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Hwyaden Bluog - Llinos Dafydd (addas.)

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Llyfr pyped bys hwyliog!

Fun, fluffy finger puppet book!

Gwasg/publisher: Rily

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Originally published by: Igloo Books Ltd

Pris: £4.99

ISBN: 978-1-84967-452-2


Dyma lyfr llawn hwyl i fabanod ifanc iawn. Mae’n llyfr rhyngweithiol gan fod yna byped bys ciwt a fflwfflyd sy’n mynd drwy dwll ym mhob tudalen.

Stori syml am hwyaden ifanc yn cwrdd â nifer o anifeiliaid eraill drwy hwylio’r afon gyda Mami Hwyaden. Yn y diwedd, mae’r cywion bach eraill yn deor ac mae ganddo frodyr a chwiorydd!

Llyfr bach lliwgar sy’n helpu i ymgyfarwyddo plant ifanc iawn gyda llyfrau. Edrychwch allan am deitlau eraill yn y gyfres Pitw Bach.

Nid yw hwn yn llyfr dwyieithog, ond mae fersiwn Saesneg ar gael.

Mae’n dweud addas i oedran 2+, ond byddai’n addas i rai iau.


Hwyaden Bluog = Fluffy Duck. Here’s a fun little book for very young toddlers. It’s quite interactive and stimulating as it contains a fluffy finger puppet that goes through a hole in each page.

A simple story about a young duckling who meets several other animals as he travels the river with his Mother. Eventually, the other eggs hatch and he gets brothers and sisters!

A small, colourful little book that helps to get young children used to seeing and handling books. The hard cardboard pages will withstand some chewing! Look out for other titles in the ‘Pitw Bach’ series.

This book is not bilingual, although an English version is available.

It says it’s appropriate for age 2+ but I think it would be ok for younger children.

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