protect her? Where are the prayer banners now? I suspect that the book will leave readers with a number of questions, and I think that’s a good thing. You don’t always need a definitive answer - it certainly gets you thinking. Accompanying the words, Sean's pictures are wonderful and really convey the adventure, excitement but also the danger and mystery that surrounds the mountain. The author intended you to be able to follow the story through the pictures, and although the words are lovely, for me, the pictures are the stars of the show. Something that’s unique about the book is that it was first written in English (but I emphasise that it is an original Welsh publication). I think this is great, and shows what is possible – it overturns that idea that you have to speak Welsh in order to publish in Welsh. This is a very exciting opportunity for fresh new talents to publish in Welsh which will lead to a greater variety. It also opens the door to the possibility of working with other writers from Europe and beyond to create new Welsh original books. I’d love to see international influences on our stories, but also for our homegrown stories to be shared with the world. This is the sort of thing that’s mentioned in a new report ‘Internationalising Children and Young People's Reading Experiences in Welsh. So much exciting potential here for Welsh children’s literature… Grab yourself a copy of this book to treasure! Well done Atebol for venturing to publish a book that’s a little bit different, and congratulations Sean on creating your first book. More please. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £9.99 ISBN: 9781913245375 PWY YDI SEAN CHAMBERS? WHO IS SEAN CHAMBERS? (oddi ar Gwales) Mae Sean wedi byw a gweithio yn Tywyn, Gwynedd am y 14 mlynedd diwethaf. Astudiodd Gelf Gain ym Mhrifysgol Central Lancashire ac erbyn hyn y mae’n ddarlunydd llawrydd llawn amser, yn creu darnau unwaith ac am byth ar gyfer cleientiaid ledled y byd. Yn ddiweddar, derbyniodd gomisiwn i greu nifer o ddarluniau bywyd gwyllt ar gyfer cyngor lleol ac ar y cyd â’r RSPB ac mae Sean wedi cael gwahoddiad gan yr RNLI i gynnal arddangosfa unigol o bortreadau bad achub hanesyddol yn eu Pencadlys yn Poole ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn. Fel tad i 6 o blant ifanc ac ar ôl darllen miloedd o straeon amser gwely, mae ganddo awydd i droi ei sgiliau darlunio ac adrodd straeon yn lyfr stori a llun ei hun. Sean has lived and worked in Tywyn, Gwynedd for the last 14 years. He studied Fine Art at the University of Central Lancashire and is now a full-time freelance illustrator, creating one-off commissions for clients around the world. He recently received a commission to create a number of wildlife paintings for a local council in conjunction with the RSPB. Sean has been recently been invited by the RNLI to hold a single exhibition of historic lifeboat portraits at their Headquarters in Poole at the end of the year. As a father of 6 young children and having read thousands of stories at bedtime, he had a desire to turn his illustration and storytelling skills into a story and picture book of his own.
- Twll Bach yn y Niwl - Llio Elain Maddocks
*Scroll down for English* Nofel 'milenial' gyntaf y Gymraeg! The first novel for Millennials in Welsh! Genre: #fiction #Millenial / #ffuglen #milenial Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◉◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◉◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◉◉◉◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◉◉◉ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Awgrym oed: 16+ - cynnwys themau aeddfed Suggested age: 16+ - mature themes Trigger warning: scenes of a sexual nature and depictions of rape Dyma nofel gyntaf Llio Elain Maddocks, ac am gychwyn da! Dilyn stori hunan ddarganfod Lowri ydyn ni, wrth iddi geisio dianc o’r twll sy’n fywyd iddi, ac mae’r cyfan o’i safbwynt hi. Mae hi’n ddi-waith, yn gorfod ymdopi â salwch ei mam, yn sengl ac yn treulio pob noson yn yr un dafarn efo’r un ffrindiau: Aled, Huw a Llŷr. Bywyd cyfoes sy’n driw i Gymry heddiw sydd i’w weld yma: diffyg Cymraeg, diweithdra, salwch a chymdeithas feirniadol ac mae darllen amdano’n ddirdynnol iawn. Trwy gydol y nofel, rydyn ni’n gweld nad yw Lowri wedi aeddfedu o fod yn fyfyrwraig ac mae’r addasiad i fod yn oedolyn yn profi’n heriol iddi. Wrth i’w chariad ei gadael am ddynes arall, mae’r digwyddiad yma’n creu llwybr tyllog i Lowri ddyfalbarhau â’r holl heriau sydd yn ei hwynebu. Y berthynas rhwng cymeriadau sy’n ddiddorol iawn yma gan eu bod bron a bod yn deulu. Mae’r deialog a’r deinameg rhyngddyn nhw yn adloniadol ond yn ddwys weithiau ac mae’r cyferbyniad rhwng y ddau fath o ddeialog yn realistig ac onest felly yn hwyl i ddarllen. Cawn adegau yn y nofel lle mae perthynas Lowri ag Aled, Huw, Llŷr a Manon yn fregus ond mae hynny’n ychwanegu drama difyr. Llwydda’r awdur i greu grŵp o ffrindiau teimladwy, ymatebol, cyfeillgar ond cymhleth sy’n naturiol ac yn gyfoes. Un o’r elfennau mwyaf unigryw ydi’r ffeithiau am anifeiliaid ar gychwyn pob pennod, a beth sy’n fendigedig am rhain ydi eu bod yn ffitio fel darnau jig-so efo’r hyn sy’n digwydd i Lowri, sut y mae hi’n teimlo neu’r hyn sydd o’i chwmpas. Mae’n dechneg effeithiol sydd erioed wedi cael ei ddefnyddio. Annhebygol y byddwn i wedi dysgu bod eliffantod yn hoff iawn o alcohol mewn unrhyw nofel arall. Heb os, mae’r nofel yn un dwys a chignoeth ond ysgafn ac yn hawdd i’w ddarllen. Dyma nofel hollol unigryw, a nid oes nofel Gymraeg tebyg wedi’i hysgrifennu. Mae’n fywiog, yn llifo’n fendigedig, yn onest, doniol, torcalonnus a chyffrous i gyd ar yr un pryd. Yn sicr, Twll Bach yn y Niwl ydi un o’r nofelau sy’n mynd i aros gyda chi am weddill eich oes! This is the first novel from Llio Elain Maddocks – and what a great start! We follow the journey of Lowri's self-discovery, as she tries to escape from life’s struggles, and the novel is set from her point of view. She is unemployed, has to cope with her mother’s illness, is single and spends every night in the same pub with the same friends: Aled, Huw and Llŷr. This is a reflection of contemporary life in Wales: a lack of Welsh, unemployment, illness and a judgmental society. Throughout the novel, we see that Lowri hasn’t matured from being a student and the adjustment to adulthood is proving to be a challenge for her. After her boyfriend leaves her for another woman, this event creates a rocky road for Lowri to navigate and to cope with all the challenges she faces. It’s the relationship between characters that is very interesting here because they are almost a family. The dialogue and dynamics between them is entertaining yet intense at times and the realistic contrast between the two types of dialogue is honest and fun to read. There are times in the novel where Lowri's relationship with Aled, Huw, Llŷr and Manon is fragile but that adds to the entertaining drama. The author succeeds in creating a group of friendly yet complex friends who are depicted in a very natural way which reflects modern day friendships. One of the most unique elements about the book are the facts about animals at the beginning of each chapter, and what is wonderful is that they fit in with what happens to Lowri, how she feels or what is around her like jigsaw pieces. It is an effective technique that has never been used in Wales. It is unlikely that I would have learned that elephants love alcohol in any other novel. Undoubtedly, the novel is intense and but light-hearted and easy to read. This is a completely unique novel, and there’s nothing quite like it in Welsh. It's lively, honest, funny, heart-breaking and exciting all at the same time. Certainly, Twll Bach yn y Niwl is one of the novels that is going to stay with you for a long time. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £8.99 ISBN: 978178461956
- Supertaten: Llanast y Carnifal - Sue Hendra a Paul Linnet
*Scroll down for English* O na! Mae'r bysen gas yn ôl i greu helynt! Oh no! Evil pea's back causing trouble! Welsh adaptation of Supertato Carnival Catastro-Pea! Genre: #ffuglen #doniol #archarwr / #fiction #humour #superhero Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Reviewer Rating: ★★★★★ Oed darllen/reading age: 6+ Oed diddordeb/interest age: 3+ Wel, mi gafodd ‘Supertaten: Llanast y Carnifal’ test drive yn tŷ ni’n ddiweddar gyda fy nghefndryd ifanc, a saff i ddweud aeth y llyfr i lawr yn DDA IAWN! Mae’r ddau yn byw yn Nghilgwri (Wirral) felly maen nhw’n siarad cymysgedd o Gymraeg a Saesneg adref, ond Saesneg yn yr ysgol wrth reswm. Mae ‘na lot o bobl yn cwyno am addasiadau (ac iawn, weithia mae na ormod o rai sâl yn cael eu cyhoeddi) ond dyma enghraifft o gyfres sy’n llwyddo 100%. Roedd yr hogia’n gyfarwydd â’r cymeriadau’n barod ac roedden nhw’n ddigon bodlon i fwynhau’r stori eto, yn Gymraeg, gan wneud cysylltiadau â phan oedden nhw wedi ei darllen yn Saesneg yn yr ysgol. Un o’r pethau gorau am y gyfres ydi’r lluniau – pob tudalen fel ffrwydrad o liw ddim yn rhy annhebyg i gomig, ac mae’n llwyddo i ddenu (a chadw) sylw darllenwyr ifanc yn ddi-ffael. Cryfder arall y straeon yw dawn adrodd stori y bartneriaeth 'sgwennu - Paul Linnet a Sue Hendra - mae ‘na rhyw hiwmor a cheekiness yn perthyn i’r cymeriadau sy’n gwneud i’r llyfrau deimlo’n ffres ac yn fodern iawn o’u cymharu â rhai llyfrau. Dwi’n teimlo ein bod ni’n nabod y cymeriadau yn dda. Fedrwch chi’m helpu ond eu licio - hyd yn oed y bysen gas ‘na! Yn sicr, mae’r awduron yn deall sut i adeiladu cyffro a thensiwn, ac mae’r parodrwydd i gael hwyl wirion yn rhan o’r rheswm pam fod y llyfrau mor apelgar. Mae’r ddeialog dros ben llestri’n gweithio’n dda ac yn mynd a’r busnes ‘good guy’ vs ‘bad guy’ i’r eithaf! Dim rhyfedd fod athrawon Y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn mwynhau rhannu’r llyfrau yma gyda’u dosbarthiadau ar y mat - mae digon o gyfleoedd i wneud lleisiau gwirion ac i actio dipyn ar y stori er mwyn creu tipyn o gyffro. Carnifal mawreddog sydd ar y gweill yn y llyfr yma, ac mae’r llysiau wrthi’n paratoi ar ei gyfer. Ond wrth gwrs, dydi pethau byth yn mynd according to plan, achos mae’r bysen gas o gwmpas unwaith eto i greu hafog a helynt. Tro ‘ma, mae ganddo gynllun ofnadwy - dyfais sy’n sugno’r lliw allan o bawb a phopeth! O na! Gyda help ei chriw ffyddlon o lysiau a ffrwythau, fydd supertaten yn llwyddo i ddod a lliw’n ôl i fyd yr archfarchnad?! Am syniad gwych, sy’n cyflwyno ‘mild peril’ er mwyn sicrhau ‘chydig o densiwn a buddsoddiad emosiynol ond dim byd rhy arswydus. Dwi’n meddwl fod y tudalennau canol du a gwyn (sy’n rhan o’r stori) yn glyfar iawn. Mi fydd bechgyn a merched yn caru’r llyfrau yma, ond dwi wedi ffeindio fod y gyfres yn effeithiol i'w ddarllen gyda phlant sydd fel arfer yn rhy ddiamynedd i eistedd a gwrando ar stori. Mi faswn i hefyd yn argymell y llyfr yma i rieni sy’n anghyfarwydd efo darllen gyda’u plant, gan fod o’n gymaint o hwyl. Mae’r llyfr yn cael sgôr ‘ardderchog’ gen i achos dwi’n gwybod bydd oedolion yn mwynhau darllen y stori ‘ma gymaint a’r plant, sy’n braf. Alla i ddim disgwyl i fynd i’r llyfrgell i nôl un arall erbyn i’r hogia’ ddod acw tro nesaf. Well, 'Supertaten: Llanast y Carnifal' recently got a test drive in our house with my young cousins, and safe to say the book was very well received. Both live in the Wirral so they speak a mix of Welsh and English at home, but English in school of course. You often get a lot of people complaining about adaptations (and yeah, there probably are too many poor ones being published) but this is an example of a series that really works. The boys were already familiar with the characters and were quite happy to re-read the story, this time in Welsh, making connections with when they had read it in English at school. One of the best things about the series are the comic style pictures – each page an explosion of colour which succeed in attracting (and holding) the attention of young readers without fail. Another strength of the books is writing partnership Paul Linnet and Sue Hendra's storytelling abilities. The characters are fun and have a bit of cheekiness to them which gives the book a fresh and modern feel compared to some books. I felt like we knew the characters well and you can’t help but like them – even that dastardly pea! The authors certainly understand how to build excitement and tension, and their willingness to have some silly fun is part of the reason why the books are so appealing. The over-the-top dialogue works well and she takes the good guy vs bad guy stuff to the max! No wonder Foundation Phase teachers enjoy sharing these books with their classes on the mat - there are plenty of opportunities to make silly voices and act a bit on the story to create a bit of excitement. In this book, a grand carnival is about to be held and the veggies are in the process of getting ready for it. But of course, things never go to plan- because the evil pea is back once again to wreak havoc and chaos. With her most evil and ingenious plan yet, she has a new device that will suck the colour out of everyone and everything! With the help of her loyal band of fruit and veg, will Supertaten succeed in bringing colour back to the supermarket?! What a great idea this was, which introduces 'mild peril’ to ensure a bit of tension and emotional investment but nothing too scary or serious. The contrasting black and white pages in the middle were especially clever. Boys and girls will love these books, but I have found this series to be one of my ‘go to’ books for reading with children who don’t normally have the patience to sit and listen to a story. I would also recommend this book to parents who are unfamiliar with reading to their children, as it’s so much fun. The book gets an 'excellent' score from me because I know that adults will enjoy reading it as much as children do, which is cool. I can't wait to go to the library to get another one by the time the boys come over again. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Dref Wen Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £5.99 ISBN: 9781784231415
- Rygbi
*Scroll Down for English & to leave comments* Byrstio gyda ffeithiau am y bêl hirgrwn. Bursting with facts about the oval ball! ♥ Llyfr y Mis i Blant: Medi 2019♥ ♥Book of the Months: September 2019 ♥ Genre: #ffeithiol #chwaraeon #rygbi / #nonfiction #factbook #sports #rugby Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Addasiad/adaptation: Sioned Lleinau ISBN: 9781849674393 Pris: £9.99 Addasiad o Saesneg. Welsh adaptation. Dwi’n rhagweld y bydd hwn yn bresant Nadolig poblogaidd iawn mewn sawl cartref ‘lenni! Cyfieithiad o’r llyfr Saesneg ‘Rugby’ ydi hwn, gan y cyhoeddwr ‘DK’. Roeddwn i wrth fy modd gyda’r llyfrau yma wrth dyfu i fyny. Dwi’n cyfaddef - doeddwn i ddim wir yn un am ddarllen. ‘Typical hogyn’ oedd rhai yn deud. Ond roedd hyn yn hollol anghywir - ac yn niweidiol braidd! Y gwir ydi, ddim yn keen ar lyfrau ffuglen, stori oeddwn i a heb ffeindio’r math o lyfrau roeddwn i angen. Rhowch i mi lyfr ffeithiol a ro ni wrth fy modd yn ei ddarllen am oriau! Os ‘da chi’n rhywun, boed fachgen neu’n ferch, sydd ddim wedi bod yn darllen rhyw lawer- rhowch rest i’r xbox a thrïwch lyfr ffeithiau a gwybodaeth fel hon. Dwi’n gobeithio y bydd ‘Rily’ yn cyfieithu mwy o lyfrau gwybodaeth fel hyn. Mae’r llyfr yn byrstio gyda ffeithiau diddorol ac mae’n siŵr o’ch gwneud yn mini-expert ar y pwnc. Mae rygbi’n hynod o boblogaidd yng Nghymru! Dwi’m yn meddwl y gallaf fynd mor bell a dweud fod o’n curo pêl-droed, ond yn sicr mae ‘na lwyth o blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion yn caru chwarae a gwylio’r bel hirgrwn. Meddyliwch am y cyffro cyn gem Cymru v Lloegr yn ystod Pencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad, neu wrth i Gymru wneud yn dda yng Nghwpan y Byd 2019! Mae’r llyfr yma’n lliwgar, ac yn bwysicach na hynny, yn llawn ffeithiau byr wedi eu rhannu’n effeithiol drwy’r llyfr. Hynny ydi, mae’n cynnwys llwyth o ffeithiau, ond eto, maen nhw’n hawdd iawn eu darllen. Mae’r tudalen gynnwys yn le da ar gyfer edrych beth sydd yn y llyfr. Mae ‘na hanes am sut y Dechreuodd y gêm, gwahaniaethau rhwng rygbi undeb a rygbi cynghrair, gwybodaeth am safle’r chwaraewyr, enwogion y gêm, rygbi rhyngwladol, gwybodaeth am gystadlaethau a gemau hanesyddol bwysig….mae’r rhestr yn parhau!!! Os da chi fel fi, yn drysu weithiau gyda rhai o reolau’r gêm - mae’r llyfr yma’n berffaith i chi. Mae ‘na ddarn cyfan yn esbonio pwrpas pob rôl, sut i chwarae a sut i hyd yn oed dal, gafael a phasio’r bel! Yn bersonol, gan fy mod i’n tueddu i ddefnyddio termau Saesneg y gêm, mi fyddwn i wedi hoffi gweld y geiriau Saesneg wrth ymyl y termau Cymraeg i helpu, ond barn bersonol ydi hon! Dwi’n meddwl bydd y llyfr yma’n tueddu i apelio fwy at fechgyn, ond dwi’n meddwl y bydd rhai merched wedi gwirioni gyda’r llyfr yma hefyd. Roeddwn i’n hapus o weld fod rygbi merched yn cael sylw yn y llyfr a dangos mai NID jyst gem i fechgyn ydi o. Plant: Byddwch wrth eich bodd yn dysgu a chofio ffeithiau o’r llyfr yma - hyd yn oed os ydych chi’n meddwl fod chi’n gwybod pob dim am y gêm - da chi’n siŵr o ddysgu rhywbeth newydd! Os ‘da chi awydd impressio eich mêts gyda ffeithiau clyfar am rygbi, gofynnwch yn neis i Siôn Corn am y llyfr yma! Athrawon/rhieni: Os ydi’r plant yn ddarllenwyr amharod dwi’n siŵr bydd y llyfr yma’n apelio. Mae ‘na bosibiliadau di-ri drwy ei ddefnyddio yn y dosbarth wrth astudio’r pwnc. Darllen grŵp er enghraifft? Chwlio a chwalu am eiriau a ffeithiau… Dysgu i ddefnyddio mynegai a chynnwys…. I have the feeling that this will be a very popular Christmas gift in many Welsh homes this Christmas. 'Rygbi' is a new adaptation of an English book by illustrated reference book experts 'DK'. I must confess that I wasn't really one for reading but I loved these books. 'Typical boy' some would say. This was completely wrong – and somewhat damaging! The truth is, I wasn’t keen on fiction (story) books and just hadn’t found the right type of book for me. Give me a fact book and I would read it for hours! If you are someone who hasn’t been reading much, give the Xbox a rest and try a fact book like this one. The book is bursting with interesting facts and is bound to make you a mini-expert on the subject. Rugby is hugely popular in Wales! I'm not sure I can go as far as saying that it’s better than football, but certainly lots of children, young people and adults love playing and watching the oval ball. Think of the excitement before a Wales v England game in The Six Nations or Wales doing well in the World Cup 2019. This book is colorful and, more importantly, full of short facts effectively spread throughout the book. It contains many facts, but they are very easy to read. There’s a history of how the game began, differences between rugby union and rugby league, knowledge of the positions, famous players, international rugby and important historical games. ... the list goes on…. If you, like me, sometimes get confused with some of the rules of the game – this book is perfect for you. A whole section explains the purpose of each player position, instructions on how to play; going into such detail as how to catch, hold and pass the ball! Because I’m so used to the English terms of the game, I would have liked to see the English words beside the Welsh terms just to help, but this is a personal opinion! I think this book will tend to appeal more to boys, but I think some girls will be thrilled with this book too. I was happy to see that women's rugby is featured prominently in the book and challenges the idea that it is just a game for boys. Children: you will love to learn and remember facts from this book, and even if you think you know all about the game – you are sure to learn something new! If you want to impress your friends with cool facts about rugby, you’d better ask Santa Claus about this book! Teachers/parents: If the children are reluctant readers, I am sure this book will appeal. There are unending possibilities for use in the classroom. Group reading perhaps? Using the index and contents pages maybe?