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Hufen Afiach Dai - Meilyr Siôn

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Llyfr y Mis i Blant: Awst 2021 ♥

♥ Children's Book of the Month, August 2021 ♥

Oed darllen/reading age: 8+

Oed diddordeb/interest age: 7+

Ail llyfr y gyfres Hufen Afiach.

Sequel to the 2019 novel, Hufen Afiach.


ADOLYGIAD gan Magw Jên Dafydd, 11 oed

Wel dyma gyfrol sy’n codi gwên, a chodi hwyliau – llyfr sy’n bell o fod yn boring! Stori sydd yma sy’n dilyn helyntion y cawr Dai Bola Bach a’i wraig, Blodwen Bling, sy’n rhedeg canolfan awyr agored i blant o’r enw Gwersyll Hyll Glan Llan.

Dyma nofel lawn llysnafedd a llanast wneith eich cadw chi’n llon am amser hir. Nid darlleniad i’r gwangalon yw hon!

Wna i ddim datgelu gormod i chi am y cynnwys, ond alla i ddim peidio â sôn am yr holl enwau doniol wnaeth wneud i mi wenu: Tina Tŷ Bach, Llŷr Llwch Pen, Dewi Dagrau, Miss Sian Pŵ, Mr Dan Dryff, a llawer mwy. Mae’n gwneud i mi feddwl y dylen i fy hunan fathu enwau bach difyr i’r bobl sydd o fy nghwmpas, achos dwi’n hoffi tynnu coes!

O ran y sgwrsio a’r naratif, mae yna amrywiaeth da yma gyda phopeth yn llifo’n naturiol. Un o’r disgrifiadau sydd wedi aros yn fy nghof yw’r un am Blodwen Bling, y “...wraig fach gron wedi’i gorchuddio o’i phen i’w sawdl mewn gemau disglair. Edrychai fel pelen oddi ar goeden Nadolig.”

Roedd hynny yn ei hun yn ddoniol, ond roedd gweld llun ohoni ar y dudalen nesaf yn ychwanegiad hwyliog, wnaeth wneud i mi rolio chwerthin, rhaid cyfaddef!

Mae’r lluniau gan Huw Aaron yn ychwanegu’n wych at y llyfr, ac yn fy atgoffa bron o steil llyfrau Roald Dahl – y sblashys du a gwyn nawr ac yn y man sy’n rhoi blas ar y cymeriadau, heb darfu ar rediad y stori.

Prynwch a darllenwch. Wnewch chi ddim difaru. Mwynhewch!

Bant â fi nawr i fathu enwau o’r newydd i fy nheulu a fy ffrindiau ... ond wna i'ch gadael chi gyda fy mathiad o enwau awdur ac arlunydd y nofel hon. ‘Meilyr Mynd Dan Gro’n’, am ei fod wedi llwyddo i gyflwyno cymeriadau byw, a ‘Huw Ar-wrol’, am ddarlunio’n, wel, arwrol, wrth gwrs.

Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.


REVIEW by Magw Jên Dafydd, 11 years old

Now then, here’s a book that raises a smile – a book that’s far from boring! The story follows the misadventures of the giant, Dai Bola Bach and his wife, Blodwen Bling, who run an outdoor education centre for children called Gwersyll Hyll Glan Llan.

This novel is full of slime and mess that will certainly cheer you up and keep you smiling for a long time. This isn’t a novel for the faint-hearted!

I won’t reveal too much about the content, but I can’t go without mentioning all the silly names that made me giggle: Tina Tŷ Bach, Llŷr Llwch Pen, Dewi Dagrau, Miss Sian Pŵ, Mr Dan Dryff, and many more. It makes me think I should think of some funny little nicknames for those around me, ‘cause I like to have a joke.

In terms of the dialogue and the narrative, there’s a good variety with everything flowing quite naturally. One of the descriptions that stayed in my mind was that of Blodwen Bling:

“... y wraig fach gron wedi’i gorchuddio o’i phen i’w sawdl mewn gemau disglair. Edrychai fel pelen oddi ar goeden Nadolig.”

That in itself was funny, but seeing her picture on the next page was even better – a humorous addition that had me in stiches I must admit!

The illustrations by Huw Aaron add a lot to this book, and they do remind me of the style of the Roald Dahl books – the splashes of black and white here and there, that give us a little bit more about the characters, without cutting across the story too much.

Buy it. Read it. Enjoy – you won’t regret it!

Right, I’m off now to think of some silly nicknames for my family and friends...

A review from, with the permission of the Books Council of Wales.


Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Atebol

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2021

Pris: £6.99

ISBN: 9781913245405


Oeddech chi'n gwybod?

Mae'r llyfr cyntaf yn y gyfres, Hufen Afiach, hefyd ar gael...

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The first book of the series, Hufen Afiach, is also available...


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