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Llyfr arall 'dwdl-tastig' yn y gyfres Twm Clwyd!
Another 'doodle-tastic' Twm Clwyd installment!

Gwasg/publisher: Rily Publications Ltd
Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019
Addasiad: Gwenno Hughes
Pris: £6.99
ISBN: 9781849670906
Lefel her/challenge level: ❖ ❖
Hwn yw’r seithfed llyfr yn y gyfres! Mae hi’n wythnos weithgareddau yn yr ysgol, a gan fod yr ysgol hefyd yn cael arolwg, mae 'na bob math o wersi fyddai byth yn cael eu dysgu fel arfer; pethau fel coginio pitsas a gwneud ffilm. Mae staff yr ysgol ar bigau’r drain yn disgwyl i weld pa helynt bydd Twm yn achosi!

Mae ei rieni yn penderfynu ei fod angen llai o amser o flaen y teledu a threulio mwy o amser gyda’i Dad, sydd wedi gwirioni wrth wneud barcud. Mae’n llawer gwell gan Twm fod yn gwneud ei ddwdls, chware miwsig gyda’i fand a bwyta mwy o waffers caramel! Tybed geith o ei ffordd ei hun?
Pan ddaeth y llyfrau yma allan yn wreiddiol, roedden nhw’n gwbl wahanol i beth oedd ar gael. Y peth agosaf atyn nhw yw’r gyfres Dyddiadur Dripsyn. Dim rhyfedd fod Liz Pichon wedi gwneud ffortiwn - mae’r llyfrau wedi bod yn hynod o boblogaidd ac wedi ennill nifer o wobrau! Rydych yn adnabod llyfrau Twm Clwyd yn syth, gyda’r llyfrau trwchus, y cloriau lliwgar fflachiog, a’r dwdls prysur ar bob tudalen. Wir i chi, mae 'na ddwdls ym mhobman!

Does 'na fawr o stori yn mynd ymlaen yma, ac mae hynny o stori sydd yno dipyn bach ym mhobman. Mae’n reit hawdd anghofio’r llyfr ar ôl ei ddarllen; hynny ydi, tydi o ddim yn creu effaith mawr. Dwi’m yn meddwl mai fi (oedolyn hen!) yw’r person gorau i adolygu’r gyfres yma, ac mae’n bur annhebyg y byddai’n darllen mwy o Twm Clwyd.

Fodd bynnag, er mod i’n gweld y llyfrau’n hollol boncyrs, dwi’n gwybod o brofiad fel athro dosbarth, pa mor boblogaidd yw’r llyfrau yma mewn gwirionedd gyda phlant o 7 oed ymlaen. Mae’r hiwmor yn sicr o apelio at fechgyn, (ond gennod hefyd!) ac mae’r prysurdeb a’r dwdls di-ri yn cadw diddordeb y darllenwr. Yn sicr, mae unrhyw un sy’n laru ar baragraffau o ‘sgwennu yn mynd i hoffi steil y llyfr yma. Dio’m yn teimlo fel bod 'na lawer o waith darllen ar bob tudalen. Dim yn lyfr a fyddai’n cael ei astudio fel nofel ddosbarth debyg, ond siwr o fod mewn llawer o fagiau darllen ar draws Cymru!
Dwi’n argymell y llyfr yma i blant sy’n newydd i ddarllen yn Gymraeg. Byddai’n addas i blant Cymraeg iaith Gyntaf o 7+, ond yn dda ar gyfer Bl.5 a 6 os ydy’r darllenwr yn llai hyderus yn y Gymraeg. Mae’n bosib y gwnaiff rai plant ffeindio’r llyfrau yma’n rhy blentynnaidd. Blas personol dwi’n meddwl.
This is the seventh book in the hugely popular Tom Gates series! It’s activity week in school, and because the inspectors are in too, there are all sorts of lessons that would never normally be taught; things like cooking pizzas and making films. The staff are on tenterhook to see what mischief and havoc Twm will cause!
His parents also decide that he needs less time in front of the television and force him to spend more time with his Dad, who is thoroughly enjoying making a kite. Twm would much rather be left alone with his doodles, or playing music with his band and eating caramel wafers! I wonder, will he get his own way?

When these books came out originally, they were completely different from what was available. The closest thing to them in my opinion is the Dyddiadur Dripsyn series (Diary of a Wimpy Kid). No wonder Liz Pichon has made a fortune – the books have been hugely popular and have won many awards! They are instantly recognizable with the garish and overloaded front covers and doodles galore on the inside. I’m not kidding, there are doodles everywhere!
There is little actual story going on here, and what we do get is all over the place. I found that it didn’t leave a lasting impression on me, and it’s quite forgetful. Perhaps more so than the others in this series. I’ve come to the conclusion that I, (an old and past-it adult!) am not the best person to review this series, and it's quite unlikely that I’ll be reading another!

Despite these not being my kind of books (well, I’m not the target audience, am I?) I know from experience as a teacher, how popular these books really are. Although they’re bonkers, children aged 7+ absolutely love them and totally dig the humour. The jokes are sure to appeal to boys, (but also girls!) and the countless doodles keep the reader's interest. Anyone who hates pages upon pages of boring text will love the style of these books. It never feels like there’s much reading work on any page.
I would certainly recommend this book to children who are new to reading in Welsh because of the informal and uncomplicated style. It would be suitable for Welsh first language children of 7+, but suitable for older upper KS2 (yrs.5 & 6) if the readers were less confident in Welsh or learning. Some children may simply find these books to be too childish. Down to personal preference, I think.
Other books in the series:
