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Cyfrinach Betsan Morgan - Gwenno Hywyn

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

*Scroll down for English*

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎

Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎

Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎

Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎

Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎

Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎

Gwaith celf/illustrations: Jac Jones


Wrthi’n sortio’r silff lyfra Cymraeg yn y dosbarth oeddwn i, pan ddes i ar draws un o glasuron Cyfres Corryn doeddwn i heb weld ers pan o’n i yn yr ysgol fy hun - Cyfrinach Betsan Morgan gan Gwenno Hywyn. Mae’n gywilydd gen i ddeud fy mod i wedi cysidro ei daflu am amrantiad, ond mi ddes i at fy nghoed reit handi, ac mi gafodd o aros, a diolch byth am hynny.

Efallai fod y clawr braidd yn hen ffasiwn, ond mae’r stori lawn cystal heddiw ag oedd hi ym 1986! A dweud y gwir, yr unig beth sy’n dyddio’r llyfr ydi’r mullets sydd gan yr oedolion (a ma heina’n due am comeback meddan nhw!)

Dyma stori ddirgel gyda dipyn o dwist ffantasiol dda iawn gan y diweddar Gwenno Hywyn, ac er y dywedir ei fod ar gyfer yr arddegau, dwi’n meddwl ei fod o’n champion i’r grŵp oedran 9-11. Yn y stori, dydi Betsan ddim yn edrych ymlaen at fynd ar drip preswyl i Blas yr Hydd. Mae ei ffrind gorau, Lowri, wedi jibio, sy’n golygu fod rhaid iddi fynd ar ei phen ei hun i ganol llwyth o blant dieithr. OMB alla i ddim dychmygu dim byd gwaeth!

Yn fuan ar ôl iddi gyrraedd Plas yr Hydd, mae pethau go ryfedd yn dechrau digwydd, ac mae fel petai Betsan yn gallu teithio’n ôl drwy amser, neu weld ôl-fflachiau o’r gorffennol. Sut mae hyn i gyd yn cysylltu â’r gadwyn arbennig gafodd hi gan ei Mam? Beth yw arwyddocâd y llythrennau E.W. arni? A tybed fydd Betsan yn gallu datrys dirgelwch trysor coll Plas yr Hydd? Bydd rhaid i chi fynd i chwilio am gopi o’r llyfr i gael gwybod y gyfrinach.

Mi ges innau brofiad o deithio’n ôl trwy amser wrth ddarllen y llyfr. Roedd y stori’n fy atgoffa o fynd ar drip ysgol i Glan Llyn - y cyffro mawr ar noson y disgo, y genod yn glamio a’r bechgyn yn dangos eu hunain gyda’u moves ar y dancefloor.

Dyma stori sy’n symud ar garlam, ac mae’r dirgelwch yn cynnal ein diddordeb drwy'r nofel. Roedd yr elfennau ffantasi yn cryfhau’r stori ac yn ychwanegu elfen o antur. Mae’r iaith a ddefnyddir yn hawdd i’w darllen ac yn grêt os am fwynhau stori heb orfod poeni am eiriau anodd. Mae'n amlwg fod yr awdur yn feistr ar sgwennu stori sy’n cydio heb or-gymhlethu’r plot.

we hey! Mae Syr wedi bachu Miss yn y disco!

Fel trysor coll Plas yr Hydd, mae’n chwith gen i feddwl am gopïau o’r llyfr yma’n cuddio mewn hen gypyrddau, a neb yn cofio amdanyn nhw. Ewch da chi i chwilota am gopi! Yn anffodus, mae’r nofel wedi bod allan o brint ers blynyddoedd, ond gyda’r prinder presennol o lyfrau da ar gyfer yr oedran 7-11, tybed a fyddai modd iddi gael ei hail-gyhoeddi?


It was just by pure chance that I spotted this book whilst I was sorting out the Welsh bookshelf in the classroom one evening. This classic, which was part of the Cyfres Corryn book series was one I had not laid eyes on since I was at school myself - Cyfrinach Betsan Morgan by the late Gwenno Hywyn. I'm ashamed to come that for a split second, I almost got rid of it, but thankfully, I came to my senses and kept hold of it.

The cover might be a tad plain and old-fashioned by today’s standards, but the story inside is just as good today as it was in 1986! In fact, the only thing that dates the book at all really is the mullets that the adults have on them (and even they’re due a comeback any day now!)

This is a bit of a mystery story with some fantasy twists thrown in for good measure. Although the novel is listed on some websites as a teens book, it’s definitely ok for the 9-11 age group. Betsan really isn’t looking forward to going on a residential trip to Plas yr Hydd. Her best friend, Lowri, has bailed on her, which means that she’s the only one going from her school, and she’ll have to spend the time with loads of new people she’s never met. Personally, I can’t think of anything worse!

Shortly after she arrives at Plas yr Hydd, strange things begin to happen, and it’s as if Betsan can travel back through time, or at the very least starts to see flashbacks from a bygone era. How does it all link to the special necklace she just got from her Mother? What is the significance of the initials E.W? Will Betsan be able to solve the mystery of Plas yr Hydd's lost treasure? You’ll have to try and find a copy if you’re ever going to know her secret!

To be fair, I did a bit of time travel myself whilst reading, as it took me back to those halcyon days going to Glan Llyn on school trips. I remember there was always a big buzz when it came to the night of the disco- the girls glamming up, and the lads trying to impress with their best efforts on the dancefloor… Good memories.

Sir obviously got lucky in the disco!

This is a fast-moving story, and the mystery sustains our interest throughout. The fantasy element strengthened the story and added a bit of adventure and gave us a satisfying conclusion. This is a relatively short novel with language that is easy to read - perfect if you want to enjoy a story without having to worry about difficult words. It’s clear that the author is a master of crafting a catchy story without resorting to over-complicated plotlines.

Similar to the lost treasure of Plas yr Hydd, I hate to think of old copies of this book stuck in cupboards in schools across Wales, with no one to enjoy them. Go on, go and have a look to see if there’s a copy lurking on your bookshelf. Unfortunately, the novel has been out of print for years, but with a current shortage of juicy books for the 7-11 age group, I reckon now’s a good time for this one to be re-published so it can be enjoyed by another generation…


Gwasg/publisher: Gomer

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 1986, 1993


*os ydych yn awyddus i ddarllen y llyfr - holwch eich llyfrgell leol

If you're keen to read it - enquire in your local library, they may have a copy


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Feb 03, 2021

I blant sydd erioed wedi byw mewn byd heb ffonau symudol a'r rhyngrwyd, tybed sut brofiad ydi darllen nofel o'r 80au? Heddiw mae'n bosib datrys y rhan fwyaf o ddirgelwch gyda chlic ar Google. Mae hanes pawb a phopeth ar gael, ble bynnag wyt ti yn y byd. Dwi'n cofio tyfy fyny mewn byd llawn dirgelwch, yn meddwl pethau fel 'tybed os yw rhywun wedi mynd i waelod yr ogof yna? Oes yna for leidr go iawn wedi ei gladdu yn y mynwent? Pwy oedd yn byw yn yr hen adfail yn ganol nunlle? Ai cofeb yw hwnnw, neu garreg yn unig?' Heddiw does yna ddim dirgelwch - fedru di fynd ar dy ffôn a gweld mae memento mori a…

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