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Tedi-bêr y Sêr - Dawn Coulter-Cruttenden (addas. Non Tudur)

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

*Scroll down for English*

Bachgen yn hiraethu am ei ffrind gorau.

Story about a boy who's missing his best friend.

Based on a true story.

Genre: llyfr lluniau, #iechyd #lles / Picture book, #health #wellbeing

Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉

Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◎◎◎◎

Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎

Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎

Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎

Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎

Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆


Dyma'r Jack go iawn yn hapus gyda'r llyfr wedi ei gyhoeddi!

Here's the real Jack - really happy with the published book!

Tedi-bêr y Sêr is the Welsh adaptation of Bear Shapes (Oxford University Press)


Wel, roedd rhaid i mi frwydro i gadw’r dagrau’n ôl wrth ddarllen Tedi Bêr y Sêr. Dyma lyfr cyntaf yr awdur/arlunydd Dawn Coulter-Cruttenden, sydd wedi cael ei addasu’n llwyddiannus iawn i’r Gymraeg gan Non Tudur.

Oeddech chi’n gwybod fod y llyfr yma’n seiliedig ar stori hollol wir? Yn gymharol ddiweddar fe gollodd bachgen ifanc awtistig ei ffrind gorau’n y byd – ei dedi bêr. Roedd y bachgen bach mor ddigalon ar ôl colli ei gyfaill, fe aeth ei Dad ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i rannu’r stori, ac roedd yr ymateb cyhoeddus yn syfrdanol i ddweud y lleiaf. Anfonodd llawer iawn o bobl anrhegion a negeseuon calonogol i’r bachgen oedd mewn gymaint o boen. Mae’n ffantastig meddwl fod pobl yn gallu bod mor hael a charedig gyda’i gilydd pan fo’r angen.

Darllenwch erthygl papur newydd am y stori go iawn yma cyn parhau â’r adolygiad:

Roedd Jac yn gwneud pob dim gyda’i ffrind gorau, y tedi bêr. Mae’r tedi yn fwy na thegan meddal - mae’n gyfaill triw ac yn help enfawr wrth i Jac fynd allan i wynebu’r byd mawr dryslyd. Er enghraifft, pan yn swil, mae Jac yn siarad drwy’r tedi. Un diwrnod, ar ôl bod yn y parc, mae’r gwaethaf yn digwydd – mae tedi’n mynd ar goll. Llwydda’r awdur i gyfleu trasiedi’r digwyddiad a’r effaith fawr a gafodd hyn ar y bachgen. Gallwn weld ei fod mewn poen a’i fod yn dioddef ar ôl y golled. Dwi’n teimlo’n swp sâl ar ôl colli unrhyw eiddo – hyd yn oed eitem fach – felly i Jac, mae colli ffrind yn teimlo fel diwedd y byd.

Yn y llyfr, yn hytrach na defnyddio’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, mae Jac yn creu posteri, ac er na ddaw’r tedi i’r golwg, mae llawer o bobl ddieithr o bob cwr o’r byd yn anfon tedi bêrs newydd iddo yn ogystal â nodiadau caredig. Mae’n gwneud i rywun deimlo mor hapus a balch fod pobl yn gallu bod mor glên gyda’i gilydd.

Er fod gan Jac dwll ‘siâp tedi’ mawr yn ei galon, gydag amser mae pethau’n dechrau gwella. Wrth i bethau wella, dechreua deimlo dros bobl eraill sy’n dioddef. O ganlyniad, mae’n penderfynu rhannu’r holl dedi bêrs mae o wedi’u derbyn gyda phlant eraill llai ffodus. Dyma neges bwysig, sef y gall helpu eraill wneud i ni deimlo’n well hefyd.

Mae’r ddwy dudalen olaf yn llawn emosiwn – cymysgedd o dristwch a hapusrwydd wrth i Jac barhau â’i fywyd gan gofio’r amseroedd da gyda tedi, ond gan ddod i dderbyn na fydd yno gydag ef eto – dim ond yn ei atgofion ac yn ei galon.

Dyma lyfr stori a llun sy’n gweithio ar sawl lefel. Bydd y plant lleiaf yn gallu uniaethu â’r teimladau sydd ynghlwm â cholli hoff degan fel tedi, ond hefyd, gweithreda’r llyfr fel trosiad am ddelio â cholled neu brofedigaeth.

Y prif neges a geir yn y llyfr yw bod amseroedd trist a chaled yn dod yn dilyn colled agos, ond y bydd pethau’n siŵr o wella yn y pen draw gydag amser. Rydym yn gorfod derbyn nad yw bob tro’n bosib cael rhywbeth neu rywun yn ôl, ond byddwn yn trysori’r amseroedd da am byth.

Dyma stori annwyl, hardd ac emosiynol sy’n sbardun ar gyfer trafod profedigaeth neu golled gyda phlant ifanc mewn ffordd sensitif a dealladwy. Gall hefyd gynnig cyfle i drafod awtistiaeth, er mai subtle iawn yw’r cyfeiriadau at y cyflwr.


Well, I won’t lie - I had to fight to hold back the tears back whilst reading Tedi-bêr y Sêr. This is the first book by author/illustrator Dawn Coulter-Cruttenden, that has been very successfully adapted into Welsh by Non Tudur.

Did you know that this book is based on a true story? Relatively recently, a young autistic boy lost his best friend in the whole world – his teddy. The little boy was so distraught after losing his buddy, that his Dad went on social media to share the story, and the public response was astounding to say the least. Loads of total strangers rallied round to send the boy lots of new teddies and heart-warming messages of support. It’s fantastic to think that people can be so generous and kind to each other in times of need.

If you like, read the newspaper article about the story before you continue with the review:

Jac did absolutely everything with his best friend, who was much more than just a soft-toy. Tedi is a loyal companion who helps Jac face our mad, chaotic world. For example, when he’s feeling shy or nervous, Jac feels more comfortable speaking through Tedi. One day, after a visit to the park, the unimaginable happens – teddy goes missing. The author manages to convey the tragedy of the event and the great impact it has on the boy. We can clearly see his pain and distress following the loss. I tend to feel sick to my stomach when I lose any of my belongings – even a small item – so when Tedi disappears, it feels like the end of the world to Jac.

In the book, instead of using social media, Jac creates posters, and although teddy never comes to light, he instead receives gifts and messages from strangers all over the world. You can’t help but feel touched by people’s kindness and generosity.

Although Jac still has a large 'teddy-shaped' hole in his heart, with time, things begin to improve. Jac starts to feel for other people who are less fortunate or are suffering in some way or another. As a result, he decides to share all the gifts he received with them. This is an important message, that helping others can also make us feel better.

The last two pages are heart wrenching and emotional– a mixture of sadness and happiness as Jac goes on with his life - remembering the good times he had with Teddy, but also accepting that teddy will no longer be there– only in his memory. So, in one way, he will always be with him.

This is a story picture book that works on many levels. The smallest children will be able to identify with the feelings associated with losing a favourite toy like teddy, but the book also acts as a metaphor for dealing with loss or bereavement.

One of the main messages contained in the book is that sad and hard times inevitably come following a close loss, but things will get better in time. We have to accept that it’s not always possible to get something or someone back, but we can always cherish the good times.

We have here a beautifully illustrated and heart-warming book – the perfect instigator for a discussion about grief and loss. The book raises these issues in a sensitive and understandable manner. It can also serve as an opportunity to discuss autism, although the references to it are quite subtle.


Gwasg/publisher: Rily

Rhyddhawyd/released: 2019

Pris: £6.99


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