*Scroll down for English*

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◉
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎
Oed darllen/reading age: 7/8+
Oed diddordeb/interest age: 7-11+

Wel, os ’da chi ’di bod yn teimlo braidd yn fflat ar ôl y flwyddyn ddwytha o lockdowns, dwi’n meddwl mai hwn fydd jest y peth i chi! Ma’ nhw’n dweud mai ‘chwerthin yw’r moddion gora’ dydyn, a fedra i ddim cytuno mwy! Mae Ha Ha Cnec yn drysorfa o jôcs fydd yn codi calon unrhyw un ac fydd yn siŵr o lwyddo i roi gwên ar wyneb hyd yn oed yr unigolion mwyaf sarrug!
Mae’n rhaid i mi ddeud fy mod i’n licio jôc dda. Er hynny, dwi wastad wedi cael un problem fach – dwi jest methu deud jôc i achub fy mywyd. Am ryw reswm, dwi bob amser yn mynd to bits reit cyn y punchline! ’Da chi’n gwybod yr awkward moment ’na pan ’da chi’n deud jôc a does ’na NEB yn chwerthin a ’mond sŵn tumbleweed sydd i’w glywed – wel ma’ hynny’n digwydd i mi bob tro! Dwi wedi dod i’r canlyniad fod deud jôc wirioneddol dda yn SGIL!
Wrth i Ha Ha Cnec gael ei lansio ar ddiwrnod y llyfr, ella fod ’na obaith o’r diwedd i mi allu dysgu deud jôcs yn iawn, heb iddyn nhw swnio fel dad jokes sâl!

Dyma lyfr sy’n chock-a-block o jôcs a dwdls dwl, sydd wedi’u trefnu o dan lwyth o benawdau gwirion. Mi gewch chi lond trol o hwyl yn darllen ac yn rhannu’r jôcs yma gyda’ch ffrindiau! Beth am ddysgu ambell un neu ychwanegu rhai eich hunain (mae ’na ddigon o le handi yn y cefn)?
Pwy sy’n dweud nad ydi llyfra jôcs yn addysgiadol? Wel, mi gewch chi ddweud wrth eich athrawon rŵan eu bod nhw definitely yn dysgu pethau pwysig fel geirfa i chi! Dwi fy hun wedi dysgu gair newydd bendigedig o’r llyfr yma, sef cnec. ‘Rhech’ da ni Gogs yn ei ddeud, ond dwi’n eitha licio ‘cnecs’ a ‘chnecio!’ Dwi’n meddwl y gwna i ddal ati i ddefnyddio ‘rhech’ ar gyfer trwmpsan fawr wlyb, ond mae ‘cnec’ yn air perffaith ar gyfer y rhai bach slei!
Dwi’m yn meddwl y cewch chi lyfr jôcs gwell am £1 yn y byd i gyd yn grwn, felly ewch da chi i nôl eich copi, ac mi fyddwch chithau’n chwerthin un pen ac yn cnecio’r pen arall mewn dim!
O... ac un peth bach arall.... pwy ar y ddaear ydi JEFFREY GIBBINGTON?!?!?

If you’re feeling a bit flat after all these lockdowns, I think this’ll be just what you need! They do say don’t they that laughter is the best medicine and I couldn’t agree more! Ha Ha Cnec is a treasure trove of jokes that is sure to cheer up even the most miserable of individuals!
I have to say that I do like a good joke. But there’s always been one teeny tiny problem– I just can't seem to come up with or tell a good one to save my life. I just always seem to go to bits right before the punchline! Have you ever experienced that awkward moment when you crack a joke and absolutely NO ONE laughs? Those times when all you can hear is a tumbleweed drifting past… Well, that happens to me every time! I've come to the conclusion that telling a good joke is all about the delivery, and it’s a real skill.
Now that Ha Ha Cnec! has been published in time for this year’s World Book Day, maybe there’s a slim chance that I might finally be able to learn how to crack a joke, without it sounding like a really bad dad joke.

Over the pandemic, the nation has taken illustrator Huw Aaron into their hearts, as he kept everyone going with his #criwcelf online sessions, giving children some useful and entertaining advice and parents a much-needed break! Fortunately for us, he found time in the midst of all his other projects to put together this brilliant book!
This is a book that’s chock-a-block full of silly jokes and zany cartoons, organized under a load of even sillier headlines. You’ll have loads of fun reading and sharing these jokes with your friends! You could even learn a couple or add your own using the handy space at the back.
Who says that joke books aren’t educational? Well, you can go right ahead and tell your teachers that they definitely do teach you important things like vocabulary! For example, I’ve just learned a brand-new and wonderful word – ‘Cnec.’ (fart) We Gogs tend to say ‘rhech’ but I’m really quite taken with this new one. I’ll probably carry on using ‘rhech’ to describe a loud, wet one, but 'cnec' is perfect for those sly ones that just pop out without warning!
I honestly don’t think you'll get a better collection of jokes for a £1 in the whole wide world, so go on, grab your own copy, and you'll be laughing from one end and ‘cnec-ing’ from the other in no time!
Oh, and one more thing, who on earth is JEFFREY GIBBINGTON?!?!?
Cyhoeddwr/publisher: BROGA
Cyhoeddwyd/released: Diwrnod y Llyfr 2021
Pris: OMB £1 !!!!!
ISBN: 9781914303005
Os fethoch chi nhw, ewch i gael sbec ar y sesiynau #CriwCelf gan Huw
If you missed them, go and take a look at the #CriwCelf sessions by Huw.
ar sianel YouTube Huw Aaron