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- Ble mae Boc? Ar goll yn y chwedlau - Huw Aaron
*Scroll down for English* O na! Mae Boc ar goll eto! Llyfr chwilio llawn hwyl. Oh no! Boc's gone missing again! Fun search book. Llyfr chwilio (fatha Where's Wally? - ond gwell!) Where's Wally? -style search puzzle book. Addas i oed 6+ Suitable for ages 6+ Mae ‘Ble Mae Boc 2’ wedi glanio o’r diwedd! Roedd y llyfr cyntaf yn bestseller ac mae plant Cymru (a’u rhieni) wedi bod yn disgwyl yn eiddgar am yr ail lyfr yn y gyfres boblogaidd. Diolch byth felly bod Huw wedi bod wrthi fel slecs yn gwneud yn siŵr ei fod yn barod erbyn y ‘Dolig. Os nad ydych chi’n gwybod erbyn hyn, draig fach goch yw Boc sydd rywsut neu’i gilydd yn llwyddo i fynd ar goll ar hyd a lled Cymru a’ch tasg chi yw ei ffeindio ynghanol ym mhrysurdeb y tyrfaoedd. Yn yr ail gyfrol, caiff Boc ei sugno i mewn i fyd y chwedlau a chael ei swyno gan yr hud a’r lledrith. Cawn ein tywys ar antur i leoedd rhyfeddol fel y ddinas o dan y dŵr ac i deyrnas y tylwyth teg. Mae lluniau Huw Aaron mor anhygoel a lliwgar - yn wledd go iawn i’r llygaid. Mi allwch chi dreulio oriau yn craffu ar y manylion bach difyr yn ogystal â chwilio am ein hoff gymeriad. Tydi o'n llwyddo i greu'r bydoedd mwyaf ffantastig? Mae o'n dod a'i hiwmor i bob un, sy'n esbonio pam mae ei luniau mor boblogaidd gyda phlant Cymru. Fy hoff olygfa yw Parti Llyfrau Plant sy’n ryw fath o homage mawr i lenyddiaeth plant. Llwydda Huw i stwffio dwn im faint o hen wynebau cyfarwydd fel Sali Mali, Rala Rwdins a Superted i mewn. Dwi hefyd yn gwerthfawrogi rhai o’r cymeriadau mwy niche fel Ifan Bifan, Sali Sws a Slici a Slac- ahhhhh....atgofion melys o fy mhlentyndod! #fideoAsbriAnimeiddio Ers i’r Where’s Wally? cyntaf gael ei gyhoeddi yn y 1980au, mae llyfrau ‘chwilio’ o’r fath yn hynod o boblogaidd gan eu bod yn wych ar gyfer pasio’r amser gan hefyd gael hwyl. Ond yn fwy ’na hynny maen nhw’n ein trainio ni i gymryd sylw o fanylion, i werthfawrogi’r cyffyrddiadau bach, ac i astudio pethau’n fanwl. Oeddech chi’n gwybod fod ’na waith ymchwil sy’n awgrymu fod llyfrau chwilio hyd yn oed yn gallu helpu gyda sgiliau darllen? Rhywbeth i wneud gyda symudiad tracio’r llygaid yn ôl y sôn... Mantais Ble Mae Boc?: Ar goll yn y Chwedlau dros lyfrau eraill tebyg yw ei fod yn cyflwyno chwedlau a thraddodiadau sy’n arbennig i ni yng Nghymru, fel Y Mabinogi a Chantre’r Gwaelod. Caiff draig-chwilwyr brwd ddigon o hwyl wrth chwilio’n unigol, ond beth am wneud pethau’n fwy o hwyl a chyflwyno elfen o gystadleuaeth? Ras am y cyntaf! Rhieni - dyma fuddsoddiad doeth iawn, yn enwedig ar gyfer siwrneion hirfaith yn y car! Y gobaith yw y bydd y plantos yn rhy brysur yn chwilio am Boc i ffraeo yn y set gefn. Wir i chi, mae ’na oriau o ddifyrrwch i’w gael rhwng y cloriau gan fod ‘na 10 tudalen ddwbl a thros 200 o drugareddau eraill i’w darganfod- bargen y flwyddyn am £4.99 yn fy marn i! Pryd bynnag y bydd gynnoch chi amser sbâr - wrth ddisgwyl yn y syrjeri neu bnawn glawog o flaen y tân - dyma gyfaill ffyddlon sy’n werth ei gael yn agos. Yn bersonol, dwi’n hoffi posau o’r fath cyn mynd i’r gwely a does ‘na ddim byd mwy satisfying ‘na ffeindio’r ddraig o’r diwedd (fel arfer reit o dan fy nhrwyn!) O ia - a pheidiwch â meddwl fod hwn yn llyfr i blant yn unig. Dyma gyfrinach i chi - mae lot fawr o ‘ffans’ Boc yn rhieni! Tybiaf y bydd Siôn Corn yn gadael nifer fawr o’r rhain mewn hosanau ar hyd a lled Cymru'r Nadolig hwn. ‘Ble mae Boc 2’ has finally landed! The first book was a bestseller and the children of Wales (and their parents) have been eagerly awaiting the second book in the popular series. Thankfully, Huw Aaron has been furiously drawing to make sure it’s ready in time for Christmas! If you didn’t already know, Boc is a small red dragon that somehow manages to keep getting lost all across Wales and it’s your job to find her in the midst of all those crowds. In the second volume, Boc is sucked into the world of legends by their magic. We are taken on an adventure to amazing places such as an underwater city and to the kingdom of the fairies. Huw Aaron's pictures are incredible — so busy and colourful—a real treat for the eyes. You can spend hours staring at the little details as well as looking for our favourite fiery friend. The worlds he creates are fantastical and also incorporate some humour. No wonder he's one of Wales's favourite illustrators! My best scene is the Children's Book Party which is a kind of great homage to Welsh children's literature. Huw managed to get the old familiar faces in such as Sali Mali, Rala Rwdins and Superted. I also appreciated some of the more niche characters such as Ifan Bifan, Sali Sws and Slici and Slac- bringing back some fond memories of my childhood! Since Where's Wally? Was first published in the 1980s, 'search' books are extremely popular as they’re great for passing the time while also having a bit of fun. But more than that they teach us to pay attention to the detail, and to take the time to look carefully. Did you know that there are some experts who suggest that search books can even help with reading skills? Something to do with eye movement and tracking apparently… Ble mae Boc: Ar goll yn y Chwedlau’s advantage over similar books is that it presents legends and traditions that are special to us in Wales, such as The Mabinogi and the tale of Cantre’r Gwaelod. Keen dragon-hunters can have plenty of fun searching individually, but why not make things more fun and introduce a competitive element? A race to see who finds Boc first! Parents - this is a wise investment, especially for long family journeys in the car! Hopefully, the kids will be too busy looking for Boc to start arguing in the back seat. Honestly, there are hours of amusement to be had here with 10 double pages and over 200 other bits ‘n bobs to keep your eyes peeled for – a bargain for £4.99 in my opinion! Whenever you have time to kill, such as waiting at the GP surgery or a rainy afternoon in front of the fire - this is a good companion to keep close by. Personally, I like such puzzles before going to bed and there's nothing more satisfying than finally finding that dragon (usually lurking right under my own nose!) Oh, and don't think this is just a children's book. Here’s a secret for you – many of Boc’s 'fans' are parents! I suspect Santa will be leaving lots of these in stockings around Wales this Christmas. It’s definitely on my list of presents to buy for family. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £4.99 ISBN: 9781784619541
- Y Castell Siwgr - Angharad Tomos
*Scroll down for English* Dwy ferch ar ddau gyfandir. Un lord ag awch am elw. Two girls, two continents. One Lord, with a thirst for profit. Rhybudd! Cynnwys aeddfed. Awgrym oed 15+ Warning! Mature content. Suggested aged 15+ ADOLYGIAD GAN REVIEW BY DR. GARETH EVANS-JONES Haf 2018 oedd y tro cyntaf imi ymweld â Chastell Penrhyn. Am flynyddoedd, bues i braidd yn anfoddog mynd yno, oherwydd yr hanes a’r agwedd negyddol a oedd gan sawl un roeddwn yn eu nabod tuag at y lle. Ond ym mis Mehefin 2018, euthum yno er mwyn gweld yr arddangosfa ‘12 Stori’ gan Manon Steffan Ros. Fe’m swynwyd a’m hysgwyd i’r byw gan y llenyddiaeth a’r celf a grëwyd mewn ymateb i hanes y castell a’i berchnogion. Yn sicr, fe ddaeth â’r hanes yn fyw. A nodwedd arbennig arall am yr arddangosfa oedd iddi ysbrydoli un o nofelwyr pwysicaf Cymru heddiw i dyrchu ymhellach yn nhir annymunol hanes teulu Arglwydd Penrhyn, ymateb yn greadigol i’r hanes hwnnw, a chynhyrchu nofel newydd, sef Y Castell Siwgr. Heb os, dyma un o nofelau pwysicaf y Gymru gyfoes. Dilyn straeon dwy ferch yn eu harddegau a wnawn, sef Dorcas ac Eboni, ond adroddir hanesion y ddwy ar wahân. Yn rhan gyntaf y nofel, dilynir bywyd Dorcas, merch o Ddolgellau, sy’n cael ei gorfodi gan amgylchiadau cymdeithasol i fynd i weini yng Nghastell Penrhyn. O gyrraedd yno, profa Dorcas amryw heriau, yn cynnwys gweithio oriau diddiwedd, gorfod cyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg, a bodoli mewn cyflwr isel iawn, ‘yn faw isa’r domen’. Llwydda Angharad Tomos i ddelweddu hanes Dorcas mewn modd cwbl gredadwy a chelfydd, sy’n ennyn cydymdeimlad y darllenydd o’r dechrau hyd at y frawddeg olaf. Cryfder mawr arall yw’r modd y delweddir natur ‘gaethiwus’ bod yn gyflogedig gan y teulu Penrhyn. Yn wir, mae’r agwedd hon ar ran gyntaf y nofel yn hynod ingol, a dwyseir hynny drwy symud at ail ran y gwaith, sef stori Eboni, caethferch ar blanhigfa teulu’r Penrhyn yn Jamaica. Mae stori Eboni yn un ddirdynnol a theimladwy iawn. Mae’r byd y mae’n perthyn iddo, y profiadau annymunol a gaiff, a’r tro trawiadol yn ei hanes yn sicrhau bod ei stori yn un sy’n cydio’n llwyr yn y darllenydd, sy’n ei ysgwyd yn ddidrugaredd, ac sy’n ei orfodi i wir gydnabod yr agwedd afiach ar hanes dynoliaeth nad yw’n cael ei thrafod mor eang ag y dylai: hanes caethwasiaeth. O gofio am y gwir anffodus fod hiliaeth yn fyw ac yn iach yn 2020, ac o gofio ein bod ni’n byw yn oes ymgyrchoedd #BywydauDuoBwys (#BlackLivesMatter), mae Y Castell Siwgr yn nofel eithriadol amserol. Yn ddiau, credaf y bydd y nofel hon yn lladmerydd arbennig a chwbl deilwng i hyrwyddo addysg ‘newydd’ am hiliaeth, caethwasiaeth, a chysylltiad y ddeubeth â’r Cymry. Dylai’r nofel gael ei darllen yn ofalus ac yn fanwl, a’i rhannu ymysg cynulleidfa eang iawn. Heb os, dyma nofel gignoeth o gredadwy, sy’n llwyddo i adrodd stori hanesyddol sydd mor amserol ag erioed. Summer 2018 was the first time I ever visited Penrhyn Castle. For years, I was reluctant to go there, because of its history and the fact that several people I knew did not like the place. However, in June 2018, I went there to see the '12 Stories' exhibition by Manon Steffan Ros. I was fascinated and shaken to the core by the art and literature created in response to the castle and its owner’s history. It certainly brought it alive. Another special thing about the exhibition was that it inspired one of Wales's most important novelists to dig further into the unpleasant family history of Lord Penrhyn, respond creatively to what she’d discovered, and produce a new novel, Y Castell Siwgr. This is undoubtedly one of contemporary Wales's most important novels. We follow the stories of two teenage girls, Dorcas and Eboni, but the stories of the two are told separately. In the first part of the novel, the life of Dorcas, a girl from Dolgellau, is forced by social pressures to go and serve at Penrhyn Castle. On arrival there, Dorcas experiences various challenges, including working endless hours, having to communicate in English, and living in very poor conditions. Angharad Tomos succeeds in imaging the history of Dorcas in a completely credible and skilful manner, which engenders the reader's sympathy from beginning to end. Another great strength is the way in which the 'oppressive' nature of being employed by the Penrhyn family is portrayed. Indeed, this aspect of the first part of the novel is extremely poignant, and this continues into the second half of the novel which tells the story of Eboni, a slave on the Penrhyn family plantation in Jamaica. Eboni's story is very emotional and moving. The world to which she belongs, the unpleasant experiences, and the striking turn in her story ensures this story completely captivates the reader. It shakes us and forces one to recognize humanity’s unpleasant past that is not as widely discussed as it should be: the history of slavery. Given the unfortunate truth that racism is still with us in 2020, and that we live in the age of campaigns such as #BywydauDuoBwys (#BlackLivesMatter), Y Castell Siwgr is an extremely timely novel. Undoubtedly, I believe this novel will be a worthy champion to educate about racism, slavery, and their connection with the Welsh. The novel should be read carefully and in great detail, and shared among a very wide audience. Undoubtedly, this is a credible and powerful novel, which succeeds in telling a historical story that’s as important as ever. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: Tachwedd 2020 ISBN: 9781845277758 Pris: £8.50
- Sothach a Sglyfath - Angharad Tomos
*Scroll down for English* Fydd Sniffyn yn gallu dianc o gastell Gyrn Wigau? Can Sniffyn escape from Gyrn Wigau Castle? ♥Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 1994♥ ♥Tir na n-Og Award Winner 1994♥ Genre: #ffuglen #hiwmor #ffantasi / #fiction #humour #fantasy Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◉ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Lluniau/illustrations: Marc Vyvyan-Jones Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★★ Oed darllen/reading age: 9+ Oed diddordeb/interest age: 7+ (not too scary) Sut goblyn es i drwy'r ysgol gynradd heb ddarllen y clasur Sothach a Sglyfath gan un o awduron enwocaf Cymru, Angharad Tomos?(creawdwr Rala Rwdins) Wel, o’r diwedd, tair blynedd ar hugain yn hwyr, mi ges i afael ar gopi o lyfrgell Safle’r Normal, Prifysgol Bangor. [Llyfr oedd heb gael ei fenthyg ers 2008] Weithiau, wrth ail gydio mewn hen straeon, mae’n amlwg eu bod wedi dyddio braidd o ran cynnwys a diwyg, ond nid yw hyn yn wir o Sothach a Sglyfath. Dwi’n meddwl fod y stori’n dal ei thir cystal yn 2020 ac yr oedd yn 1993, er bod y clawr braidd yn ddi-nod. Dyma oedd enillydd haeddiannol IAWN i’r Wobr Tir na n-Og yn fy marn i. Yr unig beth sy’n dyddio’r llyfr o gwbl yw’r cyfeiriad at y cyfrifiadur anferth mae Sglyfath yn ei ddefnyddio i ddal y plant. Mae’n rhaid rhoi Disc i mewn yn y peiriant er mwyn cael y peth i weithio - rhywbeth fydd yn ddiarth i blant heddiw. Fodd bynnag, tydi hwn yn effeithio fawr ddim ar y stori, felly mi wnâi i adael i hynny fynd! Waeth i mi fod yn onasd ddim - ron i’n hooked o’r dudalen gyntaf. Dechrau sy’n hynod o effeithiol am fachu darllenwyr gan ei fod yn cyfarch y darllenydd yn uniongyrchol. Rhybuddia’r darllenwr i beidio darllen y llyfr, ac wrth gwrs, drwy wneud hyn, bydd plant yn siŵr o fod ar dan isio cario mlaen... “Os oes rhywfaint o synnwyr cyffredin gennych chi, wnewch chi ddim meiddio agor y llyfr yma..” Mae ‘na vibes Roald Dahl-aidd mawr yn perthyn i’r llyfr ac fe gaf fy atgoffa’n syth o stori hynod boblogaidd ‘The Twits’ wrth ddarllen am y ddau greadur annifyr, Sothach a Sglyfath. Gwr a gwraig annymunol iawn sy’n dwyn plant bach drwg! Heblaw am garcharu plant bach anffodus yn eu castell, mae’r ddau yn treulio gweddill eu hamser yn ffraeo â’i gilydd ac yn chwarae triciau budur. I feddwl eu bod nhw’n briod – does ‘na fawr o Gymraeg rhyngddynt! Mae Sothach yn casáu ei gwr budur – nid yn unig oes ganddi hoffter mawr o’i waldio gyda phadell ffrio, ond mae hi’n cael boddhad o weini prydau bwyd hollol afiach i'w gŵr anffodus. Pan dyw Sglyfath ddim yn pigo ei drwyn (hynod o fawr), yna mae’n cynllwynio sut i gael one up ar ei wraig ddiog! Doniol iawn oedd eu cecru diddiwedd - byddwch yn siŵr o chwerthin! Bachgen o’r enw Sniffyn yw’r prif gymeriad. Ar ôl cael ei ddwyn a’i garcharu, mae’n gorfod gweithio fel porthor y castell. Jest fel mae'r bachgen yn dechrau colli gobaith, mae’n darganfod nad fo yw’r unig garcharor yng Nghastell Gyrn Wigau. Gyda’i ffrindiau newydd Stwmp, Hergwd Sgerbwd a rhai o’r plant eraill, cychwynna Sniffyn ar ymgais ddewr i ddianc. Tybed beth fydd ymateb Sglyfath pan sylwa fod ei weision yn trio dianc? O bosib, roedd hanner cynta’r llyfr yn gryfach na’r ail hanner a’r diweddglo, gyda rhai darnau'n hirach nag oedd angen bod, ond, ar y cyfan dyma lyfr hynod o ddarllenadwy. Dwi ddim yn meddwl fod yr iaith tu hwnt i allu'r mwyafrif o ddarllenwyr 7-11 oed heddiw (bosib agosach at 9+), ond mae tipyn o waith darllen gan ei fod yn llyfr eithaf swmpus. Daw lluniau Marc Vyvyan-Jones a’r hiwmor gwirion yn fyw. Wir i chi, dwi’n siŵr y bydd yn apelio at hogia’ a gennod fel ei gilydd ond tybiwn fod o’n llyfr ardderchog i’w ddefnyddio gyda phlant sydd fel arfer yn troi eu trwynau ar lyfrau Cymraeg, yn bennaf oherwydd yr hiwmor a’r bits ych-a-fi snotlyd! Rhyw deimlad chwerwfelys sydd gen i ar ôl darllen y llyfr. Dwi’n dal i giglan ar ôl mwynhau'r gwallgofrwydd, ond dwi hefyd yn siomedig fod y llyfr yn cael ei anghofio erbyn hyn. Debyg fod o’n eistedd ar silffoedd llychlyd mewn llawer i ysgol- ac mae’n haeddu gweld golau dydd eto! Os oes ‘na lyfr yn galw am gael ei ailwampio dwtsh, a’i ail-gyhoeddi ar ei newydd wedd - dyma fo! Hyd yn oed dros ugain mlynedd ar ôl cyhoeddi’r nofel, mae ‘na brinder o’r math yma o lyfr ar gyfer plant CA2 o hyd. Lle mae’r hiwmor wedi mynd o’n straeon gwreiddiol? Lle mae’r storis am snots, pastai llyffantod a ffieidd-dod tebyg? Mi oedd y ffordd oedd Sothach a Sglyfath yn trin ei gilydd yn hyll ac amharchus, (ac er nad yw'n gosod esiampl dda - roedd o'n hilêriys i'w ddarllen!) Tybed a fyddai'r llyfr yn cael ei gyhoeddi heddiw? Gofynnaf y cwestiwn - ydan ni’n tueddu i chware hi’n rhy “saff” y dyddia ‘ma? Ydan, beryg. Oes ‘na awduron newydd am fentro ‘sgwennu llyfr hollol wirion, a thipyn bach yn ddadleuol ar gyfer plant y 21ain ganrif?! Y math o lyfr dydi eu rhieni ddim am iddyn nhw ddarllen ond mae’r plant yn torri’i bolia’... Dwi’n gosod yr her! Mae rhai copïau gwreiddiol yn dal i fod ar gael ar wefan Y Lolfa am bris teg o £4.95 – bachwch nhw! How the heck did I miss this one when I was in primary school? This classic, was written over the course of three months by one of Wales’ best-known authors, Angharad Tomos. (creator of Rala Rwdins) Well, twenty-three years late, I’ve finally got myself a copy from the Normal Site Library, Bangor University. [it hadn’t been loaned since 2008] Sometimes, when you dig out old stories, it’s clear that some haven’t aged well and are dated in terms of appearance and content. I don’t think this is the case with Sothach and Sglyfath. In fact, I think it works as well in 2020 as it did in 1993 when it was released, even if the cover is less than enthralling. What a worthy winner of the Tir na n-Og Award! The only thing that dates this book at all is a reference to the huge computer that Sglyfath uses to catch children. A Disk has to be inserted for the machine to work - something that will be unfamiliar to today’s generation ipad. It doesn’t really affect the story so I think we can let that one go! Ok, I’ll be honest, I was hooked from the start. The beginning is very effective at grabbing the reader’s attention as the narrator addresses them directly. It warns nosy children not to read the book and of course, in doing so, ensures that they will be desperate to continue: "If you have any common sense, you won't dare open this book..." There are lots of Roald Dahl-ish vibes about this book and I am immediately reminded of the hugely popular 'TheTwits.’ Sothach and Sglyfath are two very unpleasant creatures – a husband and wife who steal naughty children for a living! Apart from jailing unfortunate children in their castle, the two spend the rest of their time rowing together and playing dirty tricks on one another. To think that they are married – they don’t get along! Sothach hates her dirty, grubby husband – not only does she enjoy bashing him with a frying pan, but she gets great satisfaction from serving him up disgusting meals. When Sglyfath isn’t picking his (large) nose, he’s often conspiring how to get one over on his lazy wife. Listening to their endless bickering is highly amusing. The main character is a boy called Sniffyn. After being kidnapped and imprisoned, he is forced to work as the castle gate-keeper. Just as he begins to lose hope, he realises that he’s not the only one stuck in the nightmare that is Gyrn Wigau. With his new friends Stwmp, Hergwd Sgerbwd and fellow prisoners, Sniffyn embarks on his daring escape plans. How will the two captors react when they realise their slaves are planning to flee? Possibly, the first half of the book was stronger than the second, and some bits were longer than needed, but, on the whole, the book is extremely readable. I don't think the language is beyond the ability of most of today’s 7-11-year olds (though I’d say 9+ is more likely for independent reading) There is quite a lot of reading and it’s a bulky book. Marc Vyvyan-Jones's pictures bring the silly humour to life and I'm sure it will appeal to boys and girls alike. I think it would go down very well with those who normally avoid Welsh books, simply because of the silliness and the snotty yucky bits! Bittersweet is how I feel upon finishing the book. I’m still giggling about this nutty story, but I'm a bit disappointed that such a great book is largely forgotten. There are probably numerous copies sitting on dusty shelves in schools – and they deserve to see the light of day again! Teachers, dig them out! If there was ever a book that was calling out for a jazzing up and a modern re-issue – this is it! Even over twenty years after the publication of the novel, there’s still a shortage of books like this for KS2 children. Where has the humour gone from our original stories? Where are the books containing snot, toenails, frog pies and similar disgustingness? Don’t get me wrong, the way Sothach and Sglyfath talk to and treat each other is very disrespectful, but it just works in the novel and is utterly hilarious! I do wonder though, would that even be published in today’s uber-safe and politically correct world? Are there any new writers out there who want to push a few boundaries and write a new silly, possibly even slightly controversial book for the 21st century? The kind of book parents don’t want their children to read, but children can’t get enough of… Go on, I dare you! Some original copies of this book are still available to buy on Y Lolfa’s website at a fair price of £4.95 – grab ‘em while you can! Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 1993 Pris: £4.95 [ar gael]
- Cwm y Wrach - Meilyr Siôn
*Scroll down for English* Llyfr antur ysbrydol i blant 9+ Ghostly adventure for children aged 9+ Genre: #ffuglen #antur #hudalledrith #ysbrydion / #fiction #adventure #magic #ghostly Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Gwaith celf/illustrations: Philip Huckin Wel, mae Calan Gaeaf wedi hen fynd, ond dydi hynny ddim yn rheswm i beidio darllen Cwm y Wrach, stori hudol newydd gan yr actor a’r awdur, Meilyr Siôn. Dwi’n falch iawn o weld y llyfr yma’n ymddangos cyn y Nadolig achos ers nifer o flynyddoedd dwi ‘di bod yn teimlo fod ‘na brinder o lyfrau da ar gyfer plant hŷn yn y Gymraeg. Yn Saesneg, Middle Grade yw’r enw a roddir ar gyfer llyfrau i blant 8-12 oed. Rŵan, don’t get me wrong, mae ‘na dipyn o addasiadau o gwmpas i’r grŵp oedran yma, a nifer o’r rheiny yn rai da iawn. Yn aml, mae’r rhain yn gwerthu achos fod y plant a’u rhieni yn gyfarwydd â’r brandiau cryf. Ac er bod ‘na ddigonedd o lyfrau gwreiddiol i blant bach yng Nghymru, dwi’n credu ein bod wedi anghofio braidd am y darllenwyr yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 ers tro, yn enwedig lle mae llyfrau gwreiddiol yn y cwestiwn. Mae’r ffaith fod Atebol yn sefydlu cyfres newydd ‘Chwedlau’r Ddraig’ ar gyfer y grŵp oedran HOLLBWYSIG yma yn rhywbeth i’w groesawu. Gobeithio y cewch chithau’ch plesio hefyd. Mae’r clawr yn dda dydi? Syml, ond mae’r geiriau sgleiniog yn effeithiol. Dyma glawr sydd fymryn yn creepy ac sy’n rhoi’r argraff mai stori arswyd yw hon. Ac oes, mae ‘na elfennau o stori arswyd yma, ond mae ‘na fwy iddi ‘na hynny. Stori hud a lledrith yw hi ar y cyfan, gyda thipyn bach o antur. O ran y darllen, mae’n fwy addas ar gyfer darllenwyr 9 oed ymlaen, ond o ran cynnwys mi fydd yn hen ddigon addas i blant 7 oed+. Efallai gewch chi dipyn o’r creeps ar adegau, ond wneith y llyfr ddim eich dychryn chi i’r fath raddau fod rhaid i chi gysgu gyda’r nightlight eto! Mae Cwm y Wrach mewn perygl o gael ei chwalu gan gwmni barus B.Tec. Nhw sydd eisiau dinistrio’r goedwig a phopeth ynddo er mwyn ffracio. Dwi’m yn meddwl i mi glywed am ffracio’n cael ei drafod mewn llyfr Cymraeg o’r blaen, ac mae’r mater yma’n rhoi blas cyfoes i’r llyfr, sy’n amlygu mater amgylcheddol mewn ffordd sy’n ffitio gyda’r stori, heb droi mewn i bregeth am achub yr amgylchedd (’sa neb isio lecture nagoes?). Daisy, merch ifanc gydag atal dweud yw’r prif gymeriad, ac yn ogystal â gorfod wynebu’r bygythiad o golli ei chartref, mae ‘na ddau hen fwli cas yn yr ysgol yn gwneud bywyd yn anodd iddi. Ar ôl iddi fenthyg llyfr digon anniddorol o’r ffair ysgol, caiff Daisy ei thaflu oddi ar ei beic ar ei ffordd adref. Dwn i ddim os mai’r cnoc ar ei phen oedd y bai, ond yn fuan wedyn, mae ‘na bethau go ryfedd yn digwydd iddi. Mae hi’n dechrau gweld pobl a phethau sydd ddim yno go iawn – cysgodion o oes a fu, a hi’n unig all eu gweld. Gyda’i ffrindiau newydd chwedlonol, tybed fydd Daisy’n gallu achub y Cwm a rhoi stop ar gynlluniau’r cwmni? Fydd hi’n cael talu’r pwyth yn ôl i’r bwlis? A pwy ydi’r ddynes ryfedd sy’n dreifio’r fan felen fel person gwyllt? Dyma jest un neu ddau or cwestiynau sy’n disgwyl cael eu hateb yn Cwm Y Wrach! (er, dwi’m yn gaddo y cewch chi ateb i bob un, chwaith). Dwi’m yn siŵr os oeddwn i’n hoffi’r ffaith fod y plant yn gwneud hwyl am ben eu tad am ei fod o’n ddysgwr sy’n defnyddio geiriau Saesneg wrth siarad Cymraeg ac yn galw ei ffordd o siarad yn ‘Cymlish’ (t.25). Dwi’n deall mai dim ond herian teuluol ydi o, ond rhywsut, roedd tynnu sylw at y peth yn y ffordd yma yn hytrach na’i gyflwyno mewn goleuni mwy positif, gan ddathlu’r ffaith ei fod wedi dysgu Cymraeg, yn teimlo fel penderfyniad od i mi. Ella fy mod i bach yn touchy gan mai ymchwilio i’r buddion o gyfnewid cod rhwng dwy iaith ydw i ar hyn o bryd! Gydag iaith syml ac 14 o benodau byrion, mae’r stori yn hawdd i’w darllen ac roedd y plot yn symud yn ei flaen ar gyflymder da. Mae ‘na ddigon o ddirgelwch i gadw’r sylw’r darllenydd ac mae ambell gwestiwn dal i’w hateb ar y diwedd, sy’n agor y drws am ddilyniant. Mae’n edrych i mi y bydd y nofel nesaf yn symud i leoliad gwahanol gyda chymeriadau newydd, sy’n siŵr o gadw pethau’n ddifyr. Mwy plîs. Well, Halloween has been and gone once again, but that’s no reason not to read Cwm y Wrach, a magical new story by actor and writer, Meilyr Siôn. I’m very pleased to see this book appearing before Christmas because for a number of years I ‘ve felt that there has been a shortage of good books for older children in Welsh. What I’m referring to, is what they call Middle Grade in English. (8-12 yrs) Now, don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of adaptations for this age group, many of which are very good ones. These often sell well because children and parents are familiar with the strong brands. Although there are plenty of original books for younger children in Welsh, I think we’ve forgotten about Key Stage 2 readers for some time, particularly where original books are concerned. Atebol establishing a new 'Chwedlau’r Ddraig’ series is welcome news for this vital age group. I hope you’ll be as pleased as I am. Don’t you think the cover’s great? It’s simple, but the glossy words are striking. This cover is slightly creepy and gives the impression that it is a horror story. And yes, there are elements of a horror story here, but there’s more to it than that. On the whole, it’s more of a magical mystery tale with some added adventure. In terms of the reading, it’s more suitable for readers aged 9+, but in terms of content it will be suitable for 7+. You may get the creeps at times, but the book won’t scare you into needing the nightlight again! Cwm y Wrach valley is in danger of being destroyed by a greedy company called B.Tec. They want to clear the area for fracking. I don’t think I've heard of fracking being discussed in a Welsh-language book before, and this issue gives the book a contemporary edge, highlighting an environmental issue in a way that fits in with the story, without resorting to preaching about the environment. Daisy, our main character is a young girl with a stammer, and as well as facing the threat of losing her home, there are two bullies at school making her life difficult. After she borrows what appears to be a totally average and uninteresting book from the school fair, Daisy is thrown off her bike on her way home. Perhaps it was the bump to her head, but shortly afterwards strange things begin to appear. She starts to see people and things that aren’t really there – shadows from a lifetime ago and she is the only one who can see them. With her mysterious new friends, will she be able to save the Valley and stop the company's plans? Will she get her own back on the bullies? And who is the strange lady who drives the yellow van like a madwoman? These are but a few of the questions to be answered in Cwm Y Wrach! (although, I can’t promise you’ll get an answer for all of them, mind.) I'm not sure how keen I was with the idea of the children making fun of their father for using English words when he speaks, ‘cause he hasn’t quite grasped it yet. 'Cymlish' they call him (p.25). I get that it’s just a bit of family banter, but I just thought it was a bit of an odd choice to focus on this rather than just celebrating the fact that he has moved from London and has learned Welsh. Maybe I’m just a bit touchy because codeswitching, language blending and it’s benefits are what I’m currently researching for my PhD! With simple and clear language, and 14 short chapters, this book was an easy read. (as opposed to really heavy novels with lots of difficult vocabulary) The plot moved along at a good speed as well. There’s enough mystery to keep the reader's attention and we are left with a couple of unanswered questions at the end, which opens the door for another book. It looks to me that the next novel will keep one character but will move to a new location with new characters, which will keep things fresh. More please. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 ISBN: 9781912261789 Pris: £6.99 Cafwyd llwyth o hwyl sbwci yn y lansiad, mewn gweithdy diddorol gyda'r awdur yng Nghanolfan S4C, Yr Egin.
- Mae'r Cyfan i Ti - Luned Aaron
*Scroll down for English* Cyfrol annwyl a theimladwy i'w darllen cyn mynd i gysgu. A tender and sensitive bedtime story. Llyfr Lluniau a geiriau ar gyfer plant 3-7 oed Picture and word book for children aged 3-7 years Dwi’m yn gwybod sut mae rhai wedi gallu parhau i fod mor productive yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Am gyfnod go lew, mi aeth fy mhroductivity i lawr y draen - doedd gen i fawr o fynadd gwneud dim byd - felly chwara teg i’r rheiny wnaeth llwyddo i ddyfalbarhau a dal ati i greu dros y cyfnod rhyfedd. Un o'r rhai fu’n brysur iawn oedd Luned Aaron, wnaeth dreulio’r cyfnod clo yn hel syniadau, yn ’sgwennu ac yn darlunio llyfr newydd hyfryd iawn sydd wedi cael ei gyhoeddi gan Atebol yn ddiweddar. Mae effaith y pandemig yn erchyll, wrth gwrs, gyda nifer wedi colli swyddi, eu bywoliaeth ac mae rhai wedi colli pobl sy’n annwyl. Fodd bynnag, yng nghanol hyn oll, mae 'na ambell lygedyn o obaith. Mae’n debyg fod nifer ohonom wedi manteisio ar gyfnod mymryn yn dawelach er mwyn treulio mwy o amser yn yr awyr agored o gwmpas ein cynefin. Heblaw am y ffaith fod mentro tu allan yn lleddfu’r diflastod o fod yn styc yn y tŷ, roedd mynd i grwydro yn ffordd ardderchog o ddod i nabod ein hardal leol yn well. Yn ôl y sôn, mi fuodd Luned a’i theulu yn brysur yn darganfod eu milltir sgwâr a daethant ar draws nifer o ryfeddodau byd natur yn y broses, ac mae hyn yn amlwg wedi dylanwadu ar y gwaith gorffenedig. Fe aiff y llyfr â ni ar siwrne diwrnod cyfan, o’r wawr hyd at fachlud yr haul. Gwibiwn o’r gwair i’r coed, o’r coed i’r cymylau. Symudwn o un tirlun hardd i’r nesaf ar rhyw fath o whistlestop tour o fyd natur. Dwi’n gwerthfawrogi’r cyfeiriad at arogl y pridd ar ôl cawod law. Mae ogla’r tir, yr hen earthy smell ’na, yn anodd ei ddisgrifio ond dwi’n meddwl ei fod o’n fendigedig (petrichor ydi’r enw gwyddonol rhag ofn eich bod eisiau gwybod!). Llais mam yn siarad â phlentyn ifanc sydd yma, wrth iddi gyflwyno’r byd a’i ryfeddodau. Awgryma prif neges y llyfr, “mae’r cyfan i ti”, fod amrywiaeth eang o brofiadau a phethau i’w mwynhau o’n cwmpas - nid y pethau mawr ond y pethau bychain sy’n bwysig. Er nad yw’n cyfeirio at hyn yn uniongyrchol, dwi’n teimlo fod ’na underlying message hefyd, sef bod ein byd yno i’w warchod a’i drysori yn ogystal â’i fwynhau. Erbyn hyn mae Luned wedi cyhoeddi nifer o lyfrau, ond dyma’r cyntaf sy’n cynnwys stori ochr yn ochr â’i lluniau. Cynhwysir cyfieithiad Saesneg yng nghefn y llyfr sy’n syniad da, yn fy marn i, gan ei fod yn ehangu apêl y llyfr i gynulleidfa fwy. Mae wastad yn bleser edrych ar waith celf Luned, ac mae’r amrywiaeth yn y dulliau a’r technegau a ddefnyddir ganddi yn drît i’r llygaid. Dwi’n hoffi astudio’r lluniau collage yn ofalus iawn i drio gweld os alla i sylwi ar rai o’r technegau neu ddyfalu rhai o’r defnyddiau mae hi wedi eu dewis i greu’r effaith. Os nad ydach chi wedi bod wrthi’n barod, dw i'n mawr obeithio y byddwch chi'n mentro allan i archwilio mwy o’ch ardal leol ar ôl darllen y llyfr hwn. Be mae’r clo mawr wedi ei ddysgu i mi ydi nad oes rhaid mynd ar wyliau i wledydd pell bob tro, achos mae ’na ddigon o ryfeddodau i'n difyrru ar ein stepen drws – mae'r cyfan yno yn aros i ni ei ddarganfod! I don’t know how some people managed to remain so productive during the lockdown period. For most of it, my productivity levels went right down the drain - I just couldn’t motivate myself to do anything, frankly. So hats off to those who managed to persevere and continued to create over that strange period. One of those who kept busy is Luned Aaron, who spent the lockdown developing her ideas and taking inspiration from the outdoors to create her new book, recently published by Atebol. The impact of the pandemic for many has been devastating. Apart from the effects on mental health, jobs and livelihoods, some have even lost loved ones. However, in the middle of all the gloom, there were a few rays of sunshine. Many of us took advantage of a break from the normal everyday hustle and bustle, and spent more time outdoors around our local areas. Not only did venturing outside alleviate some of the boredom of being cooped up indoors, it was a great way to re-discover our localities. The book takes us on a journey in a day, from sunrise to sunset. We start our journey in the grass, then move to the trees and even to the clouds, moving from one beautiful landscape to another on a whistle-stop tour of mother nature. I liked the reference to the smell of the soil after a rain shower. That ‘earthy smell’ is hard to describe but I absolutely love it! (technically, that smell is called petrichor, in case you were wondering!) The story is told through a mother's voice speaking to a young child, as she presents the world and its wonders. The book’s message, "it's all for you", suggests that there’s a whole host of experiences and things around for us to enjoy – and not necessarily big things but little things are just as important. Although the author doesn’t refer to this directly, I sense there’s a subtle underlying hint that all these things should be protected and treasured as well as enjoyed. Luned has now published a number of books, but this one has more words and a ‘story’ to go alongside her pictures. An English translation is included at the back of the book which I think is a good idea, as it broadens the book's appeal to a larger audience. (this can only be a good thing, right?) It’s always a pleasure to look at Luned's artwork, and the variety in her methods and techniques is eye-catching. I like to study the collage pictures closely to see if I can guess which materials she has chosen to create the effects and realistic textures. If you haven't already started, I urge you all to venture out and explore more of those hidden gems in your local areas after reading the book. What the lockdown has taught me is that we don't always have to go on holiday to far flung places, because we have enough wonder and beauty right on our doorsteps – and it’s just sitting there waiting to be discovered! Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 ISBN: 9781913245382 Pris: £6.99 AM YR AWDUR Daw Luned Aaron o Fangor yn wreiddiol. Bellach mae hi’n byw yng Nghaerdydd gyda’i gŵr a’u plant. Mae hi’n arddangos ei gwaith yn aml mewn orielau ar hyd a lled Cymru, ac fe enillodd ei llyfr cyntaf i blant, ABC Byd Natur, wobr categori cynradd Tir na n-Og 2017. O ran technegau, mae Luned wrth ei bodd yn arbrofi gyda chyfryngau amrywiol, ond paent acrylig ydi ei hoff gyfrwng gan ei fod yn caniatáu iddi weithio mewn haenau sy’n cynnig naws atgofus i’r gwaith. Mae ei phaentiadau i gyd yn deillio o le cadarnhaol ac yn dathlu adegau llawen.
- Ynyr yr Ysbryd - Rhian Cadwaladr a Leri Tecwyn
*Scroll down for English* Stori am ysbryd sy'n ofn bopeth! Story about a ghost who's scared of everything! Genre: #ffuglen #dyfalbarhad / #fiction #perseverance Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Casper the friendly ghost - dos i ganu! Mae ’na ysbryd newydd ar y sîn a’i enw fo ’di Ynyr. Y broblem fawr ydi, mae Ynyr druan yn rhy ofnus i godi braw ar unrhyw un, y cradur! Welsoch chi bâr o lygaid mor ciwt ar ysbryd ’rioed? Maen nhw gwneud i chi fod isio gafael ynddo a rhoi cwtsh mawr iddo fo, ond wrth gwrs, tasech chi’n trio gwneud hynny mi fysa chi’n syrthio syth drwyddo! Plot syml y stori yw hyn: Mae Ynyr yn dod o linach sy’n enwog iawn am ddychryn pobl. Yn ôl y sôn, mae o’n perthyn i’r Ladi Wen a’r Lleian Ddu! Unrhyw gysylltiad â Glan Llyn tybed? Yn anffodus, oherwydd ei anallu i ddychryn unrhyw beth, mae Ynyr druan reit down in the dumps. Mae o fwy neu lai wedi rhoi’r ffidil yn y to, ac mae’n datgan yn drist “Fedra i ddim.” Dyma dri gair dwi’n casáu eu clywed, ond yn aml iawn rydym ni’n tueddu i feddwl fel hyn os yw rhywbeth yn anodd ac yn rhoi give up cyn trio. Er y protestio, gyda help ei fam mae’r ysbryd ifanc yn rhoi cynnig ar ddychryn pobl ac anifeiliaid yr ardal... ond tydi pethau ddim cweit yn mynd according to plan. Fedrith Ynyr druan ddim hyd yn oed dychryn Pws! Neges graidd y llyfr yw dyfalbarhad. Dal ati ac mi wnei di lwyddo yw neges y fam bob tro. Drwy ddal ati mae Ynyr yn dysgu gwers BW-ysig iawn ac erbyn diwedd y llyfr, mae o’n giamstar ar godi ofn. Mae hon yn stori fydd yn addas i blant ifanc drwy’r flwyddyn, nid jest ar gyfer Calan Gaeaf. Dywedodd Rhian Cadwaladr, yr awdur: “Roeddwn i wedi cael ar ddeall gan athrawon bwysigrwydd annog plant i beidio torri’u calonnau pan fo nhw’n gweld unrhyw waith yn anodd wrth ei gychwyn ac i fod yn barod i ddyfalbarhau er mwyn llwyddo.” Mae stori Rhian yn un bositif, annwyl a chalonogol ac mae arlunwaith ei merch, Leri Tecwyn, yn mynd â’r llyfr i’r lefel nesaf. Yn wir, mae’r gwaith celf yn hyfryd, a fyddai’r llyfr ddim yr un fath heb ddarluniau Leri. Dyma enghraifft wych o lun a geiriau’n asio’n berffaith. Mae’r llyfr ar gael rŵan yn eich siopau lleol am £6.50 - amseru perffaith ar gyfer Calan Gaeaf. Ac mi fydd Ynyr yn ymddangos eto yn ôl pob sôn... Move over Casper, there’s a new ghost in town and his name is Ynyr. The problem is, little Ynyr is more scared than he is scary, and bless him, he seems to be failing miserably in his efforts to frighten people. Honestly, have you ever seen such puppy dog eyes on a ghost before? They make you want to grab him and give him a big hug, but of course, if you tried that you’d fall right through, wouldn’t you? Anyway, the plot is as follows: Ynyr is descended from a ghostly family that are famous for scaring people. Apparently, he’s related to the Ladi Wen and the Black Nun! Any relation to the Black Nun of Glan Llyn I wonder? Unfortunately, due to his inability to scare anyone or anything, poor Ynyr is quite down in the dumps. He’s more or less given up, and sadly declares "I can't do it." Here are some of the most unhelpful words in the English language! We often hear those words when the going gets tough, or if we find things difficult. Sometimes, we give up before even trying. Despite his protests, with his mother's help the young ghost has another go at scaring the locals. Things don't quite go according to plan – turns out poor Ynyr can't even scare the cat! The core message of this book is perseverance. ‘Keep going’ is always his mother’s message. By persevering, Ynyr learns a very important lesson and by the end, he’s quite adept at giving people the creeps. This story is perfect for young children all year round, and not just for Halloween. Rhian Cadwaladr, the author, said: "I gathered from speaking to teachers about the importance of encouraging children when they find it difficult to get started and to help them persevere in order to succeed." Rhian's story is a positive, endearing and uplifting tale and her daughter’s artwork takes the book to the next level. Indeed, Leri Tecwyn’s artwork is lovely as always, and the book wouldn’t’ be the same without her detailed illustrations. Yet another example of pictures and words coming together perfectly to create the perfect children’s picture book. It’s available now in your local bookshops for £6.50 - perfect timing for Halloween. Oh, and Ynyr will be making a comeback soon… Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.50
- Gwyliau Gwirion Fferm Cwm Cawdel - Gwennan Evans
*Scroll down for English* Genre: #plant #children #ffuglen #fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Gyda Chanolfan Ysgrifennu Tŷ Newydd yn dathlu ei ben-blwydd yn 30ain oed wythnos yma, dyma lyfr sy’n brawf o bwysigrwydd a llwyddiant y cyrsiau maen nhw’n eu cynnig yno. Daeth y llyfr Gwyliau Gwirion Fferm Cwm Cawdel i fodolaeth yn dilyn cwrs dan nawdd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru i feithrin awduron ar gyfer llyfrau llun a gair i blant 3-7 oed. O dan arweiniad y tiwtoriaid, Manon Steffan Ros a Jac Jones, fe dreuliodd Gwennan wythnos gyfan yn datblygu’r syniad ar y cyd â’r arlunydd, Lleucu Gwenllian. Nawr, mae ffrwyth eu llafur ar gael i chi ei fwynhau. Gobeithio ein bod ni gyd yn sylweddoli pa mor galed mae ffermwyr Cymru’n gweithio. Prin iawn yw’r cyfleoedd iddyn nhw gael brêc a mynd ar wyliau, achos dydi’r fferm byth yn stopio ac mae ‘na wastad waith i’w wneud. Mae Ffion, merch y fferm, wedi bod wrthi’n llafurio ers wythnosau ac mae hi wedi ymlâdd. I fod yn onest, mae hi’n edrych reit drist nes i un o’r gwartheg gynnig iddi fynd ar wyliau. Dwi’m yn siŵr beth sydd fwyaf o syndod yma, y ffaith fod buwch yn gallu siarad, neu fod 'na ffarmwr wedi cytuno i gymryd amser i ffwrdd a mynd i joli-hoitian! Cyn pen dim, mae Ffion, Fflei y ci a chriw o ledis y gwartheg godro yn disgwyl am y bws i fynd â nhw ar holidês i..... Aberystwyth dim llai! Pwy sydd angen mynd i Sbaen pan mae gennych chi Costa del Ceredigion ar y stepen ddrws? A beth bynnag, ers i’r pandemig roi’r kibosh ar wyliau tramor i lawer, mae’r staycation yn fwy poblogaidd nac erioed. Mae 'na ddipyn o hiwmor yn y llyfr, ac mae gweld Modlen y fuwch yn pi-pi ar ochr y ffordd yn ennyn gwên wrth i mi gael fy atgoffa o sawl pit-stop tebyg ar ein gwylia teuluol ‘stalwm! Dwi’n siŵr fod y rhan fwyaf o blant Cymru wedi cael profiad tebyg ar ochr yr A470 rhyw dro neu'i gilydd! Un peth da iawn yw bod y stori’n un syml, ysgafn a digri, sy’n hawdd i’w darllen a’i mwynhau. Yn ôl yr awdur, does ‘na ddim moeswers fawr - ac mae hynny’n ok. Dwi’n teimlo fod 'na obsesiwn weithia gyda llyfrau sydd efo rhyw neges neu bregeth fawr - ond cofiwch, does dim o’i le ar gael stori syml a hwyliog. Efallai nad oes moeswers fel y cyfryw, ond drwy ddewis merched fel y prif gymeriadau, mae’r llyfr yn ddathliad o ddoniau merched a hefyd amaethwyr yn gyffredinol. Yn wahanol i nifer o lyfrau sy’n ymwneud â’r fferm, nid yw’r llyfr hwn yn ofn amlygu realiti bywyd ffermio, sy’n cynnwys lot o waith caled ac oriau hir - roedd yr hufen iâ ar y diwedd yn haeddiannol iawn! Anelir y llyfr at blant rhwng 4-8 oed a bydd y testun amaethyddol yn ogystal â lluniau lliwgar ond syml Lleucu yn siŵr o apelio at blant cefn gwlad Cymru. Er mai plant y wlad fydd fwyaf tebygol o ddewis y llyfr yma yn fy nhyb i, mae’n amlwg fod yr awdur yn awyddus i roi blas o fywyd y ffermwr i blant y dre hefyd. Os wnaethoch chi fwynhau anturiaethau Fferm Cwm Cawdel, wel, mae yna newyddion da! Yn ôl y sôn, bydd cyfres o lyfrau, felly bydd mwy ar y ffordd... Mwww- ynhewch! (Sori, nai stopio yn fanna!) With the Tŷ Newydd Writing Centre celebrating its 30th anniversary this week, this book is testament to it’s success and the importance of the courses they offer there. Gwyliau Gwirion Fferm Cwm Cawdel was written almost entirely during a week-long course funded by the Books Council of Wales to create new picture/word books for 3-7-year olds. The aim being to team up writers and illustrators. Under the guidance of course tutors Manon Steffan Ros and Jac Jones, Gwennan spent a whole week developing the idea with the artist Lleucu Gwenllian. At last, you can now enjoy the fruits of their labour. I think we all know how hard Welsh farmers are working right now. There are very few opportunities to take a break and go on holiday, because the farm never stops and there’s always work to be done. Ffion, the farmer, has been slaving away for weeks and is absolutely knackered! Ffion, feeling quite down, prompts one of the milking cows to suggest that she takes a holiday. I don’t know what surprised me the most here, meeting a cow that can talk, or a farmer who has agreed to take time off! In no time at all, Ffion, her dog and all the dairy cow ladies are waiting for a bus to take them to.... wait for it… Aberystwyth! Who needs Spain when you have Costa del Ceredigion right on the doorstep? And in any case, since the pandemic has put the kibosh on many foreign trips, the staycation is now more popular than ever. There’s a bit of humour in this book, and seeing Modlen having a wee on side of the road brought a smile to my face as I was reminded of similar pit-stops on our family holidays. I reckon quite a few Welsh children have had similar experiences on the side of the A470 at one time or another! One good thing here is the simplicity of the story. It’s a nice, light, easy read. According to the author, there are no great moral or philosophical lessons - and that’s ok. Sometimes I feel we get too bogged down in stories having a moral message. They can get preachy if it's forced. You see, there’s nothing wrong with just having a simple, light-hearted story and that’s that. There may be no huge moral message per se, but the author’s choice to make the lead and supporting characters all girls means that it is both a celebration of women and farming in general. Unlike many books relating to agriculture, this book isn’t afraid to showcase the reality of farming life, which includes a lot of stress, hard work and long hours - the ice cream at the end of the story was well deserved! The book is aimed at children aged 4-8 years and Lleucu’s bright and colourful illustrations and the countryside theme will no doubt appeal to those who live in rural areas. Personally, I think those who live in the country will be more likely to choose this book, but it’s clear that the author is also keen on sharing some of those farming experiences with other audiences as well. If you enjoyed the adventures of Cwm Cawdel Farm, well, guess what? There are more on the way! Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.00 AM YR AWDUR Daw GWENNAN EVANS o Ddyffryn Cothi’n wreiddiol ond mae hi bellach yn byw yng Nghaerdydd gyda’i gŵr a’i dau fab. Mae ganddi ddoethuriaeth mewn Cymraeg o Brifysgol Abertawe ac fe ddilynodd drywydd Ysgrifennu Creadigol argyfer ei hymchwil yno. Enillodd radd Meistr yn y Gymraeg o Brifysgol Caerdydd a gradd Dosbarth Cyntaf mewn Cymraeg ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol o Brifysgol Bangor. Cyhoeddodd ei nofel gyntaf i oedolion, Bore Da, yn 2012 a nofel ddoniol i blant, Iârgyfwng, yn 2017. Cyhoeddodd stori fer i'r arddegau yn y gyfrol Seren Wib a bydd ei Stori Tic Toc gyntaf i blant bach i’w chlywed ar Radio Cymru yn Hydref 2019. Ym mis Chwefror 2019, treuliodd wythnos yn Nhŷ Newydd ar gwrs dan nawdd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru i feithrin awduron ar gyfer llyfrau llun a gair i blant 3-7 oed dan arweiniad Manon Steffan Ros a Jac Jones. Mae Gwennan hefyd yn barddoni ac wedi ysgrifennu nifer o gerddi i blant ar gyfer sawl Stomp Plant.
- Ff am Fferm
*Scroll down for English* Addaswyd/adapted: Awen Schiavone. Mae’r llyfr yma yn berffaith i ddwylo bach gyffwrdd a theimlo ffwr neu blu'r anifeiliaid fferm. Mae’r llyfr yn gadarn a bydd yn siŵr o ddygymod yn iawn gyda chael ei ddarllen, ei daflu a’i gnoi gan ddarllenwyr chwilfrydig, ifanc. Mae ymchwil yn dangos fod hi’n bwysig iawn cyflwyno plant i lyfrau yn fuan iawn, a byddent wrth eu bodd yn darllen am anifeiliaid y fferm drwy fydr ac odl. Bydd y gwahanol weadau yn siŵr o ddeffro’r synhwyrau ac mae’r lluniau mawr yn syml a chlir yn erbyn cefndir gwyn. Mae ‘na rhywbeth neis am y cefndir gwag hefyd - less is more weithiau. This book is perfect for little, inquisitive hands to touch and feel the fur and feathers of some of our favourite farmyard animals. The book feels solid and will no doubt cope well with being read, thrown about and no doubt chewed by curious, young readers. Research shows that it’s very important to introduce children to books very early on, and they will just love reading with you and looking at the vibrant images. The story is told through rhyme too. The different textures will provide a sensory and tactile experience and the big pictures are simple and clear against a white background. Perhaps there could have been more textures to touch on some pages, seeing as it is a touchy/feely book. I think there’s something nice about the empty backgrounds, which make the animals stand out - less is more sometimes. Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd: 2020 Pris: £6.99
- Amser Canu, Blant! - Leonie Servini
*Scroll down for English* 16 o rigymau poblogaidd Cymraeg! 16 traditional Welsh nursery rhymes and modern-day, songs Dyma lyfr prydferth gan yr artist, Leonie Servini, sy’n cyflwyno rhai o hwiangerddi gorau Cymru ar eu newydd wedd. Mae’r llyfr clawr caled yn lliwgar, yn ffresh, yn fodern ac yn rhoi spin newydd ar yr hen rigymau traddodiadol. Am ffordd wych o gyflwyno diwylliant cyfoethog Cymru i blant ifanc iawn. Yn wahanol i rai llyfrau, mae hwn yn cyflwyno rhai o’r hen ganeuon gyda rhai mwy cyfoes hefyd - cydbwysedd perffaith! Dwi’n cofio gorfod canu ‘Dacw Mam yn Dŵad’ o flaen pawb yn yr ysgol feithrin hefo fy ffrind gorau, a dydi hi ond yn iawn fod y genhedlaeth nesaf yn cael yr un profiadau! Mae o fel rite of passage i blant Cymru! Doedd dim yn well gen i pan oni’n ifanc na mynd i gysgu yn gwrando ar gasét Cwm Rhyd y Rhosyn, a chael fy swyno i gysgu gan leisiau Dafydd Iwan ac Edward. Mae un o fy hoff ganeuon o’r tapiau anhygoel ‘na wedi cael ei gynnwys yn y llyfr yma - ‘I mewn i’r arch a nhw’. Clasur. Mae’n bechod fod 'na ddim CD i gyd-fynd â’r llyfr, felly rhaid i ni obeithio fod yr oedolion fydd yn darllen a chanu yn cofio’r tiwns. Wedi dweud hynny, mae’n siŵr fod y miwsig ar gyfer pob un ar gael ar You Tube erbyn hyn. Bydd plant, rhieni ac athrawon wrth eu bodd â’r llyfr yma ac yn cael môr o hwyl yn cyd-ganu’r caneuon - dylai pob plentyn yng Nghymru gael y cyfle i fwynhau’r rhain. This is a beautiful book by the artist, Leonie Servini, which presents some of Wales's best-known nursery rhymes, albeit with an up-to-date new look. The hardcover book is colourful, fresh, modern and is a new take on the traditional old rhymes. What a great way to introduce very young children to the rich culture of Wales. Unlike some books, this one combines the new with the old, so we get a few contemporary songs too - a perfect balance! Although it was a long time ago, I still fondly remember having to sing 'Dacw Mam yn dwâd’ in front of the nursery class with my best friend, and it's only right that the next generation get to do the same sort of thing. Singing these songs is like a rite of passage for the children of Wales! There was no better way of getting to sleep when I was a kid, than listening to the Cwm Rhyd y Rhosyn cassettes, being soothed to sleep by the voices of Dafydd Iwan and Edward. One of my favourite songs from these tapes has made it into this book – ‘I mewn i’r arch a nhw.’ Classic. It’s just a shame that there’s no CD to accompany the book, so we’ll just have to cross our fingers that whoever reads/sings them will remember the tunes! Having said that, if you aren’t familiar with some of the songs, the music is probably on You Tube these days anyway. Children, parents and teachers will love this book and have plenty of fun singing the songs – every child in Wales should at least get the opportunity to enjoy these. Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.99
- Criw'r Coed a'r Gwenyn Coll - Carys Haf Glyn
*Scroll down for English* 'Cofiwch y gwenyn' yw'r neges fawr! 'Remember the bees' is the take-home message! Genre: #lluniau #natur #ffuglen #helpu #gwenyn #amgylchedd / #pictures #nature #fiction #helping #bees #environment Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Lluniau/pictures: Ruth Jên GWYLIWCH CARYS YN RAPIO YN Y GOEDWIG! Watch Carys rapping from the book! Wedi bod yn Nhŷ Newydd fy hun ar gwrs ‘sgwennu preswyl, dwi’n gwybod pa mor bwysig yw cyrsiau o’r fath ar gyfer datblygu awduron newydd. Mae’n brofiad bythgofiadwy a gwerthfawr iawn i bawb sy’n mynychu, ac mae’r buddsoddiad yn talu ar ei ganfed pan mae partneriaethau a llyfrau newydd yn deillio ohono. Dyma oedd stori Carys Glyn, yr awdures a’r artist Ruth Jên wnaeth benderfynu cydweithio yn dilyn cwrs yn 2019. Yno, datblygwyd y syniad o gyfuno rhai o anifeiliaid y Mabinogi a phroblem amgylcheddol gyfoes i greu llyfr hyfryd newydd gyffrous i blant ifanc - Criw’r Coed a’r Gwenyn Coll. O afael yn y llyfr am y tro cyntaf, mae safon yr argraffu yn amlwg. Braf yw cael llyfr clawr caled weithiau, ac yn enwedig un sy’n byrlymu â lliwiau llachar fel hyn. Bydd y gwenyn yn siŵr o heidio at hwn! Beth yw’r stori? Mae’r giang o anifeiliaid y goedwig (Criw’r Coed) fel rhyw fath o elders doeth sy’n byw yn y goedwig. Fel rheol, mae anifeiliaid eraill yn mynd atynt am gyngor, ond yn rhyfedd iawn, yn ddiweddar does neb wedi dod atynt i chwilio am help. Wedi disgwyl a disgwyl, yn sydyn iawn, daw gwenynen unig a thrist i’r golwg, sy’n cwyno nad oes ganddi ffrindiau ar ôl. Cyfeiriad yw hyn wrth gwrs, at un o broblemau mawr ein hoes sydd yn aml yn cael ei wthio o’r neilltu – mae ein gwenyn yn diflannu. Dyma ffaith hynod frawychus. Dyw hi ddim yn syndod pam ei fod yn digwydd chwaith - achos bod eu cynefin a’u bwyd yn lleihau, o’n herwydd ni, y bobl. Mae’r criw yn cael rhyw fath o ‘Avengers Assemble’ moment, a drwy bŵer y ‘rap’ fe ddyfeisiant gynllun clyfar i achub y gwenyn, sef plannu hadau wrth gwrs! Dwi’n meddwl fod cynnwys elfen ryngweithiol fel rap yn sicrhau bod y llyfr yn fwy modern ac yn siŵr o apelio at y plant lleiaf wrth iddyn nhw ymuno yn yr hwyl. Top Marks i Carys Glyn am wneud y fideo rapio yn y goedwig hefyd. Gwych! Dyma lyfr hynod o addas ar gyfer y Cyfnod Sylfaen gan ei fod yn cyflwyno problem amgylcheddol gymhleth mewn ffordd sy’n ddealladwy ac heb ddychryn. Agora’r llyfr y drws ar gyfer trafodaethau defnyddiol a phwysig gyda phlant ifanc am anifeiliaid gwyllt, cadwraeth, bioamrywiaeth, ecosystemau, blodau a mwy! Rhaid cyfleu’r syniad fod rhywbeth mor fach â gwenyn, yn chware rhan mor fawr yn ein byd bregus a dwi’n teimlo fod y llyfr yn cyflawni hyn. I’r perwyl hwnnw felly, efallai byddai’r llyfr wedi gallu sôn mwy (ar lefel syml) am SUT mae’r gwenyn yn helpu e.e. peillio. Ond mae digon o gyfle i astudio hynny wedyn does? Gallwch ddefnyddio’r llyfr fel sbardun ar gyfer amrywiaeth o weithgareddau hefyd, yn y dosbarth a rhai ymarferol yn yr ardaloedd tu allan. Cryfder y llyfr yw ei fod yn tynnu sylw plant at faterion amgylcheddol sy’n berthnasol i’w milltir sgwâr. Ac ar ôl darllen a rapio, beth am roi’r cyfle i’r plant gael bod yn rhan o ‘griw’r coed’ a mynd allan i blannu blodau gwyllt? Byddent yn cael blas ar arddio a chael cyfrannu at yr achos amgylcheddol yr un pryd. Result! Mae mor bwysig cynnal sgyrsiau fel hyn gyda phlant ifanc, a gallwn ond obeithio y bydden nhw’n gwarchod a pharchu’r byd yn well na wnaeth ein cenhedlaeth ni. Mae’n taro ar sawl egwyddor o’r Cwricwlwm Newydd, gan gynnwys y pedwar diben newydd sydd wrth graidd y cyfan: “ddinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus yng Nghymru a’r byd.” Fel y mae’r cerdyn busnes ar y diwedd yn awgrymu, “does dim problem yn rhy fawr..” i Griw’r Coed! Sgwn i beth fydd y ‘broblem’ nesaf i’r criw mentrus ei daclo! Brexit efallai? Having been in Tŷ Newydd myself on a residential writing course, I know how important such courses are for developing the next generation of writers. It’s an unforgettable experience and very valuable for all those who attend. The success of such courses speaks for itself when new partnerships, collaborations and ultimately books result from it. This was how Carys Glyn, the author, and Ruth Jên, the artist, decided to work together following a course there in 2019. They decided to combine some of the legendary animals from the Mabinogi and link them to a contemporary environmental problem - Criw'r Coed a’r Gwenyn Coll was born. As soon as I get hold of the book, the high standard is evident. I like a good hardback book, and especially one bursting with bright and vibrant colours like this. The bees will no doubt go crazy for this one! What’s the story? The animals of the forest are like wise old elders that the other animals turn to for advice. Strangely enough, no-one seems to be in need of any assistance. That is, until all of a sudden, a sad, lonely bee emerges, complaining that she has no friends left. This is of course a reference to a big problem of our times which is often forgotten – our bees are disappearing. This fact, though shocking is not surprising – their habitats and food sources are being diminished because of us. If it’s green, we pave over it with concrete… The crew then get a sort of ‘Avengers Assemble’ moment, and through the power of rap they devise a clever plan to save the bees – planting seeds! I think the inclusion of an interactive element such as the rap ensures that the book feels modern and will surely appeal to young children as they join in with the fun. Hats off to Carys Glyn for giving the rap a go in the forest! Great! This is a very appropriate book for the Foundation Phase as it presents a complex environmental problem in a way that is understandable. The book opens the door for important discussions with young children about a whole host of environmental topics such as wild animals, conservation, biodiversity, ecosystems, flowers and more. The idea is that something as small as bees, play such a large part in our fragile world. To that end, the book could have mentioned (only in passing on a simple level) about HOW the bees help e.g. pollination. But there are plenty of opportunities to take a closer look at that following the reading. You can use the book as a springboard for a variety of activities, both in class and on a practical level in the outside areas. The strength of the book is that it draws children's attention to environmental issues that are relevant to their lives and in their immediate locality – not a problem far away. After the reading and rapping, what better follow-up activity than going out to plant some seeds and wildflowers? They’d get a taste of gardening and would be contributing to the cause at the same time! It’s vitally important to have conversations like this with young children, and we can only hope that they will protect and respect the earth more than our generation did. The book aligns with several principles of the new curriculum for Wales, including the four purposes at the heart of it all: "principled, informed citizens in Wales and the world." As the business card suggests, "no problem is too great” for this lot! I wonder what they’ll tackle next?! Brexit perhaps? Only kidding! Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.99 Erthygl am y llyfr ar Read an article about the book on Lleol.Cymru
- Ar Gof: Y lloer a’r sêr - Mererid Hopwood
*Scroll down for English* Y cof. Un o’n doniau mwyaf pwerus fel pobl yw’r gallu i gofio. Fel unigolion, defnyddiwn ein cof i gyflawni ein bywyd beunyddiol. Ond mae’r cof hefyd yn creu cymdeithas. Y cof-ar-y-cyd sy’n caniatáu i ni berthyn i’n gilydd, ac mae cydgofio geiriau cerddi yn rhan bwysig o’r perthyn hwnnw. Mae Ar Gof yn gasgliad sydd â’r nod o’n cynorthwyo i gofio cofio. Three books that will encourage readers to remember a complete poem. Each book opens with a familiar verse, with each following page showing some of the words missing. With a visual 'nudge', readers will be encouraged to remember the lost words. Adolygiad gan Llio Mai Hughes Mae cerddi a barddoniaeth yn bethau a ddylid eu hadrodd ar lafar, eu dweud allan yn uchel a’u perfformio. Dyna sut y mae sawl hen gerdd wedi llwyddo i’n cyrraedd heddiw – am eu bod wedi eu hadrodd ar lafar a’u pasio o genhedlaeth i genhedlaeth nes cael eu cofnodi ar bapur. Dw i’n siŵr fod sawl un ohonoch chi wedi gorfod dysgu cerdd neu ddarn o gerdd ar gyfer cystadlu mewn eisteddfod neu ar gyfer arholiad yn yr ysgol. Mae hyn yn ffordd dda o sicrhau bod y genhedlaeth nesaf yn cael eu cyflwyno i waith ein beirdd, ond efallai bod eu dysgu ar gyfer parti llefaru neu i basio arholiad yn tynnu peth o’r mwynhad o’r arfer. Efallai fy mod yn anghywir, ond dw i’n credu fod y traddodiad o gofio ac adrodd cerddi er mwynhad wedi dirywio, a’n bod mewn perygl o golli’r hen arfer o’u perfformio a’u rhannu ymsyg ein gilydd. Mae’n bosib iawn mai dyma sydd y tu ôl i’r adnodd hwn gan Atebol gan i Mererid Hopwood nodi mai pwrpas casgliad Ar Gof yw ein ‘cynorthwyo i gofio cofio’. Yn ‘Y lloer a’r sêr’ ceir tri phennill, dau draddodiadol sef ‘Pan fo seren’ a ‘Tri pheth’ ac ‘Atgo’ gan Hedd Wyn, gyda’r cwbl yn cyfeirio at naill ai’r lloer neu’r sêr. Dyma syniad gwych, yn fy marn i, a ffordd syml ond effeithiol iawn o’n helpu i gofio cerddi ar ein cof. Mae dyluniad y llyfrynnau yn arbennig - gyda’r ysgrifen a’r lluniau metalig yn drawiadol iawn yn erbyn y cefndir du. Ceir y pennill cyfan ar dudalen cyntaf pob llyfryn, a fesul tudalen mae rhai o eiriau’r llinellau’n diflannu. Mae’r dull yn syml iawn, ond wir yn gweithio, ac roedd yn syndod imi pa mor gyflym y gwnes i gofio’r penillion. Yn glyfar iawn, mae’r lluniau sydd wedi’u cynnwys yn y llyfrynnau yno i’n cynorthwyo hefyd, gan eu bod yn darlunio’r hyn sy’n digwydd yn y penillion ac yn rhoi proc i’r cof os na fydd rhan o linell yn dod yn rhwydd. Dw i wir yn credu fod yma adnodd defnyddiol iawn i bobl o bob oedran a dull effeithiol iawn i sicrhau bod rhai o drysorau llenyddol y genedl yn cael eu cadw ar gof ac ar flaenau ein tafod unwaith yn rhagor. Byddai’n adnodd hynod ddefnyddiol i’r disgyblion sy’n astudio cerddi ar gyfer arholiadau TGAU neu Lefel A, neu hyn yn oed i fyfyrwyr prifysgol, gan fod modd efelychu’r dull yn hawdd iawn. Dw i’n mawr obeithio y bydd pecyn arall yn cael ei ryddhau yn fuan er mwyn i mi gael ychwanegu at fy repertoire. Poems and poetry in general are things that should be told, said out loud and performed in my opinion. Several older, traditional poems have managed to reach us today through this method – orally recounted and passed from generation to generation until they were finally recorded on paper. I’m sure that many of you have had to learn a poem or part of one for school assembly, for an exam or perhaps whilst competing in the Eisteddfod. The fact that they are part of our curriculum is a good way of ensuring that the next generation is introduced to the work of our forefathers, but perhaps teaching them derives some of the enjoyment from them. After all, when some of these were written hundreds of years ago, I doubt the bard expected that they would be used in this way – for exams and such. I may be wrong, but I think the tradition of remembering and re-counting poetry for enjoyment has diminished somewhat, and we are almost in danger of losing the old traditions of performing them out loud and sharing them with each other. Ask yourself, when was the last time you committed a poem to memory? And now, perhaps when we need it most, Mererid Hopwood has come up with a novel way of helping us ‘remember how to remember’ with her unique collection Ar Gof. In ‘Y lloer a’r sêr’ we get three verses, two of which are traditional and the third is ‘Atgo’ by Hedd Wyn – all of which refer to the moon or the stars in some way. This is a great idea, in my opinion, and a simple yet effective way of helping us to commit poems to memory. The design of the booklets is unique, and unlike anything else I’ve seen in Welsh- with the writing and metallic pictures looking very impressive and magical against the black background. The whole verse is to be found on the first page of each booklet, and on each subsequent page some of the words disappear. The method is very simple, but it really works, and I was surprised at how quickly I remembered the verses. Cleverly, the pictures included in the booklets are also there to assist us, as they depict what is happening in the poem and give a little prompt if we forget which line comes next. I really believe that this is a very useful resource for people of all ages and a very effective method to learn lines, whether that be poetry or something else. Indeed, the ‘cover and repeat’ method could easily adapted for other activities. Those pupils studying poetry for GCSEs, A Levels, or at University could make use of this. Perhaps they could even be used with older people as a form of complimentary brain-training, to keep that memory sharp – think of it as a poetic version of sudoku. More importantly, they serve to make sure that some of our nation’s literary treasures are being heard once again. I very much hope that we will get another collection on a different topic. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £12.99 Learn more about the design process here @ Clout Branding:
- Fy Llyfr Englynion [gol. Mererid Hopwood]
*Scroll down for English* ♥Llyfr y Mis i Blant: Hydref 2020♥ ♥Children's Book of the Month: October 2020♥ Casgliad gwerthfawr ac unigryw o englynion i blant gan wahanol feirdd - gyda nodiadau defnyddiol i gyd-fynd. A treasure-trove of unique 'Englynion' for children by different poets - with explanatory notes. Addas i oed: 7-11 Suitable for ages 7-11 Hyd yn oed fel oedolyn, mae englynion yn fy nychryn. Dwi ’rioed wedi teimlo’n ddigon ‘clyfar’ neu ‘llenyddol’ i allu mwynhau englyn. Bron y buaswn yn dweud mod i’n teimlo nad oedd gen i ‘hawl’ i wneud. Maen debyg fod na sawl un wedi teimlo’r un fath â mi – fod englynion ar gyfer pobl ‘glyfar’ a’r rheiny sy’n dda yn y Gymraeg yn unig. Gobeithio, y bydd y llyfr yma’n llwyddo i’ch darbwyllo fel arall... Mae englynion i bawb. Wedi i mi ddarllen Fy Llyfr Englynion ddwywaith o glawr i glawr, rwy’n falch iawn o allu dweud nad ydw i’n ofni’r englyn bellach, ac o’i ddarllen fy mod i wedi cael syniad llawer gwell o un o drysorau Cymru. Dydw i ddim yn hollol siŵr eto os fydda i’n gallu ’sgwennu fy englyn fy hun, ond dwi’n mynd i drio herio fy hun i wneud erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn! Mae’r llyfr yn llai nac oeddwn i wedi ei ddychmygu, ond, wedi meddwl, dyma faint perffaith ar gyfer ei ffitio mewn poced neu fag – ni ddylai’r llyfr yma fod yn casglu llwch ar silff, ond yn cael ei ddefnyddio a’i fwynhau gan y genhedlaeth nesaf o feirdd. Bach ydi englyn hefyd wrth gwrs, ac ni ddylid barnu ar sail maint yn unig. Mae cymaint o gyfoeth mewn englyn, sy’n golygu bod llond trol yn perthyn i’r gyfrol hon. O ran y llyfr ei hun, clawr caled sydd iddo ac mae ’na lyfrnod rhuban del ar gyfer cadw’r dudalen – touch bach neis. Dwi’n reit embarrassed i ddweud nad oeddwn i’n llawn ddeall beth oedd englyn cyn heddiw. Dwi wedi clywed amdanyn nhw, do, ond doeddwn i ’rioed wedi mynd ‘o dan y bonet’ fel petai er mwyn gweld yr injan! Diddorol iawn oedd dysgu am y rheolau sy’n gwneud englynion mor swynol ac unigryw. Am syniad gwych oedd creu cyfrol liwgar, sy’n cyflwyno plant ifanc i ran bwysig iawn o’n diwylliant a’n traddodiad ni yng Nghymru. Mae’n drysorfa o englynion hyfryd, rhai yn hen ffefrynnau gan feirdd megis Dic Jones a Thomas Richards, ac eraill yn fwy cyfoes gan feirdd megis Karen Owen a Tudur Dylan Jones. Mae’r llyfr hefyd yn dipyn o ‘how to guide’ ar yr un pryd. Dyma yw cryfder y llyfr – yn hytrach na chyflwyno’r englynion yn unig, fe â’r llyfr gam ymhellach a chynnig esboniad o’r geiriau anghyfarwydd gyda nodiadau manwl sy’n egluro ystyr y penillion. Dwi’n hoff iawn o’r ffaith fod y llyfr yn esbonio ac yn gwneud hynny heb fod yn patronising. Mae’r golygydd, Mererid Hopwood, wedi sôn sawl gwaith am bwysigrwydd y cof, a dwi’n mawr obeithio y bydd plant yn rhoi cynnig ar geisio cofio rhai o’u hoff englynion, am mai pethau i’w hadrodd ar lafar a’u trosglwyddo o genhedlaeth i genhedlaeth ydi englynion. Pŵer englyn yw cymryd peth, teimlad neu ddigwyddiad go gyffredin ac amlygu’r hyn sy’n hynod amdano – tynnu ein sylw at fawredd a hud yr hyn yr ydym ni’n ei gymryd yn ganiataol neu’n eu diystyrru. Dyma deitlau rhai o englynion y gyfrol: ‘Afal’, ‘Y Gwely’, ‘Cwestiwn’ ac ‘Y Pry Cop’. Mae’r rhain i gyd yn bethau sy’n rhan o’n bywydau beunyddiol, ond mae’r englynion hyn yn edrych arnynt o bersbectif gwahanol, gan wneud inni eu gweld mewn golau newydd. Nid yr englynion yw unig elfennau hyfryd y gyfrol hon ychwaith. Ceir llun lliwgar gan Alice Samuel i gyd-fynd â phob englyn, sydd wir yn eu cyfoethogi ac yn ychwanegu at greu naws a theimlad yr englynion. Trowch at ‘Y Gorwel’ gan Dewi Emrys neu ‘Nyth’ gan Roger Jones, i enwi dim ond rhai o fy hoff gyfuniadau o lên a llun. Llongyfarchiadau i’r wasg newydd, Beirdd Bach, ar eu cyhoeddiad cyntaf. O ystyried safon y gyfrol gyntaf, rwy’n rhagweld dyfodol llewyrchus i’r fenter ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at y cyhoeddiad nesaf. Mwy o wybodaeth am y wasg newydd yma: Even as an adult, ‘englynion’ scare me. I've never felt 'clever' or 'literary' enough to be able to enjoy them. I'd almost go as far as saying I never felt like I had a right to. Many of your everyday average Welsh speakers probably feel the same– that poetry is for 'clever' people and the Welsh literati. I hope this book will succeed in persuading you otherwise... After I read Fy Llyfr Englynion twice from cover to cover, I’m pleased to be able to say that I am no longer afraid of ‘englynion’, and that having done so, I now have a much better idea about one of Wales's best kept secrets. I'm not quite sure yet if I’ll be able to write my own but I'm going to challenge myself to do so by the end of the year! The book is smaller than I had imagined, but, having thought about it, this is the perfect size for a pocket or a bag – this book shouldn’t be collecting dust on a shelf, but be used and enjoyed by the next generation of poets. An englyn itself is small and short, and should not be judged on its size alone. The sounds of the words flow like music and this volume if full of treasures. In terms of the book itself, it has a hard cover and you also get a ribbon bookmark– a nice little touch. I'm quite embarrassed to say that I didn't fully understand what an ‘englyn’ was before today. I've heard of them, yes, but never really ‘looked under the bonnet’ about how they are put together. It was very interesting to learn about the rules that make such unique bits of poetry, where every word counts. They are almost like a Welsh version o the Haiku, but I get the feeling I'm oversimplifying here! What a great idea it was to create a colourful volume, which introduces young children to a very important part of our culture and traditions in Wales and ensures it's survival. It’s a treasure trove of lovely short poems, some old favourites by poets such as Dic Jones and Thomas Richards, and other, more contemporary ones by poets such as Karen Owen and Tudur Dylan Jones. The book also works as a bit of a 'how-to guide’ at the same time. This is one of the book’s strengths– rather than just presenting the englynion as they are, the book goes a step further and offers explanations for the unfamiliar words with detailed notes explaining the meaning of the poem. I love the fact that the book takes the time to explain and does so without being patronising. The editor, Mererid Hopwood, has mentioned several times the importance of memory, and I very much hope that children will try to commit some of their favourite englynion to memory because they are things that can, and should be passed from generation to generation by the power of the spoken word. The power of an englyn is that it takes a real thing, feeling or event and highlights the remarkable little details – it draws our attention to things we might take for granted. Many of the poems are about things in our everyday lives, but the englyn looks at them from a different perspective, making us see them in a new light. The englynion themselves are complemented by Alice Samuel’s colourful and delicate illustrations. The pictures really add to their beauty. ‘Y Gorwel’ by Dewi Emrys and ‘Nyth’ by Roger Jones are some of our favourites. Congratulations to Beirdd Bach, a new children’s publishing division of Barddas, on their first publication. Given the standard of their first book, I anticipate a prosperous future for them and I look forward to the next publication. Right, now I'm off to try and write my own englyn... I'll let you know how I get on! Englyn (pronounced [ˈɛŋ. lɪn]; plural englynion) is a traditional Welsh and Cornish short poem form. Gwyliwch y lansiad! Watch the Book Launch! Ymunwch â Mererid Hopwodd a'r beirdd bach, Liwsi Glwys a Sisial Karadog ar Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Barddoniaeth ar gyfer lansiad rhithol 'Fy Llyfr Englynion'. [click on link not picture] Gwasg/publisher: Beirdd Bach (rhan o Barddas) Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.95