*Scroll down for English*
Gwthio, tynnu, troi - mae digon i'w weld a'i wneud!
Push, pull, turn - there's plenty to see and do!

♥ Dyma un o'n hoff gyfresi!
♥ This series is a Sôn am Lyfra favourite!
Lluniau/illustrations: Mel Matthews
Oed diddordeb/interest age: 1-3

Mae digonedd i’w wneud yng nghyfres ddwyieithog ‘Prysur’ ac mae’r llyfrau’n cynnig cyfleoedd da i wneud y darllen yn brofiad mwy rhyngweithiol. Mae babanod yn dysgu drwy ailadrodd yr un symudiadau ac fel rheol maen nhw’n mwynhau tynnu, gwthio a throi gwahanol bethau, sy’n dod ag elfen o hwyl i’r darllen. Dw i’n credu ei bod hi’n bwysig magu cariad at lyfrau yn gynnar, a dwi’n meddwl fod y gyfres yma’n apelgar iawn gan fod pob llyfr yn rhoi rhywbeth penodol i’r darllenwyr ifanc ei wneud yn ogystal â’r gwaith darllen.
Dyma lyfrau cardfwrdd lliwgar sy’n edrych yn ffres ac yn fodern. Bydd y tudalennau trwchus a’r darnau symudol cadarn yn gallu ymdopi â chael eu defnyddio dro ar ôl tro gan ddwylo bychan.
Mae’r themâu sydd dan sylw yn y llyfrau i gyd yn bethau sy’n gyfarwydd i blant ifanc ac mae llawer o’r lleoliadau a thestunau yn debygol o fod yn rhan o’u byd a’u profiadau. Bydd eu chwilfrydedd yn sicr o gael ei danio wrth iddyn nhw ddarllen a darganfod mwy am y byd o’u cwmpas a sut mae hwnnw’n gweithio.
Tyfu Prysur
Dwi’n cofio mynd allan i helpu taid i arddio pan oeddwn i’n hogyn bach, a dwi’n ddiolchgar iawn iddo fo am y profiadau cynnar hynny wnaeth fagu cariad ynof tuag at fyd natur a’r awyr agored. Does dim yn well gen i rŵan na mynd i botsian yn yr ardd neu’r allotment. Fe allwch chithau gyflwyno rhyfeddodau byd natur i’ch plant gyda’r llyfr deniadol hwn.

Fe gawn nhw ddysgu am yr hadau mân sy’n troi’n blanhigion mawr cryf, deall sut i ofalu am y blodau a’u cadw’n iach gan hefyd ddysgu sut mae’r hyn yr ydym ni’n eu tyfu yn ein cadw ni’n iach hefyd. Cymaint yw’r prysurdeb ar bob tudalen na fyddwch chi byth yn brin o bethau i’w trafod ac i sylwi arnynt.
Cofiwch chwilio am y wenynen fach sy’n cuddio ar un o’r tudalennau wrth ddarllen!

There’s plenty to do in the bilingual 'Prysur' [busy] series and each book offers good opportunities to make reading a more interactive experience. Babies and toddlers learn by repeating the same movements and usually enjoy pulling, pushing and turning different moving parts which brings an element of fun to the reading. I think it's important to build a love of books early on, and I think this series helps do that quite well as it gives readers something specific to do as well as reading.
These are colourful board books that look fresh and modern. The thick pages will easily cope with being put through their paces by little hands.
The themes featured in the books are all familiar to young children and many of the settings and topics are part of their immediate world and experiences. Their curiosity will be satisfied as they read and discover more about the world around them and how that works.
Tyfu Prysur
I remember going out to help Taid in the garden when I was a little boy, and I'm very grateful to him for those early experiences that fostered in me a love of nature and the outdoors. Even now, I like nothing better than pottering around in the garden or the allotment. And now, with this book you can introduce your little ones to the wonders of nature and watching things grow.

They’ll learn about teeny tiny seeds that transform into big, strong plants; understand how to water and care for flowers and learn how the things we grow keep us healthy too. There’s so much to see and talk about on every page with valuable opportunities to introduce vocabulary.
Remember to keep an eye out for that bumble bee hiding on one of the pages whilst you’re reading!