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  • Mali - Gwawr Edwards

    *Scroll down for English* Storïau am gi bach fferm drwy'r tymhorau. Stories about a farm dog through the seasons. Genre: straeon byrion / short stories Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Dyma gasgliad o bedair stori gan y gantores, Gwawr Edwards. Yn ôl y broliant, cafodd ei hysbrydoli i ysgrifennu’r llyfr ar ôl clywed ei nain (mam-gu) yn adrodd storïau ar lafar iddi pan oedd yn blentyn. Y peth cyntaf sy’n fy nharo am y llyfr yw pa mor lliwgar ydi o. Mae arlunwaith cain Ali Lodge yn gweddu’r llyfr ac mae’r lluniau’n creu rhyw ddarlun hapus, traddodiadol, quaint o fywyd yng nghefn gwlad. Gwna’r golygfeydd i mi feddwl am Beatrix Potter a Watership Down. Yn sicr, bydd y llyfr yn apelio at blant o gefn gwlad Cymru, oherwydd y sefyllfaoedd cyfarwydd, ond byddai’r llyfr yn plesio unrhyw un sy’n hoff o anifeiliaid – a stori dda. Dwi’n meddwl rhywsut fod cael straeon byrrach yn gweithio’n well yn yr achos yma – digon i’w mwynhau bob nos fel stori amser gwely. Os dwi’n bod yn gwbl onest, bosib bydd y stori’n apelio fwy at ferched ond dwi’n meddwl fod hi’n bwysig trio peidio gosod ‘labeli.’ Stori am gi bach o’r enw Mali yw hon, sy’n mynd am dro o gwmpas y fferm ac yn mwynhau cwmni’r anifeiliaid eraill. Mae un stori ar gyfer pob tymor o’r flwyddyn – sy’n helpu i atgyfnerthu’r syniad o dymhorau (a threigl amser) i blant ifanc e.e. y rhinweddau unigryw sy’n gysylltiedig â phob tymor. Beth sydd yn gwneud y llyfr yn well, yw bod ‘na negeseuon pwysig yng nghraidd y straeon ac maen nhw’n cael eu pwysleisio/crynhoi’n glir. Ceir negeseuon mor amrywiol â phwysigrwydd helpu pobl eraill a pheryglon chwarae o gwmpas gyda thân gwyllt. Mae digon o gyfleoedd i ddatblygu sgiliau personol a chymdeithasol yma. Mae iaith y llyfr yn eithaf tafodieithol, ac mae acen Ceredigion i’w glywed yn glir – ond mae’n gwbl ddealladwy i unrhyw un – hyd yn oed ‘Gog’ fel fi! Mi wnes i fwynhau dysgu ambell i air newydd – doeddwn i ‘rioed wedi clywed “Dwi’n clemio!” o’r blaen! Yn ogystal â’r negeseuon moesol, yr agweddau o fywyd beunyddiol y fferm, a’r drafodaeth o’r tymhorau, mae gan y llyfr hyd yn oed mwy i’w gynnig. Fe geir dywediadau Cymraeg yma ac acw o fewn y llyfr hefyd - cyfle da i drafod ac egluro’r rhain i blant fel bod y dywediadau yma’n parhau. Pwysig iawn. Fel syrpreis bach olaf, mae geiriau i 5 cân hyfryd yng nghefn y llyfr, ond bydd angen archebu’r CD ar wahân o wefan Sain. Os rhywbeth, hynny oedd yr unig beth siomedig am y llyfr – nad oedd hi’n bosib cynnwys y CD. Mewn ffordd, mi fydda’n well gen i fod wedi talu mymryn yn fwy am y llyfr er mwyn cael y CD fel rhan ohono. Cyflea’r llyfr ddarlun bendigedig, diniwed o gefn gwlad Cymru a bywyd braf Mali, sy’n mwynhau antur newydd bob dydd gyda’i ffrindiau- biti na fase bywyd go iawn mor syml! CD ar gael o wefan Sain: £12.98 Gwawr ei hun yn darllen stori: 🎵🎵 Cân o'r llyfr: Am fwy - dilynwch yr awdur ar Twitter neu Facebook. @gwawredwards The singer, Gwawr Edwards, has published a collection of four stories. According to the blurb, she was inspired to write the book after hearing her grandmother recounting stories orally when she was a child. The first thing that strikes me about the book is how colourful it is. The fine, delicate artwork of Ali Lodge work well to create a happy, quaint and picturesque image of life in the countryside. It gives me a Beatrix Potter and Watership Down vibe. The book will certainly appeal to children from rural Wales, because of the familiar situations, but the book would generally please anyone who likes animals – and a good story. I think somehow having shorter stories works better in this case – enough to enjoy each night as a bedtime story. If I'm quite honest, the story might be more appealing to girls but I think it's important not to set 'labels.' This is a story about a small dog called Mali, who walks around the farm and enjoys the company of the other animals. There’s one story for each season of the year – which helps to reinforce the idea of seasons (and the passage of time) for young children e.g. the unique qualities associated with each season. What makes the book better, is that there are important messages at the core of each tale and they are clearly emphasized/summarised. Messages are as wide-ranging as the importance of helping other people to the dangers of playing around with fireworks. There are plenty of opportunities to develop personal and social skills here. The language of the book is quite dialectic, and the Ceredigion accent is to be heard clearly – but it is perfectly understandable to anyone – even a ‘Gog' like me! I enjoyed learning a few new words – I’d never come across "Dwi’n clemio!” before. In addition to the moral messages, the aspects of daily farm life, and the discussion of the seasons, the book has even more to offer. There are also Welsh sayings peppered about the book – a good opportunity to discuss and explain these to children so that they will continue. As a final little surprise, included are the words to 5 lovely songs at the back of the book, but the CD will need to be purchased separately from Sain. If anything, that was the only disappointing thing about the book – that it was not possible to include the CD. In a way, I would have preferred to pay a bit more for the book and get the CD included. The book gave a wonderful, innocent picture of Welsh countryside. Mali leads a comfortable life, with a new adventure each day - I only wish real life was this idyllic! CD available from Sain: £12.98 Cyhoeddwr/ publisher: Y Lolfa Rhyddhawyd/ released: 2019 Pris: £5.99

  • Wil y Poenwr Penigamp - Georgia Pritchett (addas. Steffan Alun)

    *Scroll down for English* Antur doniol gyda bachgen sy'n poeni... LOT! Funny adventure with a boy who worries... a LOT! Genre: ffuglen doniol, fiction humour, Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Adolygiad gan Siwan Fflur Rees Mae Wil yn fachgen sy'n poeni am BOPETH! Nawr mae Alun, dyn gwallgof dieflig, wedi symud i mewn i'r tŷ drws nesaf ac mae ganddo gynllun i ddinistrio'r byd. A fydd Wil yn gallu trechu ei ofnau er mwyn achub y dydd? Dyma i chi un o lyfrau anturus gan Georgia Pritchett, sef Wil y Poenwr Penigamp yn achub y byd!; addasiad i’r Gymraeg gan Steffan Alun. Mae Wil yn poeni am bopeth drwy gydol yr amser. Un fel yna ydy Wil! Ond yn anffodus i Wil, mae cymydog newydd yn symud i fyw drws nesa iddo, sef Alun, dyn dieflig sydd ag anifail anwes, peiriant hedfan mecanyddol gwych arbennig hudolus, gwn mawr Betingalw a LRch2FL309FERSIWN 8.4 MARC III! Mae ganddo offer dieflig i ddinistrio’r byd ... ac felly mae dyfodol y byd yn dibynnu ar Wil, y poenwr penigamp. Cewch gyfle i gwrdd â ffrind pennaf Wil, sef Stiwart, y pry lludw sy’n achub y dydd, a Dot ei chwaer fach seimllyd sy’n gymeriad a hanner. Mae cychwyn cyffrous i’r llyfr, sy’n cynnwys brawddegau byr er mwyn creu effaith ac yn annog y darllenwyr i ddarllen mwy. Roeddwn wrth fy modd gydag enwau doniol y penodau, er enghraifft 'pennod minws 1 (y dechrau un)'. Mae’r iaith yn loyw gyda nifer o newidiadau ym maint y print, sy’n ei wneud yn hawdd i’w ddarllen. Dyma lyfr hwyliog sy’n addas i blant rhwng 9 ac 11 oed. Cawn lond trol o gymariaethau yn y diwedd, a'm hoff un oedd ‘rhedeg fel morgrugyn â’i ben-ôl ar dân’. Hoffais y ffordd mae Steffan Alun wedi chwarae gyda geiriau i ychwanegu at yr hiwmor. Bydd y lluniau cartwnaidd gwreiddiol yn sicr o ddenu diddordeb, gyda’r tudalennau cefndir tywyll yn effeithiol iawn. Llwyddodd yr awdur i drafod pynciau sy’n creu trafferth i nifer o blant. Mae nifer o strategaethau yma er mwyn i blant ddelio gyda phroblemau sy’n eu poeni. Dyma lyfr campus i ddatblygu sgiliau lles a phersonol plant, a hubu eu hunanhyder. Ydy Wil yn gallu stopio poeni er mwyn achub y byd? Bydd rhaid i chi ddarllen y stori er mwyn cael yr ateb! Adolygiad oddi, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Review by Siwan Fflur Rees Will is a boy who worries about EVERYTHING! Now Alun, a diabolical and crazy man, has moved into the house next door, and he has a plan to destroy the world. Can will conquer his fears and save the day? This is an adventure book by Georgia Pritchett, Wil y Poenwr Penigamp yn achub y byd! Welsh language adaptation by Steffan Alun. Wil worries about everything all the time. Wil is just like that. But unfortunately for Wil, a new neighbour moves to live next door to him, named Alun, a vicious man with a pet, a magical mechanical flying machine, a big gun thingamabob and LRch2FL309FERSIWN 8.4 MARK III! He has vicious tools to destroy the world... And so the future of the world depends on Wil, the worrier. You will have the opportunity to meet Wil’s best friend, Stiwart, the woodlouse that saves the day, and dot, his greasy little sister who is a character and a half. The book has an exciting start, which includes short sentences in order to create effect and encourages readers to read more. I was delighted with the funny names of the chapters, for example ' chapter minus 1 (the beginning) '. The language is bright with a number of changes in the size of the print, which makes it easy to read. This is a fun book suitable for children aged between 9 and 11 years old. We end up with a raft of comparisons, and my favourite was 'running like an ant with it's bum on fire'. I liked the way that Steffan Alun has played with words to add to the humour. The original cartoon style photos will certainly attract interest, with the dark background pages being very effective. The author was able to discuss issues that cause trouble for many children. There are a number of strategies here for children to deal with problems that concern them. This is a good book to develop children's well-being and personal skills, and their self-confidence. Is Wil able to stop worrying in order to save the world? You will need to read the story in order to get the answer! A review from, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gomer Rhyddhawyd/released: 2018 Pris: £6.99

  • Y Ddraig yn y Cestyll - Myrddin ap Dafydd

    *Scroll down for English* Dysgwch am 20 o gestyll Cymru! Learn about 20 of Wales' castles! Genre: ffeithiol, hanes Cymru / factual, Welsh history Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Adolygiad gan Sioned Lleiniau Heb os nac oni bai, does neb wedi gwneud mwy i agor llygaid plant Cymru i gyfoeth hanes eu gwlad na’r Prifardd Myrddin ap Dafydd, boed hynny drwy lyfrau ffeithiol neu chwedlau, cerddi neu nofelau. Yn y gyfrol hynod ddifyr hon, Y Ddraig yn y Castell, mae’r awdur yn rhoi cyfle arall i ni fynd ar antur gyda’r efeilliaid 11 oed, Gruff a Gwen, o gwmpas cestyll Cymru. Ac mae’r ffaith mai ar ffurf casgliad o flogiau ac ymatebion y cyflwynir yr holl wybodaeth am y cestyll dan sylw’n rhoi agwedd ffres, cyfoes ac atyniadol iawn i’r gyfrol. Wrth gwrs, mae ambell ddarllenydd eisoes yn gyfarwydd â’r efeilliaid ac wedi dilyn eu hanturiaethau cynharach yn Carafanio dros Gymru. Dilyn yr un patrwm y mae’r gyfrol hon hefyd, wrth i ni gael ein cyflwyno i hanesion a nodweddion ugain o gestyll Cymru, gan amrywio o’r cyfarwydd, megis castell Caerdydd, Aberteifi, Caernarfon a Biwmares, i’r llai cyfarwydd, megis Castell Coety, Y Fflint, Dinefwr a’r Fenni. Ac yn gwmni i Gruff a Gwen ar hyd y daith mae clustog arbennig a roddwyd iddynt gan eu mam-gu ac arno lun traddodiadol o’r Ddraig Goch, fel symbol ychwanegol o’n treftadaeth a’n Cymreictod. Ond mae yna fwy o fewn cloriau’r gyfrol na dim ond ffeithiau moel a gwybodaeth am gestyll. Mae arddull storïol, ddyddiadurol y blogiau’n rhoi cyfle i’r awdur osod yr holl leoliadau mewn cyd-destun mwy cyfoes. Wrth ymweld â Chastell Dolwyddelan, er enghraifft, ceir sôn am ymweliad â ZipWorld, cyn mynd ati i gyfeirio at nodweddion y dirwedd, gan gynnwys y gwahanol gribau a mynyddoedd sydd i'w gweld, cyn ein harwain ymlaen at y castell ei hunan. Dyma roi cyfle, felly, i’r darllenydd ddod i wir adnabod y cestyll a’r ardal o’u cwmpas, gan ddangos i unrhyw oedolyn sy’n darllen y gyfrol sut mae modd cyfuno gweithgaredd hwyliog gydag elfen o hanes, a thicio pob bocs wrth geisio cynnal diddordeb eu plant. Mae diwyg y gyfrol yn denu’r llygad hefyd, gyda chyfuniad o ffotograffau a gwaith celf gan Chris Iliff yn ychwanegu at yr elfen weledol, ochr yn ochr â sylwadau difyr dilynwyr ar-lein Gruff a Gwen – sy’n cynyddu wrth i’r gyfrol fynd yn eu blaen – sy’n cynnig eu syniadau hwythau. Mewn oes lle mae hi’n gynyddol anodd i gadw diddordeb y genhedlaeth iau am gyfnodau hir, mae arddull gryno a lled bytiog y gyfrol hon yn bendant yn ffordd hwyliog o gyflwyno gwybodaeth mewn modd diddorol ac ysgafn, ond ar yr un pryd yn llwyddo i fod yn gyfrol ffeithiol werthfawr. A pheidiwch anghofio am glustog Draig Goch Mam-gu! Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru Yn y blog maen nhw'n ei gofnodi ar eu teithiau, cawn gip ar arwyddocâd y cestyll yn hanes Cymru a thipyn o'r hwyl sy'n codi o droeon trwstan ac o gyfarfod cymeriadau arbennig yn ystod y teithiau. Ceir ymateb i'r blog gan Nain/Taid/Tad-cu/Mam-gu a mêts y ddau blentyn. Cestyll Cymru Mae pob castell yng Nghymru yn destun rhyfeddod – ac yn llawn dirgelwch a hanesion. Mae rhai ohonynt yn rhan o Safle Treftadaeth Byd cyntaf Cymru – cestyll Biwmares, Caernarfon, Conwy a Harlech. Daeth penseiri a pheirianwyr gorau Ffrainc yma i greu campweithiau mewn cerrig yn y cyfnod Normanaidd. Bu bron i’r hwch fynd drwy siop Edward I gan eu bod yn godro cymaint o arian o’i bwrs brenhinol. Mae cestyll eraill wedi’u codi gan dywysogion Cymreig i amddiffyn eu tiroedd a’u pobl yn eu rhyfel 200 mlynedd yn erbyn y Normaniaid. Mae 800 mlynedd o hanes Cymru yn y cestyll hyn. Mae gan bob un ei stori ei hun yn ogystal. Yn y gyfrol hon, mae lluniau a darluniau lliw a naratif sy’n troi o amgylch ymweliadau un teulu ag 20 o gestyll Cymreig yn cyflwyno rhyfeddodau’r safleoedd a hefyd yn adrodd yr hanesion sy’n perthyn iddyn nhw. Mae nodweddion pensaernïol y cestyll yn cael eu dangos a’u hesbonio – e.e. barbican, garderobe, tourelle. Cawn hanes y brenhinoedd a’r arglwyddi Normanaidd oedd yn gymaint rhan o bresenoldeb y cestyll yng Nghymru. Ond yn ogystal, mae’r plant, wrth ymweld â’r cestyll, yn dod ar draws hanesion coll a thraddodiadau cudd am y Cymry a’r gymdeithas leol. Review by Sioned Lleiniau Without a doubt, no-one has done more to open the eyes of Welsh children to the richness of their country's history than that of Archdruid Myrddin Ap Dafydd, whether through fact books or legends, poems or novels. In this hugely entertaining volume, the Dragon in the castle, the author gives us another opportunity to go on an adventure with the 11-year-old twins Gruff and Gwen around the castles of Wales. And the fact that all the information about the castles in question is presented in the form of a collection of blogs and responses gives the volume a very fresh, contemporary and attractive aspect. Of course, a few readers are already familiar with the twins and have followed their earlier adventures in Carafanio dros Gymru. This volume also follows the same pattern, as we are introduced to the stories and features of twenty castles in Wales, ranging from the familiar, such as Cardiff Castle, Cardigan, Caernarfon and Beaumaris, to the less familiar, such as Coety Castle, Flint, Dinefwr and Abergavenny. Gruff and Gwen's company along the way is a special cushion given to them by their grandmother and a traditional photograph of a Red dragon, as an added symbol of our heritage and Welshness. But there are more within the volume's covers than just artifacts and factual information. The story/diary-like style of the blogs provides an opportunity for the author to place all venues in a more contemporary context. When visiting Dolwyddelan Castle, for example, there is mention of a visit to ZipWorld, before going on to refer to landscape features, including the different arêtes and mountains that can be seen, before we go to the castle itself. This provides an opportunity, therefore, for the reader to come to truly identify the castles and their surroundings, showing any adult reading the volume how it is possible to combine a fun activity with an element of history, and to tick each box when trying to maintain the interest of their children. The volume is also pleasing to the eye, with a combination of photographs and artwork by Chris Iliff adding to the visual element, alongside the fascinating comments by Gruff and Gwen’s on-line fans – which increase as the volume progresses and they even suggest ideas. In an age where it is increasingly difficult to maintain the interest of the younger generation for long periods of time, the concise style of this volume is definitely a fun way of presenting information in an interesting and light-hearted manner, while at the same time proving to be a valuable factual volume. And don't forget about grandmother's red dragon cushion! A review from, with the permission of the Books Council of Wales. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Rhyddhawyd/released: 2019 Pris: £7.50

  • Ble mae Boc? Huw Aaron

    *Scroll down for English* Llyfr chwilio lliwgar a hwyl! Fun and colourful search book! 💙 Llyfr y mis i blant Rhagfyr 2018 💙 💙 Children's Book of the Month December 2018 💙 Genre: llyfr chwilio, comig / search book, comic Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/foul language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◎◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Adolygiad gan Mari Siôn Llyfr lliwgar 24 tudalen, maint A4, addas ar gyfer plant ac oedolion, yn cynnwys 10 llun tudalen ddwbl. Bydd pob taenlen yn dangos golygfa lawn dop, gyda'r nod o ddod o hyd i Boc, y ddraig fach goch, sy'n cuddio ym mhob llun. Mae cyfle i chwilio am bethau eraill yn y lluniau hefyd, yn ogystal â thrafod a holi cwestiynau rhwng plant â'i gilydd, a rhwng rhiant a phlentyn. Mae’r llyfr lliwgar Ble Mae Boc? yn herio plant ac oedolion Cymru i ganfod draig fach goch sydd byth a beunydd ar goll mewn lleoliadau amrywiol o Fôn i Fynwy. Fe ymddangosodd Boc y ddraig gyntaf yn y comic Mellten. Ers deor o wy rhyfedd ar gopa’r Wyddfa, mae’n chwilio am ei mam. Yn y gyfrol mae Boc ar goll o fewn deg golygfa tudalen ddwbl. Mae taith y ddraig fach o amgylch Cymru yn un ryfeddol, sy’n arwain y darllenydd o Gastell Caerffili i Stadiwm y Mileniwn, o ffwlbri ar y fferm i ddiwrnod ar lan y môr. Mae pob tudalen wedi ei llenwi i’r ymylon â chymeriadau lliwgar a sefyllfaoedd doniol a fydd yn sicr o godi gwên. Mae yma gŵn yn torheulo, darnau mawr o gaws yn crwydro, dau Ddewi Sant yn gorymdeithio, heb sôn am ddreigiau yn bwyta tsili a chewri concyrs yn y coed! Drwy ei luniau gwych, llwydda Huw Aaron nid yn unig i gyflwyno tirwedd a rhai o ryfeddodau Cymru, ond i ddal ysbryd a chymeriad y genedl i’r dim. Mae’r cartwnau hefyd yn gyforiog o gyfeiriadaeth Gymraeg a Chymreig. O edrych yn ofalus fe ddewch o hyd, er enghraifft, i fochyn yn glynu poster Jaci Soch, Jini o gyfrolau Mary Vaughan Jones ar goll yn y goedwig, yn ogystal â baner seren wen ar gefndir gwyn ym Mhortmeirion. Wedi i’r darllenwyr ganfod Boc, mae cyfle hefyd i ganfod wyau ei fam, ynghyd â Barri a Blodwen, casglwyr dreigiau cas sydd yn stelcian ymysg y delweddau. Mae yna restr o bethau a phobl ychwanegol i’w canfod yng nghefn y gyfrol wedi hynny. Fe fydd darllenwyr mwyaf selog Mellten yn siŵr o ganfod cymeriadau fel Gwil Garw, Capten Clonc, Gari Pêl a Bloben yn cuddio hefyd. Dyma lyfr a fydd yn bendant yn hudo plant ac oedolion o bob oed i dreulio oriau yn craffu a chwerthin am yn ail. Mae’n gyfrol berffaith ar gyfer taith hir ar y trên, wrth eistedd yn nerbynfa'r feddygfa neu wrth ddiddanu plant llwglyd mewn caffi. Ac am £4.99 yn unig, dyma fargen y flwyddyn! Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Review by Mari Siôn A colourful 24-page, A4 sized book, suitable for children and adults, containing 10 double-page picture spreads. Each spreadsheet will display a scene that’s filled to the brim, with the aim of finding Boc, the small red Dragon, which hides in every picture. There is also the opportunity to search for other things in the pictures, as well as to discuss and ask questions between children and each other, and between parent and child. The colourful Ble mae Boc? book challenges children and adults to find a small red dragon that is always lost in various locations across Wales. Boc the Dragon first appeared in the Welsh language comic Mellten. Since hatching from a strange egg on the summit of Snowdon, she is looking for her mother. In this volume Boc is missing within ten double-page scenes. The Little Dragon’s journey around Wales is amazing, leading the reader from Caerphilly Castle to the Principality Stadium, from a farm to a day on the seafront. Each page has been filled to the brim with colourful characters and funny situations that will inevitably raise a smile. There are sunbathing dogs, large chunks of cheese wandering, two St Davids marching, not to mention Dragons eating chilli and conker giants in the woods! Through his brilliant paintings, Huw Aaron is not only able to present the landscape and some of the wonders of Wales, but captures the spirit and character of the nation. The cartoons are also rich in Welsh-language references. If you look carefully you will see, for example, a pig putting up a Jaci Soch poster, Jini from Mary Vaughan Jones's books lost in the woods, as well as a white star flag on a white background at Portmeirion. Once the readers have found a Boc, there is also an opportunity to find her mother’s eggs, along with Barry and Blodwen, nasty dragon hunters who stalk among the images. There are lists of additional things and people to find at the back of the book upon completion. Mellten's most avid readers will no doubt notice characters such as Gwil Garw, Captain Clonc, Gari Pêl and Bloben also hiding. This is a book that will definitely appeal to children and adults of all ages who will spend hours scrutinizing and laughing. It is a perfect volume for a long journey on the train, sitting in the reception area of the GP surgery or entertaining hungry children in a café. And for only £4.99, this is the deal of the year! A review from, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council. Cyhoeddwr/Pubisher: Y Lolfa Rhyddhawyd/released: 2018

  • Bwch- Anni Llŷn

    *Scroll down for English* Stori am afr sy'n darganfod ei dalent. Story about a billy-goat who finds his talent Genre: ffuglen / fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Ydach chi wedi gweld Geifr Y Gogarth, Llandudno ar y newyddion yn ddiweddar? Tra mae gweddill trigolion y dref yn swatio yn eu cartrefi rhag y corona, mae’r geifr yn crwydro’r strydoedd heb ffiniau na neb i darfu ar eu hwyl! Braf yw cael mymryn o newyddion ysgafn, yng nghanol cyfnod anodd iawn, a chymerodd hi fawr o amser i’r stori ddal sylw’r byd! Yn wir, gallwch ddweud fod y peth wedi mynd yn ‘viral.’ (rhy fuan?) Mae hyd yn oed Ellen DeGeneres (cyflwynydd enwog o America) wedi dweud ei bod hi am ymweld â’r dref pan fydd y pandemig wedi gorffen! Doedd hi ond yn briodol, felly, i ni adolygu’r llyfr Bwch gan Anni Llŷn, sy’n rhan o gyfres Roli Poli gan wasg Gomer. Mae arlunwaith cain Petra Brown yn dangos bwch gafr ciwt a chyfeillgar yr olwg ar y clawr – arwydd y bydd hwn yn plesio unrhyw un sy’n caru anifeiliaid. Pan ddarllenais y broliant, roeddwn i’n meddwl mai dewin go iawn oedd perchennog Bwch gydag enw fel Cefin y Dewin. Ond na, nid felly. Mewn gwirionedd, hen sglyfath tew, cas a blin yw Cefin. Mi oedd o’n dipyn o loser, yn byw mewn fflat druenus, cyn i’w dad farw a gadael fferm iddo. Cefin yn etifeddu’r fferm yw’r peth sy’n dod a fo a Bwch at ei gilydd. Cyfeillgarwch newydd ar fin cychwyn yma? Na, dim wir. Mae Cefin yn rhedeg sioe debyg i syrcas yn Fferm Tyddyn Od yn llawn anifeiliaid rhyfeddol sydd wedi torri rhyw fath o record. Anifeiliaid ‘anasbaradigaethus’ ydyn nhw i gyd! (dwnim faint o weithia gafodd y gair yna ei ddefnyddio!….less is more efallai?) Mae 'na barot sy’n gallu agor caniau diod a phob math o greaduriaid eraill sy’n berchen ar ryw fath o dalent. Pawb ond Bwch druan. Tydi o ddim yn teimlo’n sbeshial o gwbl ac mae ei berchennog yn treulio’i amser yn ei fychanu -ddim yn neis o gwbl! Heb ddweud gormod, o’r diwedd mae Bwch yn ffeindio ei ‘dalent’ a diolch i Nith Cefin am ffilmio’r cyfan ar ei ffôn symudol, daw Bwch yn enwog ar y we – tebyg iawn i eifr Llandudno! Rhaid i mi gyfaddef, mi oni wedi synnu gyda’r diweddglo achos ron i’n siŵr byddai Bwch a’i berchennog yn ffrindiau erbyn y diwedd, ond, er bod Bwch yn boblogaidd erbyn diwedd y llyfr, does gan Cefin ddim diddordeb ynddo (achos nad ydi o’n mynd i wneud pres iddo, debyg). Yr anifeiliaid eraill sy’n gwneud i Bwch deimlo ei fod o’n perthyn a bod ganddo ffrindiau. Neis neis. Dwi’n falch fod pawb yn ffrindiau, ond mi faswn i wedi hoffi gweld Cefin yn derbyn rhyw fath o comeuppance am fod yn gymaint o fochyn hefo Bwch druan! Neges lyfli’r stori yw i garu eich hun, ac i beidio â phoeni - mae gan bawb dalent arbennig. Peidiwch â gadael i bobl eich tynnu i lawr. Llyfr bach doniol sy’n addas iawn ar gyfer bl.3/4 (i ddarllen yn annibynnol) ond bosib y byddai plant ieuengach yn mwynhau rhywun yn darllen y stori iddynt. Have you seen the Great Orme goats, Llandudno on the news recently? While the rest of the town's residents are huddled up in their homes away from the corona, the goats now roam the streets without limits or anyone to spoil their fun! It's nice to have a little bit of ‘light’ news, in the midst of such troubling reports, and it took little time for the story to grab the world's attention! In fact, you could even say the thing went 'viral. ' (sorry! too soon?) Even Ellen DeGeneres (a renowned American presenter) has said she wants to visit the town when the pandemic has finished! It was only appropriate, therefore, for us to review Bwch by Anni Llŷn, which is part of Gomer's Roli Poli series. Petra Brown's delicate cover artwork shows a friendly looking billy-goat – an indication that this book will please animal lovers. Initially, upon reading the blurb, I thought that Bwch’s owner Cefin y Dewin (Kevin the wizard) was a real magician with a name like that. But no, not so. In fact, Cefin is an old, fat, nasty and rather angry man. He was a bit of loser, living in a miserable flat, before his father died and left him a farm. Cefin inheriting the farm is the event that brings them together. Is a new friendship about to start here? No, not really. Cefin runs a circus-like show at Tyddyn Od Farm full of amazing animals that have broken some sort of record. They are all 'ansbaradigaethus' animals! (not sure how many times that word came up….!!! less is more maybe?) By the way, if you didn’t know, it’s a made-up, fun word like the one from Mary Poppins) There’s a parrot that can open up drink cans and all sorts of other talented creatures. Everyone but poor Bwch – he doesn’t think he’s special in any way. All his owner seems to do is remind him of that – not nice at all. Not to give too much away, but eventually, Bwch discovers his ' talent ' and thanks to Cefin’s niece filming it all on her phone, he becomes a bit of a star on the web – very similar to Llandudno's goats! I was a bit surprised with the ending because for some reason, I thought that Bwch and his owner would become friends after Cefin realizes Bwch is special. But that doesn’t happen. Even though Bwch is ‘famous,’ Cefin still doesn’t appreciate him (probably because he doesn’t make him money). It is in fact, the other animals that make Bwch feel like he belongs and they all become good friends. I’m glad the animals are all friends at the end, but I would have liked to see Cefin get some sort of comeuppance for being so mean! The story's message is to love yourself, and no to worry – everyone has their own special talent. You just might not have found it yet! Don’t let anyone get you down, basically. A funny little book that is very suitable for yrs.3/4 (to read independently) but younger children would appreciate it being read to them. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gomer Rhyddhawyd/released: 2018 Pris: £4.99

  • Madi - Dewi Wyn Williams

    Scroll down for English & comments* Nofel am fyw gyda anorecsia. Novel about living with anorexia. Genre: iechyd a lles / health & wellbeing Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◉◉ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◉◉◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◉◉◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◉◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ ⭐️Cymraeg gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ⭐️ ❗ Rhybudd/warning: cynnwys sensitif a themau heriol/aeddfed. sensitive topic and mature/challenging themes. Adolygiad gan Llio Mai Hughes Madi ydi nofel gyntaf yr awdur Dewi Wyn Williams. Dyma nofel sy’n trafod bywyd merch ifanc wrth iddi ddatblygu a delio efo’r anhwylderau bwyta (eating disorders) anorexia a bulimia. O oedran ifanc iawn mae Madelyn wedi poeni am bwysau ac am sut mae hi’n edrych. Mae ganddi hefyd ddychymyg byw iawn, ac wrth geisio cofio ei hatgof cyntaf un, mae hi’n mynd yn ôl i’r adeg pan oedd hi’n ffoetws yn y groth. Mae’n rhaid i mi gyfaddef nad oeddwn i’n hollol siŵr o’r nofel ar y pwynt yma, ond fe wnes i ddal ati i ddarllen ac fe ddaeth pethau’n gliriach. Llwydda’r awdur i gyfleu’r anhwylderau bwyta yn effeithiol iawn yn y nofel, a hynny trwy eu gwneud yn gymeriad - Llais. Llais ydi’r ffrind dychmygol sydd gan Madi ers pan oedd hi’n blentyn bach. Llais sy’n gwneud sylwadau beirniadol am bwysau Madi, am sut mae hi’n edrych ac am bob rhan o’i bywyd hi. Mae Madi’n credu fod Llais yn ffrind, ond dydi’r cyfeillgarwch yn gwneud dim lles iddi. Nid yr anhwylderau bwyta yn unig sy’n cael eu trafod yn y nofel yma gan Dewi Wyn Williams. Mae’n plethu nifer o themâu eraill i’r stori fel rhyw, unigrwydd, perthnasau, cymhlethdodau teulu a galar. Perthynas Madi efo’i rhieni ydi’r brif thema arall, ar wahân i’r anorexia a’r bulimia, ac mae ei pherthynas efo’i rhieni yn bendant wedi cyfrannu at ei anhwylderau bwyta. Mae ei thad i ffwrdd am ddyddiau neu wythnosau gyda’i waith, does gan Madi ddim perthynas dda iawn efo’i mam, mae perthynas ei mam a’i thad yn amlwg dan straen ac mae’n amlwg fod rhywbeth wedi digwydd ar ryw adeg gan fod ei mam yn amlwg yn anhapus iawn, yn yfed gormod a phrin yn gadael y tŷ. Gwaethygu mae anorexia Madi, gan wedyn ddatblygu’n bulimia. Wrth i’r bobl o’i hamgylch wneud eu gorau i’w helpu i wella cawn wybod mwy am yr hyn sydd y tu ôl i berthynas gymhleth ei rhieni. Mae’r nofel yn bendant yn rhoi mewnwelediad effeithiol iawn i fywyd rhywun sy’n byw efo anhwylder bwyta. Daw’n amlwg fod yr awdur wedi gwneud gwaith ymchwil manwl, ac mae’n cyflwyno rhai o nodweddion ac elfennau’r cyflwr yn dda iawn. Yn bersonol, byddwn i’n teimlo’n hapusach petai ryw fath o rybudd wedi’i gynnwys ar ddechrau’r nofel ynglŷn â’r cynnwys. I rywun sydd wedi profi anhwylder bwyta, dw i’n siŵr y byddai rhai darnau o’r nofel yn gallu bod yn anodd iawn i’w darllen, ac mae darn sy’n disgrifio hunan-niweidio hefyd, y dylid tynnu sylw ato ar y dechrau. Yn ogystal, dw i’n teimlo nad ydi rhai o’r cyfeiriadau a pheth o iaith y nofel yn gweddu i ferch ifanc yn ei harddegau. Fyddai merch ifanc heddiw yn cofio’r rhaglen deledu Fat Friends ac wrth restru rhai o fodelau prydferthaf y byd yn enwi Heidi Klum cyn Kendall Jenner? Wedi dweud hynny, dydi hyn ddim yn amharu ar y stori o gwbl mewn gwirionedd. Mae’n bwysig bod nofelau ar gael sy’n trafod ac yn addysgu pobl am anhwylderau bwyta, ac mae Madi yn sicr yn gwneud hynny. Mi fyddwn i wedi hoffi darllen mwy am y broses o wella a delio efo bywyd ar ôl byw efo anhwylderau bwyta – deunydd am ail nofel ella? Review by Llio Mai Hughes Madi is Dewi Wyn Williams's first novel. This is a novel that discusses the life of a young girl as she develops and deals with different eating disorders, namely anorexia and bulimia. From a very young age Madelyn worries about her weight and how she looks. She also has a very vivid imagination, and in trying to remember her very first memory, she goes back to the time when she was a fetus in the womb. I have to confess that I wasn't quite sure of the novel at this point, but I did keep reading and things became clearer. The author manages to convey the eating disorders very effectively in the novel by making them a character in their own right- Llais [voice]. Voice is the imaginary friend Madi has had since she was a toddler. A voice that makes critical remarks about Madi's weight, about how she looks and about every part of her life. Madi believes that ‘Llais’ is a friend, but the friendship does not benefit her. It’s not just the eating disorders that are discussed in this novel. The author interweaves a number of other themes such as gender, loneliness, relationships, family complications and grief. Madi's relationship with her parents is the other main theme, besides the anorexia and the bulimia, and her relationship with her parents has definitely contributed to her eating disorders. Her father is away for days or weeks with his work and Madi hasn’t got a very good relationship with her mother. Their relationship is clearly strained and it's obvious that something happened in the past because her mother was obviously very unhappy, drinking too much and hardly leaving the house. Madi’s anorexia is worsened by developing into bulimia. As the people around her do their best to help her we know more about what lies behind her parent’s complex relationship. The novel definitely provides very effective insights into the life of a person living with an eating disorder. It is apparent that the author has carried out detailed research, and presents some of the characteristics and elements of the condition very well. Personally, I would feel happier if some kind of warning was included at the beginning of the novel about the content. For someone who has experienced an eating disorder, I'm sure some portions of the novel could be very difficult to read, and there's a piece that also describes self-harm, which should be highlighted at the beginning. In addition, I feel that some of the cultural references and some of the language of the novel do not suit a young teenage girl. Would a young girl today remember the television program Fat Friends and in listing some of the world's most beautiful models, would they name Heidi Klum before Kendall Jenner? Having said that, the slightly out of date references don’t impede on the story at all. It is important that novels are available that discuss and educate people about eating disorders, and Madi certainly does. I would have liked more about the process of healing and dealing with life after living with eating disorders – enough material for a second novel? Gwasg/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £8.99 ISBN: 978-1912261581

  • Asiant A - Anni Llŷn

    *Scroll down for English* Antur gyda'r ysbïwr 14 oed! A 14 year old spy's first mission! Genre: ffuglen, antur ysbïo / spy adventure, fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◎◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Dod ar draws y llyfr yn eistedd ar fy silff lyfrau yn y study wnes i gyntaf. Dim syniad o ble ddaeth o na phwy pia hi! Wel - fi rŵan! Doedd y clawr ddim wir yn apelio ataf – ddim yn siŵr pam. Mae ‘na rhyw edrychiad mymryn yn dated arno erbyn hyn efallai. Ond, chwedl y Sais; ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover!’ felly mi rois i gynnig ar y llyfr. A dwi’n falch fy mod i wedi, a dweud y gwir. Stori am ferch 14 oed yw hon, ond nid merch gyffredin, o na! Mae gan Alys Phillips gyfrinach, a set o sgiliau arbennig iawn achos mae hi’n ysbïwr proffesiynol. Mae hi wedi cael ei hyfforddi mewn spy skills gan ei mam a nawr mae hi’n barod am ei mission gyntaf. Mae’r stori’n fy atgoffa o’r ffilmiau poblogaidd Spy Kids yn y 2000au cynnar! Mae rhywbeth mawr o’i le yn Ysgol Breifat ‘hynod lewyrchus’ Pen y Rhych – sydd â chanlyniadau anhygoel a ffynhonnell incwm amheus. Rhywbeth arall sy’n od iawn yw fod y plant fel robotiaid a does NEB yn chwerthin yno. O gwbl! Gwaith Alys ydi mynd undercover yn yr ysgol gyda’i theclynnau ysbïo ffansi er mwyn datgelu cyfrinach Miss Glein, y brifathrawes. Wedi i Alys ddechrau chwilota yn yr ysgol, mae Miss Glein a’i dirprwy, Mr Bylbs yn ceisio rhwystro Alys wrth iddi geisio darganfod y gwir. Gyda help ei ffrindiau newydd – ei ffrindiau cyntaf erioed – mae Alys yn gorfod rhoi ei hun mewn perygl o gael ei dal, er mwyn casglu tystiolaeth am y digwyddiadau od yn yr ysgol breifat cyn bod hi’n rhy hwyr. Tybed fydd hi’n llwyddo mewn amser? Yn ddibynnol ar allu darllen wrth gwrs, tybiwn i fod y llyfr yn addas ar gyfer plant 9+ oed, ond byddai hefyd yn gweithio hyd at 14 oed. Dyma lyfr sy’n addas i fechgyn a merched, ond dwi’n meddwl y bydd merched yn eu harddegau cynnar yn gwerthfawrogi merch gref fel prif gymeriad. Yn wahanol i’r ffilmiau James Bond, tydi Alys ddim yn damsel in distress o bell ffordd ac mae hi’n fwy na abl i ofalu am ei hun. Dwi’n meddwl fod cymeriad cryf, annibynnol fel hyn yn gosod esiampl dda ac yn cael gwared â stereotypes o gymeriadau benywaidd mewn ffilmiau spy. Flynyddoedd yn ôl, cyhoeddwyd llyfr gan Gomer o’r enw ‘Taro’r Targed’ gan John Townsend (addas.Elin Meek) am fachgen ifanc oedd hefyd yn ysbïwr. Roedd hon yn llyfr mymryn yn dywyllach/gritty ac mae Asiant A yn teimlo braidd yn light-hearted o gymharu - sydd ddim yn syndod o ystyried yr awdur. Dibynnu beth mae’r darllenydd yn hoffi – mae gwefan y Lolfa yn ei disgrifio fel ‘yr Alex Rider Cymraeg’ - ond tydi Asiant A ddim fel y gyfres Alex Rider (mae llawer mwy o drais yn rheina yn un peth) Mae na fwy o hiwmor yn Asiant A ac roedd 'na ddigon o jôcs i roi gwên ar fy ngwyneb - hon dwi’n licio: “Twm Ffrancs? Roedd o’n edrych yn debycach i Twm Ffat!” Yn bersonol, roeddwn i’n gweld rhai agweddau o’r plot ac ambell gymeriad braidd yn arwynebol neu’n rhy obvious, a byddwn i wedi hoffi gweld Alys mewn mwy o ‘berygl’, ond mae’r stori’n dal i weithio. Cryfder y nofel yw’r prif gymeriad, Alys. Mae hi’n bersonoliaeth gref gyda thipyn o ‘sbarc’ - roedd hi’n ffraeth iawn ar brydiau e.e. tud 62 - dwi’n siŵr fydd plant yn gwerthfawrogi hi’n ateb y pennaeth yn ôl! Mae llyfr arall bellach ar gael yn y gyfres. I first came across this book sitting on the shelf in my study. I’ve no idea where it came from or who it belongs to – well, me now, I guess! The cover didn't really appeal to me – not sure why. It’s beginning to look a bit dated, but as they say, don’t judge and book by its cover! So, I decided to give it a try. This is a story about a 14-year-old girl, but no ordinary girl, oh no! Alys Phillips has a secret, and a very special set of skills because she is actually a professional spy. She has been trained in espionage by her mother and is now ready for her first mission. The story reminds me of the popular Spy Kids movies in the early 2000s! There is something very wrong in Ysgol Breifat ‘hynod lewyrchus’ Pen y Rhych – [private school] which has incredible grades and a dubious source of income. The children who attend have all lost the ability to laugh. Alys goes undercover at the school with high-tech spy gear in order to reveal the secrets of Miss Glein, the headmistress. After Alys begins looking for clues, Miss Glein and her deputy, Mr Bylbs try to block her at every turn to stop her getting to the truth. With the help of her new friends – the first she’s ever had – Alys risks being caught, in order to gather evidence about the strange goings-on at the private school. Will she will succeed in time? Dependent on reading ability of course, I thought the book was suitable for children aged 9 +, but it would also work up to the age of 14. This is a book that suits boys and girls, but I think girls in their early teens will appreciate a strong female lead. Unlike the James Bond movies, Alys is no damsel in distress and is more than capable of looking after herself. I think a strong, independent, resourceful character like this sets a good example and eliminates the usual stereotypes of female characters in spy movies. Years ago, Gomer published a book called ‘Taro’r Targed' by John Townsend (adapted by Elin Meek) about a young boy who was also a spy. This was a slightly darker and grittier novel and Asiant A feels rather light-hearted compared with it, which is not surprising given the author. I guess it depends on the reader’s preferences. The Lolfa describes it on their website as ‘the Welsh Alex Rider’, however it is not like Alex rider. (for one thing, there’s a lot more violence in that series) There are plenty of jokes in this one that will make you laugh. Personally, I thought some aspects of the plot were a bit superficial or too obvious, and I would have liked to see Alys in more danger, but overall, the story still works. The strength of the novel is the main character, Alys. She is a strong personality with a wry sense of humour. For example, page 62. I'm sure readers will appreciate her answering the headteacher back! Another book is now available in the series. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2014 Pris: £3.95 Cyfres: Pen Dafad

  • Jambori'r Jyngl - Joe Empson (addas. Llinos Dafydd)

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Caredigrwydd yw'r peth prydferthaf oll... Kindness is the prettiest thing of all... Genre: iechyd a lles, dwyieithog / health & wellbeing, bilingual Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◉ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★★★★☆ Unwaith eto, mae gwasg Rily wedi dewis llyfr da i’w addasu i’r Gymraeg ar gyfer plant ifanc. Mae’r clawr – ac yn wir- gweddill y llyfr, yn byrlymu â lluniau lliwgar, hyfryd sy’n dod a bywyd gwyllt y jwngl yn fyw! Mae’r defnydd o liwiau yn anhygoel ac mae’r llyfr yn plesio’r llygaid ac yn sicr o apelio at blant ifanc. Mae’r anifeiliaid yn ymgynnull ar gyfer Jambori (dathliad mawr) cyn iddi nosi, lle bydd un creadur yn cael ei goroni fel anifail mwyaf prydferth y jwngl. Wrth baratoi, mae’r anifeiliaid yn sôn am eu “diffygion” ac yn rhestru’r pethau maent yn anhapus gyda’u cyrff. Er enghraifft, mae’r sebra’n meddwl fod ei streipiau’n ddiflas, mae coesau’r aderyn yn rhy fyr ac mae’r hipo’n meddwl fod ei ben ôl yn rhy fawr! Mae’r anifeiliaid yn creu gwisgoedd lliwgar i guddio’r ‘amherffeithiadau ond mae storm enfawr yn dod ac yn sgubo’r gwisgoedd i ffwrdd ac yn gadael y jwngl mewn tywyllwch. Mae’r pryf tân (firefly) yn dod i oleuo’r goedwig ac yn taflu ei oleuni dros yr anifeiliaid er mwyn dangos fod pob un yn brydferth fel ac y maen nhw – heb yr angen am wisgoedd i guddio dim. Mae’r anifeiliaid i gyd yn penderfynu mai caredigrwydd y pryf bach oedd y peth tlysaf i gyd. Mae neges y stori yn lyfli. Mae’n trafod pethau sydd wir yn gallu effeithio ar blant a phobl ifanc fel pryderu am edrychiad a hunan hyder. Yn enwedig yn yr ysgol, mae geiriau plant yn gallu brifo weithiau, ac felly mae’n bwysig iawn cael llyfr sy’n atgoffa fod: A) Pawb yn brydferth - dim ots sut maen nhw’n edrych B) Bod yn garedig ag eraill yw’r peth pwysicaf nid trio edrych yn dda. Dwi wedi gwirioni gyda’r llyfr yma, ac mae’n sicr yn un y byddwn yn ei ddefnyddio yn y dosbarth, fel rhan o addysg bersonol a chymdeithasol. Mae’r llyfr yn ddathliad lliwgar o bopeth sy’n ein gwneud ni’n unigryw ac yn arbennig. Mae o’n cyfleu neges bwysig o garu eraill, ond yn bwysicach na hyn, i garu a derbyn eich hun. Mae’r llyfr yn un dwyieithog, ond mae’r cyfieithiad Saesneg yn y cefn yn hytrach na’i fod ar y tudalennau. Syniad da dwi’n meddwl - mae’r tudalennau’n ddigon prysur fel maen nhw! Mae ‘na chydig bach o fydr ac odl i’r llyfr ac mae’n ail adrodd rhai patrymau sy’n cynnwys berfau ac ansoddeiriau .E.e. “Nid Fi!” ochneidioddyr hipo. “Mae fy mhen ôl i’n….rhy fawr!” Darlleniad llafar o'r llyfr ar wefan BookTrust Cymru: Publisher Rily has again chosen a cracking book to adapt into Welsh for young children. The cover – and indeed- the rest of the book, is bubbling with lovely, colourful paintings that bring the jungle's wildlife to life! The use of colours is incredible and the book is incredibly pleasing to the eye and is sure to appeal to young children. The animals congregate for a jamboree (a great celebration) at dusk where one creature will be crowned as the most beautiful animal of all. In preparation, the animals reflect and begin listing their perceived ‘defects,’ imperfections and insecurities. For example, the zebra thinks his stripes are boring, the bird believes his legs are too short and the hippo thinks his bum is too big! The animals go about creating colourful costumes to hide their ‘imperfections’ but a huge storm comes from nowhere and blows the costumes away, leaving the jungle in darkness. The humble firefly comes to light up the forest and casts it’s light over the animals in order to show that they are all beautiful – without the need for costumes to hide anything. All the animals decide that the kindness of the fly was the prettiest thing of all. The message contained within the story is wonderful. It discusses things that really can, and do affect children and young people as they grow up such as concern about one’s appearance and self-confidence. Children can be very nasty to each other sometimes and words can hurt, so it is very important to have a book that reminds us that: A) Everyone is beautiful in their own way – regardless of looks. B) being kind to others is the most important thing. I am thrilled with this book, and it is certainly one that I will use in the classroom, as part of personal and social education. The book is a colourful celebration of everything that makes us unique and special. It sends out an important message about loving others, but more importantly, learning to love and accept oneself first. The book is bilingual, but the English translation is in the back rather than on the pages. A good idea I think – the pages are busy enough as they are! There's some rhyme to the book and it repeats some patterns that contain verbs and adjectives. Listen to the story here on Booktrust Wales: Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd/published: 2019 Pris: £5.99

  • Tomos Llygoden y Theatr (a'r seren fyd-enwog) - Caryl Parry Jones a Craig Russell

    *Scroll down for English* Ail antur gyda'r lygoden fach ciwt! Second adventure with our little mousey friend! Genre: ffuglen / fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Dyma’r ail yng nghyfres Tomos Llygoden y Theatr sy’n mynd a ni ar antur gyda’r llygoden fach wrth iddo orfod achub y dydd unwaith eto. Dwi’n hoff iawn o waith arlunio hardd Leri Tecwyn sy’n dod a byd bach Tomos yn fyw! Er bod maint y llyfr yn fach (sy’n reit handi a dweud y gwir) yn sicr mae ‘na ddigon o stori i’n diddanu- mwy nac oni’n ei ddisgwyl! Mae actor enwog yn dod i’r theatr ac mae Tomos wedi gwirioni’n lan i gael cyfarfod ei arwr! Y broblem yw, mae Trystan Gwynfyd ap Rhych (trïwch ddweud hwnna drosodd a throsodd yn gyflym!) yn ofn llygod! Mae Tomos bron a marw eisiau ei gyfarfod, ond well iddo beidio â chyflwyno ei hun - fydd ‘na fawr o groeso iddo. Wyddoch chi be? Mae gan Trystan Gwynfyd gyfrinach enfawr.... mae ei wallt mawr adnabyddus yn ffug - mae o’n foel fel wy! Ar ôl damwain anffodus sy’n achosi i’r wig hedfan i ffwrdd, dim ond Tomos ein llygoden fach arbennig fydd yn gallu achub y dydd cyn i’r actor gamu ar y llwyfan o flaen cynulleidfa fawr. Mae’r ffordd y mae o’n datrys y broblem yn reit ddyfeisgar, chware teg! Mi fydd y plantos yn morio chwerthin pan fydd y ‘gwallt’ yn hedfan i ffwrdd, ac mae’n siŵr o roi gwen ar wyneb unrhyw oedolyn. Sgwn i os fydd Trystan Gwynfyd a Tomos yn gallu bod yn ffrindiau? Dwi’n hoff iawn o’r straeon yma gan eu bod nhw’n cadw pethau’n ddiddorol drwy symud ar gyflymder addas, ac mae’r cymeriad bach hoffus jest yn gwneud i chi deimlo’n gynnes tu fewn! Dwi isio Tomos Llygoden fach fy hun yn fy nhŷ rŵan! Mae neges bwysig i garu eich hun fel ac yr ydych hefyd. Dyma lyfr sy’n addas i blant ifanc ddarllen gyda rhiant, a gan fod eithaf tipyn o ysgrifen ar y tudalennau, byddai’n rhoi digon o her i ddarllenwr annibynnol newydd. Mae ‘na iaith ogleddol a deheuol hefyd sy’n gwneud y llyfr yn berffaith i blant Cymru gyfan! Dwi’n gwybod bydd ‘na fwy o anturiaethau yn y gyfres yma... This is the second in the Tomos Llygoden y Theatr series which takes us on another adventure with the friendly, helpful little mouse he’s called upon to save the day yet again. I'm really fond of the beautiful artwork contained in this book which brings Tomos’s small world alive! Although the book is small in size, (which is quite handy actually) it certainly contains enough actual story to keep us entertained- more than you’d expect from this sort of book really. A renowned actor is coming to the theatre and Tomos is thrilled with the news that his all-time hero is on his way. The problem is, Trystan Gwynfyd ap Rhych (yeah – try saying that tongue twister over and over quickly!) is absolutely terrified of mice! Despite Tomos barely being able to contain himself with excitement, he’d better not introduce himself because I doubt he’ll be welcome! Did you know? Our famous actor has a huuuge secret? His well-known, trademark hair is all fake- he’s as bald as an egg! After an unfortunate mishap that causes the wig to come flying off, only Tomos can save the day before his hero walks out live on stage in front of a packed-out audience. The way he solves the problem is quite ingenious, fair play! The little ones will surely be laughing when the hair flies off, and I'm sure it will put a smile on any adult reader’s face! I wonder if Trystan Gwynfyd and Tomos can become friends? I love these stories because they keep things interesting by moving along at a suitable pace, and our loveable little character just makes you feel warm inside! I want a little Tomos Llygoden in my own house now! There’s an important message at then end too about loving and accepting yourself as you are. This is a suitable book for young children to read with a parent, and as it has quite a bit of text on some pages, it would provide enough challenge, yet be manageable for new independent readers. The book contains Northern and Southern dialect too which makes it the perfect book for children from across Wales. I know there will be more adventures in this series... Gwasg/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £4.95

  • Bwli a Bradwr - Brenda Wyn Jones

    *Scroll down for English* Nofel am fwlio a Streic y Penrhyn. Novel about bullying and Penrhyn Quarry Strike. Genre: ffuglen hanesyddol / historical fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Dyma glasur o nofel fer hanesyddol oedd yn rhan o gyfres hynod o boblogaidd, Cyfres Cled. Dwi’n cofio ei ddarllen am y tro cyntaf ym mlwyddyn 5 (amser hir yn ôl) ac mi fyddai’n hoffi rhoi spin i’r llyfr bob hyn a hyn. Dwi’n siŵr mod i wedi ei darllen degau o weithiau erbyn hyn! Nofel wedi’i gosod ar ddechrau’r ugeinfed ganrif (1900-1903) yn ardal Bethesda yng nghyfnod cythryblus streic fawr chwarel y Penrhyn. Mae’r nofel yn glyfar gan ei bod hi’n plethu stori ddiddorol ar iard yr ysgol gyda ffeithiau hanesyddol am y streic yn effeithiol. Bron eich bod chi’n dysgu hanes heb feddwl! Mae defnydd yr awdur o ddetholiadau byr o lyfrau lòg (dyddiaduron) ysgolion lleol y cyfnod yn rhoi blas go iawn o sut oedd bethau. Mae’r awdur wedi creu'r stori o amgylch y pytiau yma ar ôl gwneud gwaith ymchwil yn Archifdy Caernarfon. Mae Guto’n dioddef yn yr ysgol oherwydd Robat, y bwli, sy’n pigo arno’n ddiddiwedd. Yn ogystal â bod yn ddifrifol wael yn y gwely a’i frodyr yn ddi-waith ar ôl streicio o’r chwarel - teg fyddai dweud bod bywyd yn anodd i’r teulu! Un person sydd wastad yno i Guto yw ei ffrind gorau, Defi, sy’n barod i’w amddiffyn rhag y bwli. Yn dilyn ffrae rhwng y gweithwyr a pherchennog y chwarel, Lord Penrhyn, mae nifer o’r dynion wedi penderfynu streicio. Gan nad oes pres yn dod i mewn, mae bwyd yn brin a chaiff y streic effaith fawr ar y gymuned leol, sydd wedi’i hollti’n ddwy. Ar un ochr, mae’r streicwyr, sy’n trio gwneud safiad i gael hawliau gwell, ac ar yr ochr arall, mae’r dynion sydd wedi penderfynu dychwelyd i’r gwaith gan dorri’r streic. Y Bradwyr. Wrth i amser fynd yn ei flaen, a’r streic anodd yn parhau, gwelwn newid mawr yn Guto, ar ôl iddo sefyll i fyny i’r bwli. Newidia Guto o fod yn hogyn gwantan ac eiddil, i fod yn hogyn cryf, cyhyrog ac yn arweinydd newydd y giang. Treulia’r giang hwnnw lawer o amser yn gwneud bywyd yn anodd i blant ‘y bradwyr’ a trist yw gweld Guto’n troi’n raddol i fod yn fwli ei hun. Beth fydd ymateb y bwli newydd pan fydd o’n clywed fod tad ei ffrind gorau wedi dychwelyd i’r chwarel ac wedi bradychu’r dynion eraill? Mi fydd yr hogia’ eraill yn disgwyl i Guto ddysgu gwers iawn i Defi.... Mae iaith y nofel yn hawdd i’w darllen ac mae stori bwlio Guto a helynt y chwarel yn gweithio’n dda gyda’i gilydd. Roeddwn i’n hoffi’r darnau Saesneg lle mae’r athro’n siarad sy’n atgyfnerthu sut oedd pethau bryd hynny. Strict iawn o gymharu â heddiw! Stori ddiddorol a phwysig, sy’n ein dysgu am gyfnod trafferthus iawn yn hanes Cymru ac yn esbonio tarddiad y dywediad “nid oes bradwr yn y tŷ hwn.” Oeddech chi’n gwybod fod y streic wedi cael gymaint o effaith andwyol ar y gymuned, fod nifer o drigolion yr ardal yn gwrthod mynd i Gastell Penrhyn, hyd heddiw!? Mwy am y streic: This is a classic short historic novel that was part of a hugely popular series, Cyfres Cled. I remember reading it for the first time in Year 5 (a long time ago) and I often like to give it another spin every now and then. I'm sure I've read dozens of times by now! A novel set in the early twentieth century (1900-1903) in the Bethesda area during the turbulent time of Penrhyn Quarry's great strike. The novel is clever in that the author interweaves an interesting schoolyard story with historical facts about the larger strike going on in the quarry. It’s almost as if you’re learning about local history without realizing! The author's use of short selections from the Log books (diaries) of the local schools of the period gives a real flavour of how things were. These are peppered amongst the pages; Brenda Wyn Jones created the story around these snippets after carrying out research at the Caernarfon archives. Guto suffers at school because of Robat, the bully, who picks on him endlessly. As well as being seriously ill in bed and his brothers finding themselves unemployed after striking from the quarry - it would be fair to say that life was tough for the family! One person who is always there for Guto is his best friend, Defi, who is always there to protect him from the bully. Following a row between the workers and the wealthy quarry owner, Lord Penrhyn, many of the men decided to strike. With little money coming in, food is scarce and the strike has a major impact on the local community, which is effectively split into two. On one side, the strikers, who are campaigning for better pay and conditions, and on the other side, the men who have broken the strike by returning to work. The Traitors, or ‘bradwrs’ as they were labelled. As time progresses, and the strike continues, we see a major change in Guto, after he stands up to the bully. Guto changes from being a frail and weak little boy to being a strong, confident new leader of the schoolyard gang. That gang spends a lot of time making life difficult for the children of ‘the traitors' and it’s sad to see Guto gradually turning into a bully himself. What will the new bully's response be when he learns that the father of his best friend has returned to the quarry and betrayed the other men? The other lads will expect Guto to teach Defi a lesson he won’t soon forget… The novel’s language is easy to read and both the bullying storyline and the quarrymen’s struggle work well together. I liked the English language bits where the teacher speaks which reinforces how education was back then. Very strict compared to today! An interesting and important story, which teaches us about a very troubled time in Welsh history and explains the origins of the saying "Nid oes bradwr yn y tŷ hwn.” [there is no traitor in this house] Did you know that the strike has had such a detrimental effect on the community, that many residents of the area refuse to go to Penrhyn Castle, to this day!? Read more here. More about the strike: Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gwasg Gwynedd Cyhoeddwyd/released: 1998 Pris: Triwch siopau llyfrau, elusen neu lyfrgell. Try independent bookshops, or libraries.

  • Y Firws Drewllyd/The Stinky Sticky Virus - Lauren Cooper

    *Scroll down for English* Stori syml sy'n esbonio'r firws i blant ifanc! Social story that explains coronavirus to children! Free bilingual e-book. Genre: Social story / stori gymdeithasol Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Pwy sydd wedi cael cwestiynau anodd gan eu plant yn ddiweddar? “Mami pryd gawni fynd allan i’r parc eto?” “Pa bryd mae Nain a Taid yn dod rownd eto?” “Pryd dwi’n mynd nôl i’r ysgol?” Ia, cwestiynau da iawn - ond rhai sy’n andros o anodd ei hateb! Mewn gwirionedd, ‘da ni ddim wedi gweld cyfyngiadau ar ein rhyddid fel hyn ers Yr Ail Ryfel Byd - a hyd yn oed bryd hynny, dwi ddim yn cofio sôn am bobl yn gaeth i’w tai bob dydd. Gall hwn fod yn gyfnod ansicr, pryderus a dryslyd iawn i blant bach a phobl ifanc gan eu bod nhw’n hiraethu am eu ffrindiau a’u teulu ac yn crefu am jest gael “routine” bywyd arferol yn ôl. Mi gafodd un Fam, Lauren Cooper, gwestiynau gan ei mab am y coronavirus, a doedd hi ddim yn siŵr iawn sut i’w hateb. Gan ei fod o’n caru llyfrau, a doedd dim byd ar gael ar y farchnad, fe benderfynodd hi esbonio pethau’n gliriach drwy ‘sgwennu stori a chyhoeddi llyfr ei hun! Mae ‘Social stories’ wedi cael eu defnyddio mewn cyd-destun addysg arbennig ers blynyddoedd lawer, yn aml i helpu esbonio teimladau ac ati i blant ar y sbectrwm awtistiaeth. Wedi dweud hyn, dwi’n meddwl fod straeon a llyfrau yn ffordd arbennig o esbonio cysyniadau i blant ifanc ar unrhyw adeg! Yn enwedig pan mae’r pwnc dan sylw mor gymhleth a sensitif a’r firws felltith ‘ma. Mae esbonio rhywbeth mor frawychus, ond mewn ffordd sy’n ddealladwy ac addas i blant yn gamp yn ei hun. Mae Lauren wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed i sgwennu a dylunio’r stori ei hun, ac mae’n edrych yn broffesiynol iawn rhaid i mi ddweud. Blynyddoedd yn ôl, mi fasa hyn wedi bod yn amhosib, erbyn heddiw, yr unig beth sydd ei angen arnoch ydi laptop, Canva a dipyn bach o ddychymyg! ( a mymryn o sgil TGCH ac amynedd yn amlwg!) Dwi wrth fy modd gyda’r teitl! Y Firws Drewllyd. Dyma’n union sut dwi’n teimlo am y peth! Mae’r stori yn dilyn hanes y firws, ac yn ei bortreadu fel cymeriad yn ei hun. Mae ‘na drafodaeth am rai o oblygiadau cymdeithasol y firws ac mae esboniad syml o pam fod hyn i gyd yn digwydd. Dwi’n hoff iawn o’r ffaith fod hi wedi dewis gorffen y stori ar nodyn positif, gyda’r firws yn mynd i ffwrdd! HWRE! Er bod yr adeg yna’n teimlo’n bell i ffwrdd ar hyn o bryd, dwi’n meddwl fod hi’n bwysig iawn i ni gael ‘chydig o obaith y bydd hyn YN dod i ben yn y pen draw. Oes, mae 'na naws ‘homemade’ i’r peth, a tydi’r gramadeg ddim yn berffaith, ond s’dim ots! Mae’r lluniau lliwgar a’r stori syml yn gwneud hwn yn berffaith fel stori cyn mynd i’r gwely. Mae’n rhoi ‘ffordd i mewn’ er mwyn cychwyn trafodaeth gyda’ch plentyn am yr holl sefyllfa. Byddai’n ddiddorol gweld hyn drwy lygaid plentyn! Fersiwn PDF Cymraeg a Saesneg ar gael i’w lawrlwytho isod! Tybed os bydd gan wasg ddiddordeb mewn cyhoeddi llyfr Lauren yn iawn?! Who’s had some difficult corona-related questions from their children recently? "Mami, when can we go out to the park again?" "When are Nain and Taid coming round again?" "When do I go back to school?" Yes, very valid questions -but ones that are difficult to answer! In fact, we have not seen restrictions on our freedom in this manner since the Second World War- and even then, I don't remember people being confined to their houses day after day. This can be a very worrying and confusing time for children and young people because they long for their friends and family and yearn to have life’s little ‘routines’ back. One Mum, Lauren Cooper, had questions from her son about the coronavirus, and she wasn't very sure how to answer them. Because he loves books, and there was nothing available on the market, she decided to explain things more clearly by writing a story of her own! 'Social Stories ' have been used in a special education context for many years, often to help explain feelings and so on for children on the autistic spectrum. Having said this, I think stories and books are a brilliant way of explaining concepts to young children at any time! Especially when the subject matter is as complex and sensitive as this virus pandemic. To explain something as frightening, but in a way that’s understandable and child-friendly, is an achievement in itself. Lauren has been busy writing and designing the story itself, and it looks very professional I must say. Years ago, this would have proved impossible, but nowadays, the only thing you need is a laptop, Canva and a little bit of imagination! (of and some ICT skills and patience of course!) I love the title! The Stinky Sticky Virus. This is exactly how I feel about it! The story follows recent events regarding the virus, and portrays it as a character in itself. There’s discussion about some of the social implications of the virus and there’s a simple explanation of why this is all happening. I love the fact that she chose to finish the story on a positive note, with the virus going away! WOHOOO! Even though this feels very far away at the moment, I think it's very important for us to have a little ‘hope’ and knowing that this WILL end eventually! Yes, there's a 'homemade' feel to it, and the Welsh grammar isn't perfect, but who cares really! The colourful pictures and the simple story make this the perfect story to share at bedtime. It gives parents ‘a way in’ to start a discussion with your child about the whole situation. It would be very interesting to see this whole thing through a child's eyes! English and Welsh PDF versions available to download below! I wonder if a publishing company may be interested in Lauren's book?!

  • Llyfr adar mawr y plant - Onwy Gower

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr adar lliwgar i blant! Colourful bird book for children! ♥♥Llyfr y Mis Chwefror- February Book of the Month♥♥ ✦✦Cymraeg gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ✦✦ Genre: ffeithiol, natur / factual, nature Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Hwn yw’r llyfr mae PAWB wedi bod yn siarad amdano’n ddiweddar! Llyfr adar mawr y plant gan Onwy Gower. Dyma lyfr arbennig nid yn unig am y ffaith mai hwn yw’r un cyntaf o’i fath ar gyfer plant yn y Gymraeg ers blynyddoedd, ond hefyd achos fod yr awdur yn blentyn ei hun! Mi oedd na lyfr tebyg gan GCG yn y 90au - ond roedd hi'n hen bryd i gael un newydd! (llun chwith) Mae ‘na dudalen ddwbl ar gyfer 50, ia, 50 o adar sydd i’w gweld yng Nghymru ac mae pob un yn cynnwys ffotograffau a ffeithiau diddorol. Crëwyd y lluniau adar yn arbennig ar gyfer y gyfrol hon. Mewn sawl ffordd, mae’r llyfr yn debyg iawn i Lyfr Adar Iolo Williams,ond mae hwn yn llawer mwy deniadol ac addas i blant. Mae’r ffeithiau diddorol hawdd-i’w-deall yn cynnwys disgrifiadau, gwybodaeth am eu maint, eu cynefin a’u bwyd. Ffordd syml a gweledol o ddangos pryd mae’r adar i’w gweld o amgylch ein gwlad oedd cynnwys mis-o-metr ar gyfer pob un. Dwi’n hoff iawn o’r ‘Ffaith Ffab!’ sy’n dewis un ffaith ddiddorol i gael sylw ychwanegol ar y dudalen. Er enghraifft, oeddech chi’n gwybod fod y Brenin Siôr V a’i fêts wedi torri record drwy saethu 3,937 o ffesantod... mewn un diwrnod!! Ffaith hynod o ddiddorol i ni, ond ddim mor dda i’r ffesantod druan! I'r rhai ohonoch sy’n hoffi barddoniaeth, mae Onwy wedi dewis cerddi byr i gyd-fynd â’r adar. Mae’r holl eiriau a lluniau ar y tudalennau’n rhoi i ni lyfr hynod o ddiddorol a fydd yn cadw naturiaethwyr brwd yn brysur am hir! Gallaf weld y llyfr yma’n cael ei ddefnyddio’n ymarferol wrth fynd allan gyda’r binocs a’r clipfwrdd i chwilio am adar! Sgwn i p'run yw’r mwyaf cyffredin neu’r mwyaf prin? Mewn cyfnod lle mae enwau Saesneg yn cymryd drosodd ac yn ailosod ein termau Cymraeg hardd, mae’n bwysicach nac erioed cael adnodd sy’n ein haddysgu a’n hatgoffa o’r enwau gwych Cymraeg sydd i’w cael. Yn bersonol, dwi wrth fy modd gyda’r enw Sigl-di-gwt! Am un da! Wedi dweud hyn, dwi’n andros o falch fod yr enwau Saesneg yn cael eu cynnwys hefyd, fydd yn gwneud hi’n llawer haws i rai darllenwyr adnabod yr adar. Mae hefyd ystyriaeth i ddysgwyr (dwi’n falch o weld) gan iddo gynnwys rhestr eirfa yng nghefn y llyfr. Mae’r llyfr ei hun yn derbyn sêl bendith neb arall ond Iolo Williams, un o arwyr byd natur Cymru gan iddo ‘sgwennu rhagair hyfryd ar ei gyfer. Roeddwn yn falch o weld fod y llyfr wedi cael ei argraffu ar bapur o goedwigoedd cynaliadwy – touch bach neis. Mae’n anhygoel i feddwl fod yr awdur mor ifanc, ac wedi clywed Onwy’n siarad yn dda ar raglenni megis ‘Heno’ ar S4C, dwi’n gallu gweld ei bod hi’n angerddol iawn dros amddiffyn a hyrwyddo bywyd gwyllt Cymru. O ganlyniad i waith caled y wasg a’r awdur, rydym wedi cael adnodd hardd a gwerthfawr yn y Gymraeg. Dylai pob ysgol yng Nghymru gael copi o’r llyfr yma, gan fod 'na bosibiliadau lu gyda hwn. Gallai sawl tasg ddeillio o’r llyfr, gan gynnwys gwaith llythrennedd ysgrifennu cerddi am adar, neu hyd yn oed gwaith rhifedd trin data drwy wneud graffiau amlder. Beth am drip teuluol i safle RSPB? Yn ogystal â gwerthu pob un copi ar ei rediad gyntaf, mae’r llyfr hefyd wedi bod yn Llyfr y Mis, mis Chwefror. Dwi’n gwybod y bydd hwn yn boblogaidd am flynyddoedd i ddod. This is the book EVERYONE’S been talking about lately! Llyfr Mawr Adar y Plant by Onwy Gower. This is a special book not only due to the fact that this is the first book about birds for children in Welsh since the 90s, but also because the author is a child herself! The old one, published by GCG was in need of an update! There’s a double page spread for 50, yes, 50 birds that can be found throughout Wales and each one contains photographs and interesting facts. The bird illustrations were created especially for this volume. In many ways, the book is similar to Iolo Williams's book, but this is child-friendlier. The easy-to-understand facts include descriptions, information about their size, habitat and food. We also get a simple and visual way of showing when the birds are generally to be seen with the inclusion of a month-o-meter. I like the ‘Fab Facts!' bit which gives one interesting fact for each bird a bit of special attention. For example, did you know that King George V and his mates once broke a record by shooting 3,937 Pheasants... In one day!? A fascinating fact no doubt, but not so good for the poor pheasants! For those of you who love poetry, Onwy has selected short poems to accompany each bird. All the words and pictures give us a fascinating book that will keep keen nature lovers busy for long! I can see this book being taken outside with the binoculars and clipboard birdwatching! I wonder which bird is the most common and which is the rarest? At a time when English names are taking over and replacing our beautiful Welsh terms, it is more important than ever to have a resource that teaches and reminds us of the wonderful Welsh names. Personally, I love the name Sigl-di-gwt! Having said this, I am very pleased that the English names are also included, which will make it easier for some readers to identify the birds. There is also consideration for learners as it includes a glossary at the back of the book. The book itself has the blessing of none other than Welsh wildlife legend, Iolo Williams, who writes a fitting foreword. I was pleased to see that the book had been printed on paper sourced from sustainable forests – a nice touch. It's incredible to think the author’s so young, and having heard her talk so well recently on various programs such as 'Heno' (S4C’s version of The One Show), I can see that she is very passionate about protecting and promoting Welsh wildlife. The hard work of the author and publisher clearly pays off and what we get is a beautiful, valuable and useful Welsh resource. Every school in Wales should have a copy of this book. Several tasks could result from the book, including literacy work bird poetry writing or even some numeracy data collection work. You could even work in some family outings to various RSPB reserves. As well as selling every single copy during its first print run, the book has also been named February’s Book of the Month. I know this will be a popular one for years to come. Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £7.99

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Menter gwirfoddol yw Sôn am Lyfra sy’n darparu adolygiadau dwyieithog o lyfrau Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc. Bydd hefyd yn cynnig llwyfan i sgyrsiau a thrafodaethau am lyfrau. Rydym yn gweithredu’n gwbl annibynnol ac yn gwerthfawrogi unrhyw roddion all ein helpu i gyflawni'r nodau hyn.  Bydd eich rhodd yn help i ni gynnal y gwasanaeth.


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