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  • Paent! - Angharad Tomos

    *Scroll down for English* Stori am arwisgo Siarl yn 1969 - a lot o baent! Story about the Investiture of 1969 - and lots of paint! Genre: ffuglen hanesyddol / historical fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Pwy sydd wedi bod yn gwylio Season 3 o ‘The Crown’ ar Netflix? Mae episode 6 yn ffocysu ar hanes Arwisgo Siarl yn Dywysog Cymru yng Nghastell Caernarfon ym 1969. Mae’r rhaglen yn werth i’w weld – am y production value os dim byd arall! Mi faswn i’n gallu ‘sgwennu post jyst am hwnna ond am lyfr dwi isio sôn heddiw! Fe ddes i ar draws pamffled yn Swyddfa Gwasg Carreg Gwalch oedd yn dangos yr holl nofelau hanesyddol maen nhw wedi eu cyhoeddi. Roedd nifer yn edrych yn ddiddorol ond gan fod yr Arwisgo’n ffresh yn fy meddwl, mi wnes i ddewis ‘Paent’ gan Angharad Tomos. O ystyried yr awdur, ro’n i mewn dwylo saff o’r cychwyn! Robert Aneurin Jones yw prif gymeriad y stori, sef bachgen ysgol o Gaernarfon. ‘Da ni’n dilyn ei hanes dros gyfnod o ‘chydig fisoedd, lle mae bywyd ‘neis’ y teulu’n cael ei droi wyneb i waered ac mae’r profiad yn newid persbectif Robert am byth. Stori sy’n trafod digwyddiadau mawr, hanesyddol ond fe welwn y cyfan drwy lygaid plentyn. Prif ffocws y llyfr yw Arwisgiad Charles (sef y Frenhines yn dod i wneud Charles yn Dywysog Cymru yn swyddogol) ac ymgyrch peintio gwyrdd Cymdeithas yr Iaith i gael arwyddion ffordd ddwyieithog. Ar ddechrau’r stori, tydi Robert ddim yn meddwl llawer o’r peth, ond wrth iddo dyfu’n agosach at ei chwaer fawr, mae o’n dod i sylwi arwyddocâd y digwyddiad yma. Un noson, fe gaiff Robert y cyfle i ymuno â hi a’i ffrindiau yn paentio dros yr arwyddion uniaith Saesneg o amgylch Gaernarfon. Arweinia hyn at run-in gyda’r heddlu, a ffrae fawr rhwng y teulu, ar ôl i Megan gael ei harestio am ddifrod troseddol. Mae’r holl beth yn peri i Robert ddechrau cwestiynu’r drefn. Pam fod ei chwaer wedi colli ei swydd am ateb ffôn yn Gymraeg? Pam mai Saesneg yw iaith y llys? Pam fod rhaid iddo fynd i’r arwisgiad i ddathlu coroni Sais yn dywysog Cymru? Pam fod yr oedolion i gyd mor llwfr? Tydi Robert methu deall pam fod pawb mor hapus i weld hyn yn digwydd – wel, pawb ond cymdeithas yr Iaith! Cyn bo hir, mae Robert yn cael ei dynnu i mewn i ymgyrchoedd Cymdeithas yr Iaith, ac wrth iddo fynychu rali ar y Maes, aiff pethau’n flêr a chyn hir mae o’n gwrthdaro gyda’i athrawon– pam? Am nad ydi o’n barod bellach i ufuddhau’r drefn - ac mae hyn yn beryglus! Roedd datblygiad a llais y prif gymeriad yn y nofel yn dda iawn - roedd o fel petawn i’n mynd gyda fo ar ei daith o fod o’n hogyn bach diniwed i fod yn llencyn aeddfed sy’n deall llawer mwy am wleidyddiaeth, cenedlaetholdeb a’r anghyfiawnderau sy’n bodoli. Erbyn diwedd y nofel, mae ‘na rhyw ymwybyddiaeth a balchder cyffrous wedi ‘deffro’ tu mewn iddo ac erbyn y bennod olaf mae o’n dipyn o Welsh Nash ei hun! Grêt! Llwydda’r awdur i ennyn teimladau cryf yn y darllenydd hefyd -roedd darnau o’r llyfr (tud.94/95 er enghraifft) yn fy nghorddi! A rŵan, dwi jest yn gwrando ar ‘Peintio’r Byd yn Wyrdd’ a ‘Carlo’ gan Dafydd Iwan ar repeat! I’r gad! Stori ar ffurf lyfr nodiadau yw hon, gyda’r prif gymeriad yn siarad yn uniongyrchol â’r darllenydd ar brydia – effeithiol iawn (gweler Pennod 1) Mi wnes i wir fwynhau dull personol, anffurfiol, doniol yr awdur – mae llais y cymeriad yn gryf iawn. Doniol iawn oedd helyntion Robert yn yr ysgol gyda’r athrawon (ma’r ffordd y mae o’n siarad am yr athrawon yn bril!) O ystyried barn wleidyddol yr awdur, a’i chysylltiad gyda Chymdeithas yr Iaith, mi fase hi’n deg dweud efallai bod y llyfr mymryn yn biased. Ella ei fod o. Dwnim. Ydi o ots? Dim o gwbl achos tydi o ddim wedi amharu ar ei gallu i ‘sgwennu llyfr hynod o ddoniol ac addysgiadol ar yr un pryd. Mi fydd o’n siŵr o roi gwen ar eich wyneb. Mae negeseuon y llyfr mor berthnasol heddiw ac oedden nhw bryd hynny, gan fod y frwydr i gadw’r iaith yn fyw yn parhau. Dwi ond yn teimlo piti na faswn i wedi clywed mwy am yr hanes yma pan oeddwn i yn yr ysgol. Who’s been watching Season 3 of ‘The Crown’ on Netflix? Episode 6 focuses on the history of the investiture of the Prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle in 1969. It’s well worth watching – for the production value if nothing else! I could write a post just about that but this is blog for books! I came across a pamphlet at the Gwasg Carreg Gwalch office which showed all the historical novels they’ve published. Many looked interesting but as the investiture was fresh in my mind, I picked ‘Paent' by Angharad Tomos (the author of Rala Rwdins). I knew I was in safe hands from the start! The main character is Robert Aneurin Jones, a school boy from Caernarfon. We follow his story over a period of a couple of months, where the family's nice, peaceful life is turned upside down Robert is forever changed. A story that discusses major, historical events but all done through a child's eyes. The main focus of the book is Charles’ investiture (where the Queen officially makes him Prince of Wales) and Cymdeithas yr Iaith's green paint campaign for bilingual road signs. At the beginning of the story, Robert doesn't think much of it, but as he grows closer to his big sister, he realises the significance of the event. One night, he ends up joining her and her friends in painting over the English-only signs around Caernarfon. This leads to a run-in with the police, and a big row between the family, after Megan gets arrested for criminal damage. The whole thing causes Robert to start questioning things. Why did his sister get sacked for answering the phone in Welsh? Why is English the main language of the courts? Why must he go to the ceremony to pay homage to the crowning of a foreign usurper as Prince of Wales? Why are all the adults so obsessed with it? Robert couldn't understand why everyone was so happy to see this happen. He’s soon drawn into the Welsh Language Society's campaigns, and as he attends a rally on the street, things get messy. This puts him at odds with his teachers – why? Because he is no longer prepared to toe the line. He has started thinking for himself – that is what they fear the most! The development of the main character in the novel was done well- as if I was with him on his journey, watching him evolve from an innocent little boy to a teen who understands much more about politics, nationalism and the injustices that exist. By the end of the novel, an exciting ‘awareness’ and pride has awoken inside him. By the last chapter, he’s become a bit of a Welsh Nash! The author manages to evoke strong feelings in the reader – parts of the book (page 94/95 for example) made me so angry I was shouting at the book! Now I just want to listen to political protest songs 'Peintio’r Byd yn Wyrdd' and 'Carlo' by Dafydd Iwan on repeat! The story is told through a series of notes, with the main character speaking directly to the reader at times– very effective (see chapter 1) I really enjoyed the writer's personal, informal, humorous approach (along with the childlike handwriting and doodles) Robert's interactions and observations at school about his teachers were particularly funny and amusing! Given the author's political views, and her association with Cymdeithas yr Iaith, it’s fair to say that the book is perhaps a little biased. Does it even matter? Not at all - it doesn’t detract from what is a genuinely funny and informative book. It’ll definitely put a smile on your face. Gwasg/publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2015 Pris: £5.99

  • Pobol Drws Nesaf - Manon Steffan Ros a Jac Jones

    *Scroll down for English & to leave comments* Stori annwyl sy'n sôn am barchu eraill. Beautiful story about respecting others. ♥♥Rhestr Fer Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2020♥♥ Genre: iechyd a lles, ffuglen / health and wellbeing, fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◎◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Un peth fyddai’n cofio’n glir am yr ysgol gynradd oedd amser gwasanaeth pan fyddai’r athrawes yn darllen stori ‘prosiect 3D’, Y Bobol Fach Wyrdd. Dwi’n cofio teimlo mor flin fod y pobl pinc yn trin y pobl wyrdd yn frwnt am eu bod nhw’n edrych yn wahanol. Rŵan, mae Manon Steffan Ros yn cyflwyno i ni lyfr newydd ar gyfer y 21ain ganrif sy’n sôn am themâu tebyg. Mae’r stori yn cael eu hadrodd o safbwynt y bachgen bach ‘gwyrdd’ (sy’n digwydd bod yn alien!) Mae teulu o bobl ‘piws’ wedi symud drws nesaf ac mae’n nhw’n wahanol iawn. Heblaw lliw eu croen, mae eu tŷ yn wahanol, mae nhw’n bwyta pethau gwahanol ac mae’n nhw’n siarad iaith wahanol. Er yr holl wahaniaethau, mae’r ddau fachgen yn hoff o bel-droed ac yn datblygu cyfeillgarwch agos drwy rannu’r un diddordebau. Pan mae ei ffrind newydd yn cael trafferth yn yr ysgol gyda’r bwlis, mae o’n camu i mewn i helpu ei ffrind. Mae’r stori yn dathlu’r gwahaniaethau rhwng y teulu piws a’r teulu gwyrdd, ond yn ein hatgoffa fod nhw’n debyg iawn hefyd. Mae’r stori’n ein dysgu i barchu a bod yn fwy goddefgar o eraill. Does na ddim llawer o ysgrifennu yn y stori – sy’n gweddu plant ifanc i’r dim. Mae’r ychydig eiriau sydd yno wedi cael eu dewis yn ofalus ac yn adrodd neges hynod o bwysig. Dim ots beth yw lliw ein croen, rydym ni gyd yn bobl – neu yn aliens! Dwi wrth fy modd gyda lluniau Jac Jones a dwi’n meddwl y byddwch chithau hefyd. Mae’r lluniau dyfrlliw yn byrstio gyda lliwiau o bob math ac mae digonedd yn mynd ymlaen ym mhob un. Rhywbeth da am y llyfr yma yw ei fod yn rhoi sail ardderchog ar gyfer trafodaeth ystyrlon. Dwi’n meddwl y byddai rhiant a phlentyn yn sgwrsio a thrafod am wahanol bethau sy’n codi wrth ddarllen drwyddo. Stori annwyl a dweud y gwir sydd yn amserol iawn mewn cyfnod lle mae na lawer o wrthdaro a chasineb yn y byd rhwng gwahanol bobloedd/hiliau. Anrheg perffaith yn yr hosan Nadolig am £3.99 neu stori sydyn handi i athro/awes sy’n gorfod cymryd y gwasanaeth foreol. One thing I always remember from my primary school days was assembly time when the teacher used to read a particular story Y Bobol Bach Wyrdd [the little green people]. I remember feeling so angry that the pink people treated the green people so badly because they looked different. Now, Manon Steffan Ros presents us with a brand-new book fit for the 21St century with similar themes. The story is told from the perspective of the little ‘green’ boy (who happens to be an alien!) A family of 'purple' people have moved next door and are very different. Not only their skin colour, but their house is different, they eat different things and they speak a different language. Despite all these differences, the two boys are fond of football and develop a close friendship by sharing the same interests. When his new friend struggles at school with the bullies, he steps in to help his mate. The story celebrates the differences between the purple and green family, but reminds us that they are very similar too. The story teaches us to be respectful and more tolerant of others. There isn’t much writing in the story – which is perfect for young children! The precious few words have been carefully selected and convey a very important message. No matter what the colour of our skin, we are all people – or aliens! I love Jac Jones’s pictures and I think you will too. The watercolour drawings are bursting with vibrant colours and there’s plenty going on in each one. A good thing about this book is that it provides so many rich opportunities for meaningful discussion. I can see a parent and child chatting and talking about different things and issues when reading through it together. An endearing story that is very topical at a time where there’s much conflict and hatred in the world between different people/races. A perfect gift in the Christmas stocking for £3.99 or a handy quick story for any teacher having to take the morning service. Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 ISBN: 978-1-78461-723-3

  • Y Ddinas Uchel - Huw Aaron

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Mae'n iawn i freuddwydio am rywbeth gwell... Its ok to dream for something better... Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◎◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Adolgiad gan Morgan Dafydd Dyma lyfr lluniau newydd gan yr arlunydd/cartwnydd talentog, Huw Aaron. Rydym ni’n gyfarwydd iawn gyda’i luniau a’i dwdls mewn nifer o lyfrau poblogaidd a’r cylchgrawn Mellten. Y tro hwn, Huw ei hun sydd wedi bod wrthi’n ysgrifennu’r stori yn ogystal â pheintio’r lluniau! Dywedodd Huw fod y stori wedi bod yn ffrwtian yng nghefn ei ben ers blynyddoedd - wel o’r diwedd, dyma hi! Stori yw hon am ferch fach o’r enw Petra, sy’n byw mewn dinas yn llawn pobl brysur iawn, iawn. Mae’r gweithwyr yn treulio drwy’r dydd, pob dydd yn adeiladu tyrrau uchel iawn sy’n ymestyn at yr awyr. Yn wir, mae’r gweithwyr yn fy atgoffa o forgrug gwyn, sy’n treulio eu bywydau’n adeiladu tomenni mawr. Mae Petra druan wedi diflasu gyda’r gwaith beunyddiol o adeiladu tyrrau. A dweud y gwir, mae hi’n hollol fed-up! Dechreua Petra gwestiynu’r drefn wrth iddi bendroni’r cwestiwn mawr athronyddol: oes 'na fwy i fywyd? Er bod 'na oedolion pwysig yn ei siarsio i ‘dyfu fyny’ a ‘derbyn y drefn,’ yn ei chalon tydi hi ddim yn gallu rhoi’r gorau i freuddwydio. Un diwrnod, pan ddaw dynes i lawr o’r cymylau mewn balŵn aer poeth fe ânt ar antur dros y byd, gan weld yr holl ryfeddodau sy’n bodoli. Tybed a fydd Petra’n gallu perswadio gweddill trigolion y ddinas fod mwy i fywyd na adeiladu tyrrau? Mae lluniau dyfrlliw Huw Aaron yn hyfryd o liwgar ac fe geir yma stori annwyl iawn gyda neges glir i blant ifanc (ac oedolion gwaetha’r modd!) fod hi’n gwbl dderbyniol i gwestiynu’r drefn. Mae’r llyfr yn cyfleu chwilfrydedd a rhyfeddod plant gyda’r byd o’u cwmpas. Bydd plant ac oedolion yn deall y neges fod rhyfeddodau lu i’w gweld yn y byd, ond i chi fentro mynd i chwilio. Ceir trosiad yn y llyfr sy’n dangos sut mae bywyd modern wedi’n cyflyru i frysio o un lle i’r llall, gan weithio’n ddi-stop, heb weithiau gymryd amser i werthfawrogi ein byd yn llawn. Ewch allan i weld y byd a mwynhau profiadau newydd -mae bywyd yn rhy fyr! Adolygiad oddi ai, trwy ganiatad Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Review by Morgan Dafydd This is a new picture book by talented artist/cartoonist Huw Aaron. We are very familiar with his drawings and doodles in a number of popular books and the magazine Mellten. On this occasion, Huw himself has taken care of writing the story as well as painting the pictures! Huw said that the story had been simmering in the back of his mind for years- well finally, here it is! This is a story about a little girl called Petra, who lives in a city full of very busy people. The workers spend all day, every day building very high towers that stretch to the sky. In fact, the workers remind me of termites, who spend their lives building large mounds. Poor Petra is bored with the daily grind of constructing towers. In fact, she is absolutely fed up! Petra begins to question the regime as she ponders the big philosophical question: Is there more to life? Even though some very important people order her to 'grow up' and ‘get on with it’, in her heart she never stops dreaming. One day, when a lady comes down from the clouds in a hot air balloon, they go on an adventure all over the world, seeing all the wonders that exist. I wonder if Petra will be able to persuade the rest of the city's inhabitants that there is more to life than building towers? Huw Aaron’s watercolour paintings are beautifully colourful and we get a very affectionate story with a clear message to young children (as well as adults!) that it’s perfectly acceptable to question things. The book conveys children's natural curiosity and wonder about the world around them. Children and adults will understand the message that there are many wonders and opportunities out there to be seen and enjoyed, if you take the chance! There’s a metaphor in the book that shows how modern life has conditioned us to hurry from one place to another, working non-stop, without taking time to fully appreciate our world. Go out to see the world and enjoy new experiences- life is too short! Review from, by permission of Welsh Books Council. Gwasg/publisher: Atebol Pris/price: £6.99 Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

  • Mae ein tŷ ni ar dân - Jeanette Winter (addas. Elin Meek)

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Cri Greta Thunberg i achub y blaned, Greta Thunberg's call to save the planet. ♥♥Llyfr y Mis i Blant Mawrth 2020♥♥ ♥♥Children's Book of the Month March 2020♥♥ Genre: ffeithiol, amgylcheddol / non-fiction, environmental Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Cyn i’r pandemig coronafeirws ’ma sgubo ar draws y byd, yr amgylchedd oedd y pwnc llosg mawr dan sylw, a does neb wedi codi cymaint o ymwybyddiaeth ohono ymysg pobl ifanc â Greta Thunberg. Mae Greta, 17, sy’n wreiddiol o Sweden, yn enwog am ei barn gref am yr argyfwng amgylcheddol sy’n wynebu ein byd. Tynna sylw cyson at y pwnc, drwy areithiau cyhoeddus ac ymgyrchoedd, gan feirniadu nifer o arweinwyr y byd (fel Donald Trump) am eu diffyg gweithredu. Yn dilyn un o’i phrotestiadau, trefnwyd ‘Streiciau Ysgol Dros yr Amgylchedd’ ledled y byd gan bobl ifanc angerddol. Dangosodd hyn i’r byd fod pobl ifanc yn barod i leisio’u barn ac na ellir eu hanwybyddu. Gan ei bod hi mor adnabyddus ac mor ddylanwadol, does dim rhyfedd fod llyfr wedi’i seilio arni. Mae hi’n amlwg wedi taro nodyn gyda nifer o bobl a dywedodd Jeanette Winter, yr awdur: “pan glywais i ei hareithiau hi, ro’n i’n teimlo bod Greta’n siarad drosta i. Ac rwy’n wyth deg oed.” Adrodda’r llyfr hanes siwrne Greta. Trafoda sut yr oedd yn teimlo fel merch ‘anweledig’ yn yr ysgol - cyfnod eithaf anhapus yn ei bywyd. Bellach, rydym yn deall fod gan Greta ddiagnosis o Aspergers Syndrome, cyflwr a achosodd cryn drafferth iddi yn ystod ei phlentyndod. Roedd hi’n cael cyfnodau digalon gyda phyliau o iselder, ac arweiniodd hyn ati’n peidio â bwyta rhyw lawer. Mae Greta eisoes wedi siarad yn gyhoeddus am ei chyflwr, gan gyfaddef “ei fod o’n ei gwneud hi'n wahanol,” ond ei bod hi’n ystyried y peth fel “superpower.” Mae Greta’n esiampl dda o rywun sydd heb adael i'r ffaith eu bod nhw fymryn yn wahanol gyfyngu ar eu potensial i lwyddo. Yn ogystal â hanes Greta, trafoda’r llyfr nifer o’r argyfyngau amgylcheddol sy’n effeithio ar ein byd fel llifogydd, tannau coedwig, diffeithdiro a llygredd ymysg eraill. Er bod y llyfr yn trafod hyn mewn ffordd sensitif, dwi’n credu y byddai rhai darnau’n anaddas i blant ifanc y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Yn wreiddiol, nodwyd fod y llyfr yn addas i blant 3-8 oed, ond teimlaf y byddai rhai rhannau yn peri gofid a chynnwrf i blant ifanc e.e. anifeiliaid yn brwydro i aros yn fyw. Mae gan y teitl ei hun (er yn drawiadol) y potensial i greu pryder diangen. Yng ngeiriau Greta ei hun: “dwi eisiau i chi gael panig. Dwi eisiau i chi deimlo’r ofn.” Dwi ddim yn credu y byddai plant hŷn yn cymryd y neges mor llythrennol felly byddai’r llyfr yn fwy addas i blant yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2. Sonia’r llyfr am danwydd ffosil a phrotestiadau gan blant a byddai hyn yn fan cychwyn da ar gyfer tasgau trafodaeth mewn uned o waith daearyddol/amgylcheddol/thematig. Mae’n sicr yn llyfr y dylid ystyried ei ddarllen gydag oedolyn, gan ei fod yn siŵr o arwain at fwy o gwestiynau. Yn ôl y llyfr, un o athrawon Greta a daniodd ei hangerdd a’i brwdfrydedd am yr amgylchedd – prawf fod gwersi diddorol, effeithiol yn gallu tanio dychymyg ac ennyn chwilfrydedd pobl ifanc. Prif neges y llyfr yw bod rhaid gweithredu dros yr amgylchedd, ac os nad yw oedolion am wneud hynny, mae plant a phobl ifanc yn barod iawn i gymryd yr awenau. Gorffenna’r llyfr gyda her i’r darllenydd: “Be wnei di nawr?” Cwestiwn da iawn. Before this coronavirus pandemic swept across the world, apart from Brexit, the environment was probably the other hot topic, and no-one has raised so much awareness of it among young people as Greta Thunberg. Greta, 17, originally from Sweden, is renowned for her strong views on the environmental crisis facing our world. She draws constant attention to the subject, through public speeches and campaigns, criticizing several world leaders (such as Donald Trump) for their inaction. Following one of her protests, “school strikes for the environment" were organized around the world by passionate young people. This showed the world that young people are willing to voice their opinions and cannot be overlooked. This book recounts Greta’s journey to fame, so far. It discusses how she felt like an ' invisible ' girl in school- quite an unhappy time in her life. We now understand that Greta has a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome, a condition that caused her considerable issues during her childhood. She had periods of depression which led to her not eating much. Greta has already spoken publicly about her condition, admitting that although it makes her different, she considers it a "superpower." Greta is a good example of someone who has not let the fact that they are slightly different limit their potential for success. As well as Greta’s story, the book discusses many of the environmental crises affecting our world such as floods, forest fires, desertification and pollution amongst others. Although the book discusses these sensitively, I think some bits would be unsuitable for young children in the foundation phase. Originally, it was noted that the book was suitable for children aged 3-8, but I feel that some areas would be distressing and upsetting for young children e.g. animals struggling to stay alive. The title itself (though impactful) has the potential to create unnecessary anxiety. In Greta's own words: "I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear. " I don't think older children would take the message quite so literally therefore the book would be more suitable for children in Key Stage 2. The book mentions fossil fuels and child protests and this would be a good starting point for discussion tasks in an unit of geographical/environmental/thematic work. It is certainly a book that should be considered for reading with an adult, as it is bound to lead to more questions. According to the book, it was one of Greta's teachers who fostered her enthusiasm for the environment – proof that interesting, effective lessons can ignite passion in young people. The book’s main message is that we must act to save the environment, and if adults aren’t willing to do so, children and young people will happily take the lead. The book finishes with a provocative challenge: "What will you do now?” A very good question. Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020 Pris: £6.99

  • Na, nel! Waw! - Meleri Wyn James

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Gweithgareddau dychmygus, prysur, creadigol 'da Nel! Imaginative, busy, creative activities with Nel! Genre: posau, gweithgareddau, ffeithiol / puzzles, activities, non-fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◎◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Mae’r gyfres ‘Na, Nel!’ wedi bod yn hynod o boblogaidd gyda phlant Cymru, yn enwedig gyda merched rhwng 7-9 oed. Rŵan, yn ogystal â sawl llyfr stori, mae llyfr gweithgareddau cyffrous ar gael yng nghwmni’r ferch fach ddireidus! Ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd y pandemig coronafeirws, mae plant ar hyd a lled Cymru yn gorfod aros adref gan fod yr ysgolion wedi cau. Efallai fod peidio gorfod mynd i’r ysgol yn hwyl i ddechrau, ond buan iawn mae pethau’n mynd yn ddiflas. Mewn cyfnod mor ansicr, mae’n bosib y bydd pobl yn gorfod hunan ynysu yn eu cartrefi am amser hir... o na! Diolch byth felly fod llawer o weithgareddau ar gael ar-lein a bod siopau llyfrau (ar hyn o bryd) yn dal i gynnig gwasanaeth bostio. (does dim ond hyn a hyn o deledu mae rhywun yn gallu ei wylio!) Mae Na, Nel! Waw! yn cynnwys 27 o weithgareddau amrywiol, lliwgar, llawn hwyl ar gyfer plant sy’n siŵr o gadw nhw’n brysur am oriau! Mae ambell un yn eithaf addysgiadol hefyd! Mae’r llyfr ar gael am ddim o lyfrgelloedd hefyd, ond mi fydda’n rhaid cysylltu gyda Y Lolfa er mwyn cael hawliau llungopïo. Llawer gwell prynu copi eich hun – bargen am £4.99 os ydi o’n golygu oriau o dawelwch tra mae’r plantos yn brysur! The ‘Na, Nel!’ series has been hugely popular with children across Wales, especially with girls aged 7-9. Now, as well as several storybooks, there is an exciting activity book to enjoy with this mischievous little character! At present, because of the coronavirus pandemic, children all over Wales are having to stay at home because the schools have closed. Not having to go to school may be fun to begin with, but be assured, things turn boring very quickly! In these uncertain times, people may have to self-isolate in their homes for a long time… Oh no! Although this will help our health in the long run, it will mean lots of bored and restless children with cabin fever! Thankfully, many activities are becoming available online and the book shops are still operating a delivery service (for the time being, anyway!) There's only so much television someone can watch!) Na, Nel! Waw! contains 27 varied, colourful and fun activities for children that will surely keep them occupied for hours! Some of them are even educational! The book is also available free in most libraries, but you would have to contact Y Lolfa to obtain photocopying permissions. I’d recommend buying your own copy – a bargain at £4.99, especially if it means a few hours of peace and quiet while the little ones are busy! Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2018 Pris: £4.99

  • Clec Amdani - Esyllt Maelor

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Stori fer drawiadol a gafaelgar. Hard-hitting and compelling short story. Genre: ffuglen arddegau / teenage fiction Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◉◎ (abuse/alcoholism) Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◉◉◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★★ Mi oeddwn i’n fyr o amser felly mi oedd maint [byr] y nofel yma’n sicr yn ffactor wrth ddewis rhoi cynnig arni. Yn y pen draw, mi oeddwn i mor involved yn y llyfr ar ôl cychwyn, mi orffennais i hi mewn un eisteddiad (jyst llai nag awr). Mae Clec Amdani yn cychwyn mewn ystafell wely budr, llawn llanast, gyda dynas yn crio yn y gwely. Mae o’n ddisgrifiadol iawn ac yn debyg i ffilm. Dwi’n meddwl fod hyn wedi apelio’n syth ata i, gan ei fod o’n rhoi darlun clir, effeithiol a thrawiadol o’r sefyllfa druenus. Mi fydd y pwnc dan sylw yn siwr o apelio at y gynulleidfa darged; mi wnes i ffeindio'r cyfeiriaidau at focsio a Rocky yn ddiddorol. Stori ddirdynnol sy’n adrodd hanes Josh a’i fam. Mae ei rieni wedi gwahanu ac mae hyn wedi gyrru ei fam at y botel. Mae hi’n alcoholig llwyr ac mae’r sefyllfa wedi dirywio cymaint nad ydi hi’n poeni dim am ei mab, na hi ei hun chwaith. Dwi wir yn tosturio dros Josh, wrth iddo deimlo atgasedd at ei Fam am anghofio amdano. Ar ôl ceisio cuddio ei sefyllfa gartref, ni allai guddio’r peth rhagor ac mae Josh yn cael outburst yn y dosbarth lle mae’n dweud y cyfan wrth bawb. Mae pethau’n mynd o ddrwg i waeth pan rydym ni’n clywed fod Josh wedi cael ei arestio ar ôl ymosod ar y sglyfath sy’n trin ei Fam fel baw. Beth fydd hanes Josh? Fydd o’n gallu symud ‘mlaen a dod drwy’r cyfnod anodd ‘ma? Dwi’m yn meddwl mod i ERIOED wedi darllen llyfr sy’n llifo mor gwbl naturiol a hwn. Mae’r awdur yn deall yn union sut i sgwennu fel ac ar gyfer pobl yn eu harddegau. Mae’r defnydd o dafodiaith, bratiaith, dywediadau a pheth ddefnydd casual o’r Saesneg yn adrodd y stori mewn ffordd gwbl lafar, naturiol – dim yr hen Gymraeg stiff, artiffisial fel sydd mewn nifer o straeon! Clyfar iawn oedd ‘sgwennu’r stori i gyd ar ffurf cwestiwn ac ateb. Fel mae’r stori’n mynd yn ei flaen, caiff mwy o wybodaeth ei ddatgelu ac rydym yn dod i ddeall pwy sy’n holi. Mae ‘mwynhau’ yn teimlo fel y gair anghywir i’w ddefnyddio, o ystyried y cynnwys graffig ac eithaf upsetting ond wir i chi, mae hi’n chwip o nofel fer. Plîs plîs plîs Esyllt Maelor, wnei di ‘sgwennu mwy ar gyfer yr arddegau? Dwi’n meddwl basa ‘na lot mwy o bobl ifanc Cymru yn darllen llyfrau Cymraeg os tasan nhw gystal â hon! I didn’t have much time on my hands so the fact that this book was quite short was definitely a factor when I decided to give it a go. By the end, I was so involved in the book, I finished it in one sitting (just under an hour.) It starts in a dirty, messy bedroom with a woman crying in her bed. The descriptions are almost film-like. I think this immediately appealed to me, as it conveys a clear, and striking picture of the sad situation. The topic at hand will certainly appeal to a teenage audience. I liked the references to boxing and Rocky Balboa! A powerful and fast paced story that introduces us to Josh and his mum. His parents have separated and this in turn drove her to the bottle. She's a total alcoholic and the situation has deteriorated so much that she doesn't care about anything, other than her next drink. She has completely forgotten about her son. I really empathize with Josh, as he feels hatred towards his mum for behaving in this way. Having tried to hide his home situation, it all came to a head when he revealed all in an outburst in class. Things go from bad to worse when we learn that Josh has been arrested after attacking the awful man who’s been mistreating his mother. What happens to Josh? Can he pull through this and move beyond this awful situation? I don’t think I have ever read a book that flows as naturally as this one. The author understands exactly how to write as a/for teenagers. The use of dialect, slang, spoken informal Welsh and the casual use of English means the story feels very natural. This is really important in Welsh, because so many of our books are off-putting because of overly complicated, stiff, formal Welsh. Not so here. It was very clever to write the story in a question and answer format. As the story progresses, more information is uncovered and we come to understand who is doing the questioning. 'Enjoyed’ ' feels like the wrong word to use, given the graphic and rather upsetting content, but honestly, this is one hell of a short story! Please, please, please Esyllt Maelor, can you write some more teenage fiction? I think a lot more young people in Wales would read in Welsh if the novels were as hard hitting, effective, yet utterly readable as this one. Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2014 Pris: £2.95 Cyfres/series: Copa

  • Direidi Nicolas - René Goscinny a Jean-Jacques Sempé [addas. Alun Ceri Jones]

    *Scroll down for English review and comments* 19 stori fer am fachgen direidus a'i ffrindiau! 19 short stories about a mischievous little boy! Genre: ffuglen, doniol / fiction, funny Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◉◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Dwi’n falch fod 'na fwy o lyfrau’n cael eu haddasu o ieithoedd eraill heblaw ‘r Saesneg o’r diwedd! Mae hyn yn beth da iawn ac yn sicrhau fod 'na ddigon o amrywiaeth o ddeunydd darllen. Mae Direidi Nicolas yn gyfres o straeon pytiog gan awdur y gyfres boblogaidd Asterix. Ar yr edrychiad cyntaf, mae’n edrych fel clamp o lyfr, ond peidiwch â phoeni, achos 19 o straeon byrion sydd yma, felly gallwch eu darllen fel ac y mynnwch - un y noson cyn mynd i’r gwely er enghraifft! Straeon am Nicolas a’i ffrindiau sydd yma. Bachgen bach direidus a drygionus sydd, ynghyd a’i ffrindiau, yn gwneud bywyd yn anodd i’w athrawes druan, Miss Evans. A dweud y gwir, mae Nicolas a’i griw yn llwyddo i roi cur pen i’w rieni ac unrhyw oedolion eraill sy’n dod ar eu traws! Dwi’n hoffi’r ffaith fod yr awdur yn ysgrifennu o safbwynt Nicolas ei hun, felly rydym ni’n gweld popeth drwy lygaid plentyn. Tydi Nicolas druan byth yn gallu gweld safbwynt yr oedolion- ac mae hyn yn ddoniol yn ei hun! Mae hiwmor sych yr awdur yn gryf yn y llyfr ac mae’r asides bach (siarad gyda’i hun ar yr ochr) yn reit amusing gan ei fod o’n pwysleisio rhai o’r pethau drosodd a throsodd bob yn ail stori bron. e.e. “Mae’n wir taw Aneurin yw’r gore yn y dosbarth ( a taw fe yw ci rhech Miss Evans, ei ffefryn hi) , ond dyw e ddim wir yn un o’r bois achos mae e’n lefen drwy’r amser…. a gan ei fod e’n gwisgo sbectol, dyn ni ddim yn gallu pwno fe.” Fel ‘da chi’n gweld – tydi’r stori ddim yr un mwyaf ‘P.C’ erbyn heddiw (rhaid i chi gofio mai yn y 50au y mae’r stori’n digwydd) ond mae’r drygioni’n ddigon diniwed – yn ddiniwed iawn os ydych chi’n ei gymharu hefo ymddygiad mewn rhai ysgolion heddiw! Mae bechgyn y dosbarth yn cambihafio drwy’r adeg a dim ots faint o weithiau y cânt nhw eu cosbi (fel arfer drwy orfod sefyll yn y gornel) tydi eu hymddygiad byth yn gwella! Mae’r cymeriadau yn blant drwg, ond ar yr un pryd, maen nhw reit charming hefyd. Yn sicr, mae’r awdur yn llwyddo i greu sefyllfaoedd ysgafn a doniol heb orfod defnyddio hiwmor toiled, budreddi a rhegfeydd fel sydd yn nifer o lyfrau modern. Wedi dweud hyn, mae rhai o’r sefyllfaoedd o’r straeon yn annhebygol neu anghyfarwydd erbyn heddiw, ond dwi ddim yn meddwl fod hyn yn amharu ar y stori. Mae’n fy atgoffa i o hunangofiant Roald Dahl, Boy - y math yna o straeon drygionus. Mae Nicolas a’i gyfeillion yn llwyddo (bron heb drio weithiau) i achosi helynt a stŵr - maen nhw’n cael y gorau o’r arolygwr ysgolion, yn weindio eu hathrawon i fyny, yn smocio sigâr, derbyn adroddiadau ysgol wael, sbwylio drama, torri ffenestr, creu llanast a chwarae triwant ymysg pethau eraill! Mi oedd rhaid i mi ganolbwyntio wrth ddarllen y llyfr achos roedd iaith y De yn drwm yn y llyfr ac roedd nifer o eiriau anghyfarwydd i mi. Ar y cyfan, mi wnes i fwynhau’r hwyl ddrygionus, ddiniwed. Roedd arlunwaith cartwnaidd, syml Jean-Jaques Sempe yn siwtio’r llyfr i’r dim. Does ‘na ddim straeon emosiynol, dwys a fawr ddim o ddatblygiad cymeriad - dim ond casgliad o straeon ysgafn, light-hearted. Dwi’n meddwl y bydd nifer o blant tua 8-11 oed yn mwynhau’r llyfr yma, heblaw am y rhai mwyafstreetwise, - efallai y bydden nhw’n gweld yr hwyl mymryn yn hen ffasiwn, diflas ac yn rhy ddiniwed. Dibynnu ar y plentyn, bur debyg. Mae gwasg Dalen yn gado fod mwy o anturiaethau Nicolas ar y ffordd yn fuan! I’m very pleased that there are more books being adapted into Welsh from languages other than English at last! This is good news and ensures that there is sufficient variety of reading material. Direidi Nicolas is a series of short tales by the author of the popular series Asterix. At first glance, it looks like a substantial book, but not to worry, because it’s split into 19 short stories, so you can read them as and when you like. How about one a night before going to bed for example? What we get are stories of Nicolas and friends. A little mischievous boy, who, together with his friends, makes life difficult for his poor teacher, Miss Evans. In fact, Nicolas and his crew manage to cause a headache for their parents and any other adults who come their way! I like the fact that the author writes from Nicolas's own perspective, so we see everything through a child's eyes. Poor Nicolas can never see the adults' viewpoint-and this is funny in itself! The author's dry humour is and the small asides (speaking with himself on the side) are quite amusing because he emphasizes some things over and over, such as his ‘fat’ best friend and the teacher’s pet who they can’t beat up because he has glasses. As you see – the story isn't the most ‘P.C.’ by today’s standards, but you must bear in mind that the story takes place and was written in the 50s) The misdemeanours are innocent enough though – very innocent if you compare it with standards of behaviour in some schools today! The boys misbehave all the time and no matter how many times they are punished (usually by having to stand in the corner) their behaviour never improves! The characters are naughty, but at the same time they're quite charming too. Certainly, the author manages to create mildly funny situations without having to resort to toilet humour, swearing and crassness found in many modern books. Having said this, some of the story situations seem unlikely or unfamiliar by now, but I don't think this impacts the story. I mean, does it really matter that the kids write with ink pots on their desks – especially if it results in funny situations! It reminds me of Roald Dahl's autobiography, Boy- it’s that type of thing. Nicolas and his friends succeed (sometimes without trying) in causing trouble and they get up to all sorts. They get the better of a school inspector, wind their teachers up no-end, smoke a cigar, receive terrible school reports, ruin a play, smash a window, create a mess and play ‘hooky’ (skipping school) amongst other things! I had to concentrate on reading the book as the Southern dialect was strong and there were a number of unfamiliar words to me. On the whole, I enjoyed the mischievous, innocent fun. Jean-Jaques Sempe's simple scribblings really suit the book. There are no deep, emotional stories here and little- if any character development- just a collection of light hearted, fun stories. I think a number of children around the age of 8-11 will enjoy this book, except for the most streetwise, - maybe they would see it as being a bit outdated, naïve and tepid. Depends on the child, I guess. Dalen press promises that more of Nicolas's adventures are on the way very soon… Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Dalen Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £6.99

  • Cri'r Dylluan - T. Llew Jones

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Nofel hanesyddol am y 'Merched Beca' Historical fiction about Rebecca Riots Genre: hanesyddol, ffuglen / historical, fiction Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◉◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★☆☆ Dwi’m yn siŵr pam, ond ron i’n nerfus iawn wrth feddwl am ddarllen llyfrau T Llew Jones. Dwi’n meddwl fod hyn yn deillio o fy nghyfnod yn yr ysgol, yn astudio un o’i nofelau. Ar y pryd, dwi’n meddwl fod y llyfr braidd yn anodd i mi a doeddwn i ddim cweit wedi deall y plot. Beth bynnag, fe welais fod Gomer wedi ail brintio rhai o’i glasuron, felly mi benderfynais roi ail-gynnig ar un o lyfrau Brenin Llenyddiaeth Plant Cymru… Tybed os ga i fwy o lwc yr ail dro? Mae Cri’r Dylluan yn nofel sy’n dilyn hanes Merched Beca yng nghanol yr 19eg ganrif, rhwng 1839-1843 yn Ne Orllewin Cymru. Nofel hanesyddol ydi hon, sy’n golygu fod y digwyddiadau yn rhai go iawn, ond maen nhw’n cael eu hadrodd drwy stori ffuglen. Roedd ffermwyr tlawd Cymru’n cael eu cosbi’n ariannol gan fod rhaid iddynt dalu er mwyn cael croesi’r tollbyrth ar hyd a lled Cymru. Roedd y ‘turnpike trusts’ yn rheoli’r ffyrdd a chawsent eu sefydlu gan y gwŷr bonheddig, er mwyn codi tollau ar y ffermwyr tlawd pob tro roeddent angen defnyddio’r ffyrdd. Roedd y dynion cyfoethog yn elwa ar draul y werin dlawd. Yn y pen draw, cafodd y ffermwyr lond bol, ac felly dechreuodd sefydliad ‘Merched Beca.’ Grŵp o ffermwyr oedd y rhain, oedd yn gwisgo dillad merched, yn duo eu hwynebau ac yn mynd allan ganol nos i chwalu’r tollbyrth yn racs mewn protest. I’r bobl gyffredin, roedd ‘Merched Beca’ yn arwyr - yn amddiffyn hawliau’r ffermwyr, ond i’r gwŷr bonheddig, roedden nhw’n drafferthus iawn- yn cael eu gweld fel terfysgwyr a throseddwyr. Galwyd y ‘troops’ i’r ardal i geisio atal y difrod. Mae’r stori yn dechrau’n syth wrth i un o’r ffermwyr, Tomos Bryn Glas, golli ei dymer gyda Mitchell, un o swyddogion y tollbyrth am fod o wedi ceisio hawlio toll dwywaith mewn diwrnod. Yn ei ddicter, mae Tomos yn ymosod ar ŵr y tollborth ac yn ei anafu’n ddrwg. Hyn yw’r digwyddiad sy’n cychwyn y stori, wrth i’r awdurdodau chwilio am y ffermwr sy’n euog o sefyll i fyny yn erbyn y tollau annheg. Rydym ni’n dod i gyfarfod dau fachgen lleol, Guto’r Gof a Huw Parri, wrth i’r ddau gael eu tynnu’n ddyfnach i fywyd giang y “Merched Beca”. Mae’r ‘merched’ wedi clywed am yr ymosodiad ar ddyn y tollborth ac yn awyddus i recriwtio aelodau newydd yn yr ardal. Cyn bo hir, mae’r ddau yn dod i gyfarfod rhai o arweinwyr dirgel y mudiad, fel Twm Carnabwth ac yn ymuno gyda nhw i ymosod a dinistrio tollbyrth yr ardal. Maen nhw’n mynychu cyfarfodydd cyfrinachol ac yn gwneud difrod troseddol yn enw’r ‘merched.’ Mae hyn yn beryglus iawn achos mae’r gwŷr bonheddig yn gandryll ac yn barod i wobrwyo’n dda i geisio cael y ffermwyr i droi ar ei gilydd. Ydy eu cyfrinach yn saff neu oes 'na fradwr yn eu mysg? Mae Huw Parri mewn sefyllfa anodd iawn - er ei fod o’n un o ferched Beca, mae o’n perthyn i Gyrnol Lewis, y sgweier cyfoethog sy’n gyfrifol am y tollbyrth. Mae’r ‘merched’ hynod o ddrwgdybus ohono oherwydd y cysylltiad peryglus yma. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae’r ferch y mae o’n ei garu yn meddwl fod o wedi bradychu ei thad, ac mae ffrae fawr gyda’i fam yn achosi iddi fynd yn ddifrifol wael. Fydd Huw yn gallu parhau i fod yn fab, yn gariad acyn un o’r ‘Merched Beca’? Mi wnes i fwynhau’r nofel oherwydd mae’n amlwg fod yr awdur wedi gwneud ei waith ymchwil, gyda nifer o gyfeiriadau at ddigwyddiadau a phobl go iawn. Mae’r “Merched Beca” yn defnyddio trais ac yn ‘cosbi’ un o ddynion y tollbyrth gyda’r “geffyl pren” - rhywbeth sy’n swnio’n beth cas iawn! Fe wnaeth y nofel wneud i mi fynd i ddarllen ac ymchwilio ar y we am hanes diddorol y merched Beca. Dwi’n hoffi’r ffaith fod T Llew Jones yn defnyddio dipyn o Saesneg yn y llyfr, yn enwedig ar gyfer y deialog. Mae hyn yn amlygu’r gwahaniaeth rhwng y werin a’r bonedd ac yn teimlo’n fwy credadwy. Roedd y stori’n gwneud i mi deimlo’n flin ar ran y ffermwyr yn erbyn y bobl dlawd ac roeddwn i’n sicr ar ochr y werin! Mae ‘na ddigon yn digwydd yn y stori i ddal diddordeb y darllenydd, ond roeddwn i braidd yn siomedig gyda’r diweddglo. Efallai fod yr hanes go iawn yn brin, ond dwi’n siŵr fod modd o orffen y stori’n well na hyn – dipyn bach yn frysiog. Meh. Dwi’n meddwl y byddai darllenwyr profiadol/hyderus yn ffeindio’r stori’n ddifyr ond efallai ei fod o braidd yn anodd i ddarllenwyr newydd/ifanc. Pan ysgrifennwyd y llyfr yn wreiddiol, roedd yn addas i blant top yr ysgol gynradd, ond erbyn heddiw, mae o’n fwy addas i blant Bl.7-9 ar y cyfan. Yn sicr yn llyfr defnyddiol yn yr ysgol fel rhan o’r Cwricwlwm Cymreig wrth astudio hanes Cymru. Doedd hynny ddim mor ddrwg ac yr oeddwn i wedi disgwyl -dwi’n meddwl rof i gynnig ar lyfr arall gan T Llew! I'm not sure why, but initially I was a bit reluctant about reading one of T. Llew Jones’s books. I think this stems from my time at school, studying one of them. At the time, I think the book was a bit difficult for me and I didn’t quite understand the plot. In any case, I saw that Gomer had re-printed some of his classics, so I decided to try again. The author was hailed as the King of Children’s literature in Wales.... I wonder if I’ll have more luck the second time? Cri’r Dyllan (The Owl’s cry) is a novel that follows the history of the Rebecca Riots in the mid-19th century, between 1839-1843 in South West Wales. This is a historical novel, which means that the events are real, but they are told through a fictional story. The poor farmers of Wales were being penalized financially because they had to pay in order to cross the toll gates throughout Wales. The 'Turnpike trusts' were in control of the roads and were set up by the gentry, in order to charge the peasant farmers every time they needed to use the roads. The wealthy men benefited at the expense of the poor folk. In the end, the farmers grew tired of this shameless exploitation, and so “Merched Beca” (Beca’s Girls) was formed. These were a group of farmers who went out at night to destroy the toll booths. They blackened their faces and wore women’s clothing to protect their identities. For the ordinary people, 'Merched Beca' were heroes – defending the rights of the farmers, but for the gentlemen, they were very troublesome-seen as terrorists and criminals. The "Troops" were called to the area to try to halt the riots and put an end to lawlessness. The story begins straight away as one of the farmers, Tomos Bryn Glas, loses his temper with Mitchell, a toll clerk because he tried to claim a toll twice in one day. In his anger, Tomos attacks the man and injures him badly. This is the event that gets the story going as the authorities search for the farmer who is guilty of standing up against the unfair tolls. We come to meet two local boys, Guto’r Gof (the blacksmith) and Huw Parri, as the two are drawn deeper into gang life as part of "Beca girls". The 'girls' have heard about the assault on the toll gatekeeper and are eager to recruit new members in the area. The two soon come to meet some of the mysterious leaders of the movement, such as the infamous Twm Carnabwth. They soon join with them in attacking and destroying the area’s tollhouses. They attend secret meetings and do criminal damage in the name of ‘Rebecca.' This is very dangerous because the wealthy landowners are furious and willing to dish out handsome rewards for anyone willing to give them the names of the members. Is their secret safe or is there a traitor amongst them? Huw Parri is in a very difficult position – even though he becomes a committed and fully-fledged member of ‘Beca’, he is in fact related to Colonel Lewis, the wealthy Squire who is responsible for the toll gates. The gang leaders are extremely suspicious of him because of this dangerous connection. In addition to this, the object of his desires, Elin, mistakenly thinks he has betrayed her father. A big row with his mother causes her to become seriously ill and this begs the question: Can Huw maintain the two sides to his life – can he be a fine upstanding citizen, a son and a lover as well as being part of ‘Beca’? I enjoyed the novel because it is clear that the author did his research, with numerous references to real events and people. The ‘Rebecca’ movement uses violence and 'punishes' one toll keeper with a particularly unpleasant and humiliating device, “Y Geffyl Bren” (The wooden horse) The novel sparked my interest to do some further online research about the riots. I like the fact that T Llew Jones uses a bit of English in the book, especially for the dialogue. This highlights the difference between the common folk and the wealthy landowners and feels more credible. The story is successful in getting me to empathize with the downtrodden, oppressed farmers against the gentry! I was definitely on team Rebecca!! There's enough going on in the story to maintain the reader's interest, but I was a bit disappointed with the ending. Perhaps the author ran out of real historical source material, but even so, I'm sure there was a better way of wrapping up the story. A little bit rushed, finishing all too sudden and happy ever after. Meh. I think experienced/confident readers would find the story engaging but it may be a bit difficult for new/younger readers. When the book was originally written, it was aimed at top primary age, but nowadays I feel it is more suitable for children in early secondary school, perhaps yrs.7-9. It’s certainly an useful book in schools during studies of Welsh history. Well, that wasn't so bad - I think I’ll try another book by T Llew! Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd/released: 1974, 1975, 1988, 2005, 2019 Pris: £7.99

  • Dosbarth Miss Prydderch [3] a Lleidr y Lleisiau - Mererid Hopwood

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Brwydr yn y goedwig - diweddglo'r drioleg! All out war in the forest - last in the trilogy! Genre: ffuglen, antur / fiction, adventure Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★★★☆☆ Hwn yw’r trydydd llyfr yn nhrioleg gychwynnol Dosbarth Miss Prydderch. Mae Mererid Hopwood yn cynnwys tudalen sy’n crynhoi’r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn llyfr 1 a 2. Er bod hyn yn handi fel reminder, tydi hyn ddim yn golygu y gallwch hepgor darllen y llyfrau blaenorol - mi fydd popeth yn gwneud llawer mwy o synnwyr os ddarllenwch chi’r tri llyfr, yn y drefn gywir! Mae rhywbeth mawr o’i le yn y goedwig! Mae’r tylluanod a’r defaid yn paratoi i ryfela yn erbyn ei gilydd. Yn waeth fyth, mae Mr Cnoc wedi bod yn creu arfau ar eu cyfer. Pam fod anifeiliaid sydd fel arfer yn cyd-fyw’n heddychlon ar fin ymladd? Fe rof i un cliw i chi - Dr Wg ab Lin!! Mae o wedi bod yn creu drygioni yn y goedwig, gan droi pawb yn erbyn ei gilydd. Ond pam? Tybed fydd Alfred, ei ffrindiau a’i athrawes yn gallu stopio’r ymladd a dod a heddwch yn ôl i’r goedwig? (a’r lleisiau coll!) Mae yna ddwy frwydr ar y gweill yn y llyfr- y rhyfel yn y goedwig, a’r ymgais i atal yr awdurdodau rhag cau Ysgol y Garn. Dwi’n hoffi sut mae’r ddwy stori yn cyd-blethu o fewn yr un llyfr. Mae hanner cyntaf y llyfr yn y goedwig, ac yno fe ddown yn ôl i’r Garn i weld sut lwyddiant fu i’r ymgyrch ‘creu gwaith.’ A fydd yr ysgol yn cau? Dwi ddim am sbwylio hynny i chi – rhaid i chi ddarllen i gael gwybod! Dwi’n hoff o’r gyfres achos mae’r iaith yn syml ar y cyfan, ond nid yw’r awdur yn ofn cyflwyno geiriau ac ymadroddion Cymraeg mwy heriol. Dyma lle mae’r squiggles yn ddefnyddiol. Mae’r saethau yn dod allan o rai geiriau anghyfarwydd ac yn cynnig esboniad neu aside o beth yw’r ystyr. Dwi’n meddwl fod y syniad o roi glossary [rhestr/esboniad o’r gair] yn y llyfr yn syniad bril - mor dda mod i’n gwneud PhD ar y peth!! Does dim gormod o ysgrifen ar bob tudalen ac felly mae hyn yn ymestyn maint y llyfr sy’n rhoi teimlad sylweddol iddo. Mae effeithiau cartŵn ar y ffont yn gwneud y darllen yn fwy diddorol- dwi’n meddwl fod angen mwy o hyn mewn llyfrau eraill. Byddwn i’n dweud mai darllenwyr hyderus bl.3 a 4 fyddai’n hoffi’r llyfrau yma fwyaf, ond byddai hefyd yn gwneud deunydd darllen annibynnol i blant hŷn sy’n dysgu Cymraeg. Mae’r llyfr yma’n dod a’r rhan gyntaf o antur Dosbarth Miss Prydderch i ben yn daclus, ond mae’n gadael y drws yn agored ar gyfer mwy o anturiaethau. Erbyn hyn, mae gennym ni lyfrau 4,5 a 6 i’w mwynhau!! This is the third and last book in the initial trilogy of Dosbarth Miss Prydderch, the story about a teacher with magical powers! Mererid Hopwood includes a page summarizing what happened in Books 1 and 2. Although this is a handy reminder, this doesn't mean you can skip reading the previous books – everything will make a lot more sense if you read the three books, in the right order! There is something very wrong in the forest! The Owls and sheep are preparing to go to war against each other. Worse still, Mr. Cnoc has been arming both sides with weapons. Why are animals that normally live peacefully together about to fight? I'll give you one clue- Dr. Wg Ab Lin! (The bad guy snake) He has been creating mischief in the woods, turning everyone against each other. But why? I wonder whether Alfred, his friends and their teacher will be able to stop the fighting and bring peace back to the woods? (and return the missing voices!) There are two battles under way in the book- firstly, the impending war in the magical forest, and secondly, the attempt to stop the authorities from closing Ysgol y Garn. I like how the two stories are entwined within the same book. The first half of the book is set in the woods, and then we come back to Y Garn village to see if the job creation campaign has been successful. Will the school be forced to close? I’m not going to spoil that for you – you’ll have to read to find out! I like this series because the language is simple enough, however the author is not afraid to introduce more challenging Welsh words and phrases. This is where the squiggles are useful. The arrows come out of some unfamiliar words and offer an explanation or an aside of what the word meaning is. I think the idea of having a funkier glossary [list/definition of the word] in the book is a great idea- so good I'm doing a PhD on it!! There’s not too much writing on each page and so this bulks up the size of the book which gives it a substantial feeling. It feels like a “proper book.” The cartoon text effects on the font make the reading more interesting- I think more of this is needed in other books. I would say that confident readers in yrs.3 and 4 would like these books the most, but it would also make good independent reading material for older children who are learning Welsh. This book brings the first part of the Miss Prydderch adventure to a tidy and satisfactory end, but leaves the door open for more adventures. We now have books 4, 5 and 6 to enjoy! Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2017

  • Yr Uncorn a'r pw pob lliw - Emma Adams (addas. Gwynne Williams)

    *Scroll down for English and comments* Llyfr lliwgar, hudol am uncorn ryfeddol! Colorful book with magic and a remarkable unicorn! Genre: ffuglen, hud a lledrith, fiction, magic Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◎◎◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfrarniad/verdict: ★★★☆☆ Dwi’n cofio pan oeddwn i yn yr ysgol yn y 90’au – yo-yo’s oedd y ‘craze’ gynta i mi ei brofi, wedyn Pogz, Mini skateboards, Pokemon Cards, Powerpodz, Beyblades a.y.y.b. Mae ‘na wastad ‘crazes’ newydd mewn ysgolion – a tydyn nhw byth yn para’n hir iawn. Yn ddiweddar, roedd y plant i gyd yn dod i’r ysgol gyda ‘sleim’. Roedd nifer o’r genethod wrth eu boddau gyda uncyrn ac yn enwedig y ‘sleim’ amryliw sy’n gysylltiedig â’r uncorn – sef y pw, wrth gwrs! Fel nifer o bethau, dwi’n meddwl mai o America ddechreuodd yr obsesiwn gyda uncyrn ac mae Dref Wen wedi gwneud penderfyniad doeth o addasu llyfr i’r Gymraeg i fodloni’r galw am bethau uncorn-aidd. Ar y cyfan, dwi’n meddwl mai genethod yw’r target audience ar gyfer y llyfr, ond does dim byd yn bod gyda bechgyn sy’n hoffi uncyrn chwaith, a dwi wedi clywed am sawl bachgen ifanc (o dan 5) sydd wedi mwynhau’r llyfr. Mae’r tudalennau amryliw’n cynnwys lot o liwiau - yn enwedig pinc. Lleolir y stori yn Llanllon-ge-y-lli, sef lle hudol yn llawn cymeriadau difyr chwedlonol o bob math – dreigiau, gwrachod, coblynnod, tylwyth teg a mwy. Un diwrnod mae ymwelydd yn dod i’r ardal ac mae’r newyddion yn trefeillio’n sydyn. Uncorn hardd yw’r ymwelydd- sy’n digwydd gwneud pw yn y fan a’r lle! (efallai fod o’n nerfus!) I ddechrau, mae pawb mewn sioc ac yn heglu hi i ffwrdd yn reit handi, ond cyn hir daw pawb i sylweddoli fod y pw yn hudol gyda arogl bendigedig yn dod ohono! Yn wir, mae’r baw yn hudol ac yn llenwi pobman gyda lliw ac enfysau! Mae pawb yn mwynhau’r pw gymaint, mae nhw’n anghofio am yr uncorn druan- sy’n teimlo dipyn bach yn unig ac yn left-out. (fod nhw mond eisiau hi o gwmpas am y pw) Yn y pen draw, mae’r trigolion yn sylweddoli fod yr uncorn yn drist ac maent yn gwneud pethau’n ‘iawn’ drwy gal parti mawr - mae pawb yn ffrindiau erbyn diwedd y llyfr. A dyna ni’r stori. Mae’r lliwiau dros-ben-llestri fflwfflyd yn MYND i apelio at blant ifanc a dwi’n siŵr y bydd hwn yn ddewis poblogaidd mewn siopau a llyfrgelloedd. Mae’r tudalennau’n brysur ac mae digon o bethau i’w trafod ym mhob llun. Er nad oes fawr o stori a dweud y gwir, dwi’n falch fod yr awdur yn llwyddo i gynnwys o leiaf un neges reit bwysig am gyfeillgarwch– a hynny ar ffurf mydr ac odl. Byddai’n ddiddorol gofyn i ddarllenwr ifanc beth oedd eu dehongliad nhw o’r prif neges ar ôl darllen. Mae’n binc, yn llachar, yn ddoniol, yn gandi-fflosaidd ac yn gyffredinol dros ben llestri – ond credwch fi, mae o’n sicr o werthu! I remember when I was in school in the nineties – yo-yo’s were my first proper ‘craze.’ Then came Pogz, and these were promptly followed by mini skateboards, Pokemon Cards, PowerPodz, Beyblades etc. By their very nature, 'crazes' are short-lived and often will move on to the next ‘big thing’ in no time. Recently, whilst teaching, I noticed many of the children coming to school with slime of all kinds. Many of the girls loved unicorns and especially unicorn related slime- which would naturally be their poo! As with a number of these things, I think the unicorn fad has been imported from America and Dref Wen made the sensible decision to capitalize on this current trend with a Welsh adaptation of this book about unicorns, magic and rainbows. On the whole, I think the target audience for this book will be girls, but there's nothing wrong with boys who like unicorns and I 've heard of several young boys (under 5) who have really engaged with the book. It’s very multi-coloured and contains lots of sickly pink. Perfect. The story is located in Llanllon-ger-y-lli, a magical place full of mythological characters of all kinds – dragons, witches, fairies, etc. One day a mysterious visitor comes to the area and news travels fast. The visitor is none other than a beautiful unicorn- which happens to make a poop right there and then! (perhaps it all got a bit much and it got nervous!) To begin with, everyone is shocked, appalled and disgusted and they quickly vanish, but soon everyone comes to realize that the poop is indeed magical and very sweet smelling! In fact, it’s so good it fills everywhere with unending colour and rainbows! They all get a bit addicted to the good stuff and very soon, everyone is enjoying it so much; they forget about the poor unicorn- who starts feeling left out, rejected and used. Eventually, the residents realize that the unicorn is sad and they make things right by holding a large party. Basically, everyone is friends again by the end of the book. And there you go, the story. The over-the-top colours and its general fluffiness are GOING to appeal to young children and I'm sure this will be a popular choice in shops and libraries. The pages are busy with plenty of things to discuss on each one. Although there is little actual serious story going on, I am pleased that the author at least manages to include one important message about friendship – and doing so through rhyme. It would be interesting to ask a young reader what their interpretation of the main message was after reading. It's pink, bright, funny, candy-floss-ish and generally over-the-top but believe me, it's going to sell! Gwasg/publisher: Dref Wen Cyhoeddwyd/ released: 2019 Pris: £5.99

  • Supertaten - Sue Hendra a Paul Linnet (addas. Elin Meek)

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Y Da yn erbyn y drwg - Taten vs Y bysen! Good vs Evil - potato against the pea! Genre: ffuglen, doniol / fiction, humour Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆ Dwi wrth fy modd efo’r llyfr yma – Taten (potato) vs Y Bysen!! Mae’r ffordd y mae’r awdur yn rhoi ‘twist’ bywyd go iawn i’r syniad o arch-arwyr (superheroes) yn syniad gwych. Bydd plant ifanc yn deall y syniad o da vs drwg yn syth! Mae ‘na hanner ohonof i’n teimlo bechod dros y bysen druan, sy’n hollol demonized! Y stori’n syml – mae un o fwydydd y rhewgell wedi dianc o’r oerni ac wedi dechrau creu difrod o amgylch y siop! Mae’n rhaid i’r arwr, Supertaten geisio achub y dydd rhag direidi Y Bysen! Stori syml da yn erbyn y drwg gyda digon o hwyl i’w gael wrth i’r daten geisio rhoi stop ar yr helynt! Roedd y ffaith fod y bysen wedi dechrau ymladd yn ôl gyda stwnsiwr (sy’n beryg bywyd i daten, wrth gwrs) yn hileriys! Rhywbeth bach arall i’w nodi yw mai merch yw Supertaten a dwi’n meddwl fod hyn yn eithaf gwahanol. Mae hwn yn stori entertaining iawn, sy’n sicr yn mynd i fod o ddefnydd i athrawon. Byddai’n berffaith yn nosbarthiadau’r cyfnod sylfaen fel rhan o uned o waith ar fwyd a/neu bwyta’n iach. Rhai tasgau posib oddi ar top fy mhen: · Celf – creu arch arwr newydd llysieuol – pwyso llysiau go iawn efo paent. · Gwyddoniaeth – trafod yr ‘eatwell plate’ a’r 5-y-dydd! · Coginio – Creu bwydydd amrywiol iachus · Iaith – Creu dilyniant i’r stori (bwrdd stori) neu diweddglo newydd. Mae gwaith arlunio Paul Linnet yn hynod o lliwgar, gan ddefnyddio lliwiau sylfaenol ac ddim yn rhy annhebyg i gomig (sy’n gweddu’r thema o arwyr a dihirod i’r dim). Mae digon o gyfleoedd addysgu â all ddeillio o’r llyfr ond yn fwy na hyn, mae’n lyfr doniol y gall blant ifanc ei fwynhau fel ac y mae (hynny yw, ei ddarllen er pleser yn unig!) Mi fyddwn yn tybio y byddai gwen ar wyneb unrhyw oedolyn â fyddai’n ei ddarllen hefyd. Efallai fod yr addasiad wedi cael ei frysio mymryn a byddai mwy o fireinio wedi bod o fudd. Er enghraifft, mae 'na gamgymeriad gramadegol ar y dudalen gyntaf. Efallai fod fersiwn newydd 2019 wedi cywiro hyn... Fe fyddwch yn hapus i wybod fod na fwy o lyfrau yn y gyfres yma! Addas ar gyfer y cyfnod sylfaen isaf. (meithrin a derbyn) Gallwch gyfri ar y dudalen olaf sawl pysen sydd yna! Efallai fod Supertaten wedi achub y dydd a wedi gyrru’r bysen yn ôl i fyd y rhewgell am y tro, ond i mi, mae pys yn dal i fod yn ych-a fi! Rhowch i mi sweetcorn unrhyw ddiwrnod! I love this book – Taten (potato) vs The Frozen Pea!! Giving a real life ' twist ' to the age-old idea of superheroes is a great idea. Young children will understand the idea of good vs evil straight away! Half of me feels sorry for the poor pea – he’s been totally demonized! The story is simple – one of the frozen foods has escaped from the icy cold and has gone on a rampage around the shop causing all sorts of havoc and mischief! This is our bad guy – The Pea. Who’s trying to save the day? None other than Supertaten-(supertato), the ' goodie '! There’s plenty of fun to be had as our loveable plump superhero tries to put a stop to the trouble! The bit where the pea chases the potato with a masher is really funny (naturally, a masher would be a spud’s worse nightmare!) Just thought I’d also point out that our superhero, is in fact a she – this is a refreshing change. This is a very entertaining story, which is certainly going to be of use to teachers. It would be perfect in the foundation phase classes as part of a unit of work on food and/or healthy eating. Some possible tasks off top of my head: 1. Art – Creating a new veg based superhero – using real vegetable stamps with paint. 2. Science – Discuss the Eatwell plate and the 5-day! 3. Cooking – creating healthy, varied foods 4. Language – Create a follow-up to the story (storyboard) or an alternative ending. Paul Linnet's drawing work is remarkably colourful, using the primary colours to give an effect which is not too dissimilar to comics (which fits in with the whole theme of heroes and villains). There are plenty of teaching opportunities that can be derived from the book but more than this, it is just a straight-up funny book that young children can enjoy as it is. I reckon there will be a smile on the face of any adult who ends up reading it too! You’ll be happy to know that there are more books in this series! Suitable for the early years foundation phase. (Nursery and Reception) You can even count on the last page how many little peas are hiding! Supertaten may have saved the day and driven the Pea back to the freezer, but for me, peas are still gross!! Give me sweetcorn any day! Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2016, 2020 Gwasg/publisher: Dref Wen Pris: £5.99

  • O Ddawns i ddawns - Gareth F. Williams

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Nofel eironig, agos i’r asgwrn a brathog o ffraeth Ironic, witty and hard-hitting novel. ♥♥Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 1991 Award Winner♥♥ Genre: arddegau / teenage Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◎◎◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◉◎ O Ddawns i ddawns oedd nofel gyntaf y diweddar Gareth F. Williams - fy hoff awdur yn y Gymraeg. Erioed. Enillodd y nofel yma’r Wobr Tir na n-Og yn 1991 ac er bod nifer o flynyddoedd wedi mynd heibio, mae’r llyfr yn dal yn berthnasol ac yn werth ei ddarllen hyd heddiw. Dyweda Manon Steffan Ros, awdur profiadol, fod hwn yn un o’i hoff nofelau gan ei bod hi’n gallu uniaethu efo’r cymeriadau a'i bod hi’n ei ail-ddarllen o leiaf unwaith bob blwyddyn! Wedi ei leoli ym Mhorthmadog, mae’r nofel yn cylchdroi o amgylch bywyd Gwenno, merch ysgol un ar bymtheg oed sy’n ffeindio ei hun mewn tipyn o benbleth ar ôl noson allan feddwol yn y dafarn leol. Mae ei chyfrinach yn rhywbeth a fydd yn sicr o newid ei bywyd am byth. Mae Gwenno yn feichiog ond tydi hi heb ddweud wrth neb eto. Dim wrth Mici, tad y babi, Arwel, ei chyn-gariad, na’i rhieni chwaith. Pan rydym ni’n cwrdd â hi gyntaf mae hi’n dioddef yn dawel gyda’r holl bwysau ar ei hysgwyddau. Wrth i’r nofel fynd yn ei flaen, mae Gwenno’n cyfaddef wrth ei rhieni ac mae ei thad yn lloerig. Yn dilyn ymweliad at feddyg teuluol, mae Gwenno’n penderfynu ar gael erthyliad. Er mai penderfyniad Gwenno ydi hyn ar ddiwedd y dydd, dwi’n teimlo fod y meddyg wedi ei harwain braidd at y penderfyniad yma. Dwi’n dallt pam y byddai’n argymell erthylu, gan fod derbyn babi i’r byd nad oes neb ei eisiau yn gwneud dim daioni i neb. Mae hyn yn sicr yn codi cwestiwn moesegol cymhleth sy’n berthnasol heddiw. Dwi’n cael y teimlad fod 'na gywilydd mawr o gwmpas sefyllfa Gwenno a bod 'na dipyn o agwedd “What will people think?” o amgylch yr holl beth. Fyddai Gwenno yn cael mwy o gymorth petai hyn yn digwydd heddiw? Dwi’n siŵr fod y stigma cymdeithasol yn bodoli hyd heddiw, yn enwedig ar iard yr ysgol. Mae hi’n braf darllen nofel sy’n creu cymeriadau real – mae eu hymatebion yn gredadwy iawn, o ystyried y cyfnod ysgrifennwyd y nofel. Tydi tad Gwenno, Ieuan, yn methu delio â’r newyddion ac mae hyn yn rhoi straen ar ei berthynas gyda’i ferch a’i wraig. Mae’r llyfr yn canolbwyntio ar y dosbarth gweithiol Cymraeg – pobl arferol – sy’n beth prin mewn llyfrau Cymraeg. Mae llyfrau Cymraeg yn dueddol o fod mor ddosbarth canol! Er mai Gareth F. yw fy hoff awdur Gymraeg, wnes i ddim mwynhau’r nofel yma cymaint â’i waith eraill. Dwi’n meddwl byddai’r nofel yma’n apelio fwy at ferched yn eu harddegau nac oedd o i mi. Nid fi, wedi’r cwbl, oedd y gynulleidfa darged! Oes, mae sawl rhan o’r stori wedi dyddio erbyn hyn, ond nid yw hyn yn gwneud y neges yn llai perthnasol na phwysig. A dweud y gwir, dwi’n eithaf mwynhau darllen nofelau ‘chydig yn hŷn achos dwi’n licio’r cult references. Dwi jest a mynd i wrando ar Bruce Springsteen a gwylio’r ffilm Ghost eto fy hun! Mae’r llyfr yn dal ar gael o wefan Y Lolfa am bris rhesymol o £3.96 ac yn eich llyfrgelloedd lleol. O Ddawns i ddawns was the first novel of the late Gareth F. Williams – my favourite Welsh author. Ever. This novel won him the Tir na n-Og Award in 1991 and although a number of years have passed, the book is still relevant and worth reading to this day. Manon Steffan Ros, an experienced author, said that this was one of her favourite novels when growing up as the characters are relatable and she rereads it at least once every year! Set in Porthmadog, the novel focuses on the life of Gwenno, a sixteen-year-old school girl who finds herself in a bit of bother after a drunken night at the local pub. The result is something that will undoubtedly change her life forever. Gwenno is pregnant but she hasn't told anybody yet. She hasn’t told Mici, the baby's father, Arwel, her ex-boyfriend, or even her parents! When we first meet her she is suffering in silence with the burden on her shoulders, and hers alone. As the novel progresses, Gwenno finally reveals the news to her parents and her father is not impressed. Following a visit to a family doctor, Gwenno decides to have an abortion. Although it’s Gwenno's decision at the end of the day, I feel that the doctor has led her somewhat to this decision. I understand why he would recommend abortion, given Gwenno’s circumstances. Admitting a baby into the world that nobody wants does no one any good. This certainly raises complex ethical and moral questions that are relevant today. I get the feeling that there’s great deal of shame around Gwenno’s situation and I sense a lot of “what will people think?" Would Gwenno receive better support if this happened today? I'm sure the social stigma of teenage pregnancy still exists to this day, especially in the schoolyard. It's nice to read a novel that creates real characters – their responses are very plausible, given the time the novel was written. Gwenno's father, Ieuan, cannot deal with the news and has trouble discussing ‘feelings.’ This puts a strain on his relationship with his daughter and his wife. The book focuses on the working-class people of Wales – ordinary people – which is a rare thing in Welsh books. They tend to lean towards the middle class! Although Gareth F. is my favourite Welsh author, I didn't enjoy this novel as much and his other work. I think this novel would appeal more to teenage girls than it did to me. I was not, after all, the target audience! Yes, many parts of the story are now outdated, but this does not make the core message less relevant or important. In fact, I quite enjoy reading older novels because I like the the cult/retro references. Having read it, I’m almost tempted myself to go and listen to Bruce Springsteen and watch Ghost again! The book is still available from Y Lolfa’s website at a reasonable price of £3.96 and at your local libraries. Cyhoeddwyd/released: 1990 Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa

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