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Mari Wyn - Sara Ashton

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

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Cynulleidfa/audience: 11+

Barn/verdict: 4.5/5 (Yn colli hanner seren am gymaint o dristwch, trallod a cholled.)


Adolygiad gan Arthur Jones

Bl.9 – Ysgol Brynhyfryd

Roedd yn rhaid i mi ddilyn yn llythrennol y cyngor i beidio â barnu llyfr wrth ei glawr pan awgrymodd fy athro y dylwn ddarllen y llyfr hwn. Wedi’r cyfan, yn fachgen 12 oed, doedd enw merch fel teitl a llun merch oddi tani ddim wir wedi apelio. Rwyf mor falch y dilynais y cyngor. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn wych.


Mae’r stori wedi’i gosod yn 2029 ac yn dilyn hanes merch ifanc o’r enw Mari, o Ysbyty Ifan sy’n symud i Blaenau gyda’i mam. Yno, mae hi’n mynd i fyw gyda’i modryb Nest, ei chefnder Osian a’i Daid. O’r cychwyn cyntaf, mae’n glir bod rhywbeth o’i le. Dim ond ‘un orsaf radio swyddogol oedd yna bellach’, a dim llawer o geir. Mae’r ysgolion wedi cau, a gorfodir pawb i gael gwared ar eu setiau teledu. Mae newid yn yr hinsawdd bellach wedi cael gafael, ac mae afiechydon fel malaria wedi ymddangos, a Blaenau yn llawn ffoaduriaid o Landudno, Bae Colwyn a Rhyl yn ceisio dianc rhag y llifogydd am dir uwch. Mae bwyd yn brin. Mae pobl yn ddibynnol am becynnau bwyd o’r eglwys bob dydd Sul. Ond i dderbyn pecyn, rhaid cymryd rhan yn ‘Saints and Sinners’. Dyma seremoni lle mae 3 o bobl o’r dref yn cael eu llusgo o flaen y gynulleidfa am eu ‘pechodau’ ac mae’n rhaid i’r gynulleidfa bleidleisio ar ba un y dylid ei chosbi. Ni welir y rhai a ddewisir byth eto.

Fodd bynnag, nid yw’n sefyllfa enbyd i bawb. Mae yna bobl yn elwa o’r holl ddioddefaint a thrallod hwn. Ond pwy ydyn nhw? Pam maen nhw’n gwneud hyn? A beth sy’n digwydd i’r ‘pechaduriaid’ sy’n diflannu bob dydd Sul? Er mwyn ei theulu, rhaid i Mari beidio â cholli gobaith. Rhaid iddi ymladd yn ôl, ond a fydd hynny’n ddigon i’w hachub, ac i achub Blaenau?


Mari yw’r prif gymeriad. Mae hi’n gryf, yn ddewr, ac yn ddyfeisgar. Mae hi’n treulio llawer o amser gyda’i chefnder Osian sydd ag anghenion arbennig ac mae’n amlwg ei bod hi’n garedig iawn ac yn amyneddgar ac yn amddiffynnol drosto. Bu Mari yn caru ei thaid fwy nag unrhyw beth arall yn y byd. Dywedai am ei hysgwyddau llydan,‘mi fedrat ti gario holl feichiau’r byd ar y sgwydda ‘na’. Byddai hyn yn cael ei brofi. Mari yw fy hoff gymeriad - mae hi’n cymryd cyfrifoldeb am y sefyllfa, a bob amser rywsut, yn dod o hyd i obaith.

Fel pob stori antur cŵl, mae yna ‘badis’. Maen nhw’n gasgliad ffiaidd o bobl greulon a threisgar.

Fy marn

Mae Mari Wyn yn rhoi golwg ysgytwol i ni o ddyfodol posibl. Os ydych chi’n mwynhau dirgelwch, antur a ‘da yn erbyn drwg’, dyma’r stori i chi. Mae’n rhoi cip i ni ar sut y gall effaith newid yn yr hinsawdd effeithio ar ein bywydau gan wneud i chi feddwl. Mae wedi’i leoli yng Ngogledd Cymru, o le dwi’n dod, sydd hefyd yn rhoi cynefindra a realiti iddo. Mae yna neges bositif sy’n ymddangos yn arbennig o berthnasol yn ystod ein pandemig - ‘ Paid byth ag anobeithio! O’r holl rymoedd sydd yn gwneud gwell byd, does na’r un mor anhepgorol, yr un mor rymus â gobaith’.

Unig wendid y stori yw’r tristwch a’r golled ddi-ildio sy’n gwehyddu trwy’r stori o’r dechrau i’r diwedd. Efallai ei fod yn rhy ddigalon ar brydiau.

Ar y cyfan, mae’n stori afaelgar ac yn bendant yn un i’w darllen ar y cyfle cyntaf.


Mae hon yn stori sy’n addas ar gyfer 11 oed a hŷn. O ganlyniad i’r cynnwys tywyll, trist, y trais ac ofn, ac ambell i regi, ni fyddai’n addas ar gyfer plant iau. Mae dewrder Mari yn ysbrydoledig i ferched a bechgyn ac felly dwi’n meddwl y byddai merched a bechgyn yn ei fwynhau.


4 seren a hanner allan o 5.

Yn colli hanner seren am gymaint o dristwch, trallod a cholled.

I had to follow, quite literally, the advice not to judge a book by its cover when my teacher suggested I read this book. After all, as a 12-year-old boy, a girl's name as a title with a girl's picture underneath didn't really appeal, I’ll be honest. I’m so pleased that I followed the advice because I can confirm, this book is great.


The story is set in 2029 and follows the story of a young girl called Mari, from Ysbyty Ifan who moves to Blaenau with her mother. There, she goes to live with her aunt Nest, her cousin Osian and his Taid. From the outset, it’s clear that something is wrong. There was now only one official radio station remaining and not many cars. The schools have closed, and everyone is forced to get rid of their televisions. Climate change has now taken hold, and diseases such as malaria have appeared, and Blaenau is full of refugees from Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and Rhyl, trying to escape the floods by moving to higher ground. Food is scarce. People are dependent on packed lunches from the church every Sunday. But to receive a package, one must participate in 'Saints and Sinners'. This is a ceremony where 3 people from the town are dragged in front of the audience for their 'sins' and the audience must vote on which one should be punished. Those chosen will never be seen again…

However, the situation isn’t so dire for everyone. There are people who benefit from all this suffering and distress. But who are they? Why are they doing this? And what happens to the 'sinners' who disappear every Sunday? For the sake of her family, Mari must not lose hope. She must fight back, but will that be enough to save them, and to save Blaenau?


Mari is the main character. She is strong, courageous, and resourceful. She spends a lot of time with her cousin Osian who has special needs and she’s obviously very kind, patient and protective of him. Mari loved her father more than anything else in the world. She once remarked that he could carry the world’s weight on his shoulders – something that would indeed be tested. Mari is my favourite character - she takes responsibility for the situation, and always somehow, finds hope.

Like all cool adventure stories, there are 'baddies'. They are a disgusting collection of cruel and violent people.

My opinion

Mari Wyn gives us a harrowing view of a possible future. If you enjoy mystery, adventure and 'good versus bad', this is the story for you. It gives us a snapshot of how the impact of climate change could affect our lives and it makes you think. It’s based in North Wales, where I come from, which also gives it familiarity and reality. There’s a positive message that seems particularly relevant during our pandemic - ‘Paid byth ag anobeithio! O’r holl rymoedd sydd yn gwneud gwell byd, does na’r un mor anhepgorol, yr un mor rymus â gobaith.’ [Never despair! Of all the forces that make a better world, there is not one as indispensable, or as powerful as hope'.]

The story’s only weakness is the unrelenting sadness and loss that permeates through the story from start to finish. Perhaps it is too depressing at times.

On the whole, it’s a gripping story and definitely one to read at the earliest opportunity.


This is a story suitable for ages 11 and over. As a result of the dark, sad content, the violence, fear and occasional swearing, it would not be suitable for younger children. Mari's courage is inspiring for girls and boys alike therefore I think both would enjoy it.


4 and a half stars out of 5.

(Losing half a star for so much sadness, distress and loss.)


Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa

Cyfres: Y Dderwen

Cyhoeddwyd/published: 2010

Pris: £5.95

ISBN: 9781847712141


Cyfres y Dderwen novels, provide challenging reading for the late teens, and are also suitable for adults. Available as a box set.

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