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Project Poli - Gwenno Mair Davies

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

*Scroll down for English*


Gwasg/publisher: CAA

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2018

Pris: £4.99

Cyfres/series: Halibalŵ

Categori/category: #doniol #funny

Oed/age: 7-11 (haen uwch/upper KS2)


Sawl seren? ★★★★★

Crynodeb o'r cynnwys

Dyma stori am hogan fach ddireidus o'r enw Poli sydd ddim yn rhy hoff o athrawon ... Mae Mr Llwyd yn rhy ddiflas, Mrs Alaw Erin Tomos yn canu gormod, Mr Smith Sbectol Sgwâr yn rhy hoff o dechnoleg ac mae Mrs Blodwen Bleddyn yn cau plant yn y storfa (meddan nhw!). Dros y gwyliau haf mae Poli'n cael gwaith cartref i greu project am ei hoff a chas bethau . . . Beth fydd hi'n ddewis sôn amdano fo?

Fy hoff ran

Fy hoff ran ydy pan mae cyfrinach Mrs Alaw Erin Tomos yn cael ei datgelu! Ddim canu mae hi'n hoff i go iawn ond hi ydy Ninja Nain! Yn ei amser rhydd mae hi'n gwneud karate a'i henw hi wrth gwffio ydy ‘Ninja Nain’. Mae hyn yn ddoniol oherwydd mae hi'n edrych mor hen ffasiwn ac yn cwffio hefo dyn mawr cryf!


Poli - Wel mae hi'n ddireidus ac yn fentrus. Mae hi'n troi'n dditectif i ysbio ar yr


Mr Llwyd: Dyn diflas, medda Poli, ond dipyn o gymeriad go iawn ... dipyn o glown!

Mrs Blodwen Bleddyn - Dynes gas medda Poli ... ond fyddai anifeiliaid ddim yn cytuno!

I bwy fyddet ti'n argymell y llyfr? Pam?

I unrhyw un sy'n hoffi storïau digri hefo dipyn bach o dro yn y gynffon ...tydy athrawon i gyd ddim beth ydach chi'n feddwl - WIR! Dydy hwn ddim i athrawon, cofiwch!!


Disgrifiad Gwales

Dydy Poli ddim yn hapus o gwbl fod ganddi waith cartref i'w wneud dros wyliau'r haf. Ond ar ôl treulio wythnos gyntaf y gwyliau yn chwarae gêm dditectif ar y cyfrifiadur, mae hi'n cael syniad penigamp.

Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:

Gwybodaeth Bellach:

Teitl ei phroject fyddai 'Mae'n gas gen i athrawon', ac er mwyn iddo fod mor ddiddorol â phosibl, byddai'n rhaid iddi wneud ychydig o waith ditectif ac ysbïo ar ei chas athrawon dros y gwyliau.

* Nofel ddoniol gan un o awduron plant poblogaidd Cymru. * Gellir ei darllen yn annibynnol er mwynhad, neu ei defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth gyda dysgwyr Cyfnod Allweddol 2; * Un o blith cyfres o chwe nofel i ddarllenwyr CA2 – tair ar haen sylfaenol/canolig a thair ar haen uwch i ddysgwyr MATh (mwy abl a thalentog). Mae'r nofel hon ar haen uwch/MATh. * Bydd pecyn gweithgareddau i gyd-fynd â'r nofelau ar Hwb – pecyn a fydd yn fuddiol wrth baratoi at y profion cenedlaethol.

Dyma daflen cystadlu Anna a ddaeth yn 1af

Summary of contents

This is a story about a mischievous little girl called Poli who is not too fond of teachers. Mr Llwyd is too boring, Mrs Alaw Erin Tomos sings too much, Mr Smith Sbectol Sgwâr is too fond of technology and Mrs Blodwen Bleddyn locks children in the store cupboard (or so they say!). Over the summer holidays Poli gets homework to create a project about her likes and dislikes . . . What will she choose to talk about I wonder...?

My favourite part

My favourite part is when Mrs Alaw Erin Tomos's secret is revealed! She doesn't really like singing but she is Ninja Nain! In her free time she does karate and her name when fighting is 'Ninja Nain'. This is funny because she looks so old-fashioned and fights with a big strong man!


Poli - Well she is mischievous and creative. She turns into a detective in order to spy on the teachers.

Mr Llwyd: A miserable man, says Poli, but a bit of a character ... a bit of a clown!

Mrs Blodwen Bleddyn - A nasty woman says Poli ... but animals would not agree!

Who would you recommend the book to? Why?

For anyone who loves funny stories with a bit of a twist in it's tale. Teachers are not what you expect. Honestly - this is not for them!


Gwales description

When a teacher announces that Poli's class are being given homework over the summer holidays - preparing a project on either their favourite or worst thing in the world - Poli ISN'T happy, to say the least.

The following has been provided by the Publisher:

Further Information:

After spending the first week of the holidays playing a detective game on her computer, she gets a brilliant idea and realizes that this homework could be a lot more fun than she had imagined.

*A humorous novel by a popular Welsh children's author. * Can be read independently for enjoyment or used in the classroom with Key Stage 2 learners; * One of a series of six novels for KS2 readers - three on foundation/intermediate level and three on high level for MAT (more able and talented) learners. This novel is suitable for higher/MAT level. * An activities pack to complement the novels will be available on Hwb - a pack that will be helpful in preparing for national tests.



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